Benefits of professional company email for businesses

Digital communication systems have transformed the way businesses are handling their internal and external communication.

Email domains have created a paradigm shift in personal and professional communication networks. 

With a unique email id used by individuals over a distinct set of mail servers, the process of communication exchange between the users has become much faster and simpler

Dependency on email solutions has become so high, wherein research signifies that on average a person checks company email about 15 times per day.

Also, another study by the University of British Columbia has observed the stress levels of email users decreasing significantly when they are limited to three times access to emails per day.

Businesses, in this digital age, are reliant on premium email hosting more often for their communication, and it is paramount that the businesses focus on email domains effectively for better engagement with the parties.

One critical area for attention is the classification of a company email to personal email systems.

Are you still using personal email or generic email IDs for handling business communicationIf yes, check some of the benefits of using the company email addresses. 

Building Business Credibility

Company email Gmail

SMBs (Small and Medium Businesses) or large business corporations, one of the fundamental steps of digital identity is about creating a professional company email identity.

Unlike using the personal email id for business communication, when businesses irrespective of their size, when using the professional email address, it builds certain levels of business credibility among the stakeholders.

Professional Email Impact 

When the right kind of email domain is chosen for business communication, it helps the users in managing the correspondence to the stakeholders over more trusted sources.

It is proven statistics about how any communication from the company email is seen as more trusted, and any official information from personal email is seen as email spam.

Additional Features 

Choosing the premium email domain hosting for the company email offers a distinct range of additional benefits.

Some of the key benefits are increased storage space, more security, and privacy controls, adding integration to some external apps, guaranteed uptime services, etc.

Professional company email hosting offers several such features can help the organization improve its communication standards with internal and external stakeholders using a professional email address.

Internal ecosystem 

In personal email IDs, the scope for standardization of the email addresses is a major challenge.

Whereas, when the businesses use the company email solutions it helps them in creating a standard procedure for the creation of email ids and increases the scope for availability in a company email.

Company Email Spam Reduction 

Email Spam Alert

Email spam filters have become more prominent among the email servers, and when the organizations send email communication from a premium email address, the company email, it helps the servers, and the end users trust the source and mark them as safe emails.

Whereas when the emails are sent from company email, it is seen as a trusted source of professional email address.

Back-up and Privacy Protection 

One of the critical requirements of business continuity plans is back up and privacy protection.

Unlike the personal email services free from the email servers, in the case of company email services offered by premium email hosting solutions, the email archives, and backup solutions are sound.

Such services from premium email hosting can help the company save data from their professional email address easily.

Secured Access to Third Party Applications

Managing SMB’s communication over the professional email address can help the entities access the third-party applications more secured.

The scope of phishing attacks or breaches of user-ids has less scope with company email.

Thus, it can be more secure.

In an illustrative case, a personal email id could be shared by the users across the applications, websites, and other digital sources for user-id registration, etc.

If such websites are not secured and breached, the email ids are compromised.

Any such breach in the company email can lead to issues for organizational information.

Organizing the Communication 

Combining professional and personal communication within one email id can be a challenge for the users.

Organizing information from clients and segregating the information using proper labeling, and other such facets is a challenge in the case of combined emails.

Also, the email spam-related challenges in personal email could be high.

However, choosing the professional email address as a company email can help the users in segregating personal information and professional information appropriately.

Also, the scope for organizing the schedules using the company email by grouping the emails is a value proposition in premium email hosting.

Read Receipts 

Some of the email domain solutions offering company email offer the feature of reading receipts.

For SMBs targeting email communication for sales conversions, the read receipts can be very resourceful.

It helps the teams understand how many of the target markets have viewed the email communication and filter the sources for further follow-up.

In a regular personal email, such features are not prominent, and company emails offered this support by premium email hosting.

Work-Life Balance

Work life balance

Having a company email for professional communication can help businesses manage the work-life balance approach for the team in better ways.

As discussed above, repeated access to email increases stress levels in users.

Choosing a premium email hosting, the professional email address can have autoreply to set-up features, wherein the users are informed with standard communication during non-working hours.

Also, features like alert notifications for email communication from a specific set of users can be resourceful in company emails for better coordination.

Also, businesses preferring to have a classification of work time limitations will find company email systems a potential solution. 

Better Controls on the Emails

In the personal emails offered to the employees, businesses have a limited set of controls on the email ids and the communication from such email domains.

Whereas, in the company email solutions offered by premium email hosting solutions, the admin can have better control of the system, and regulate the usage of company email.

Some premium email hosting solutions offer the features to monitor the messages shared using the company email solutions and apply profanity detectors.

The other range of benefits of the company email option from professional email hosting solutions is reliability, scalability, the interoperability of the emails archive from one server to the other, economies of scale for operating a greater number of company emails for its employees and management over premium email hosting solution.


Hurry up, to make your company email from professional premium email hosting services company Exabytes Singapore for a premium email address.

With prices as low as SGD24.53/month, Exabytes Singapore offers the most affordable, cheap email hosting with premium features.

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