Email Spam Filtering

Email spam filter is used to separate phishing emails, spam emails, and other unsolicited emails which land in a mail inbox.

An email spam filter software is a tool used to block spam emails.

It is a process where emails are categorized based on a set of criteria to identify genuine emails and leave out any phishing email or spam email and other unwanted spam in the junk folder of your email.

Spam filters use algorithms to define filter rules for incoming mail and segregate them as non-spam and spam.

Most enterprises acquire an anti-spam email gateway to protect incoming emails, there is a need to look at anti-spam solutions which also help you with outbound mail.

Email communications sent from a business entity being marked as a phishing email or spam email is unhealthy for a good reputation to be built.

Most spam filters block spam emails by recognizing suspicious word patterns or word frequency, spam URLs and malicious attachments.

Incorporating an email spam filter not only helps to protect against cyber-attacks, it also prevents an email address from being filled up with unproductive junk mail.

What are Inbound Spam Filters?

An inbound spam filter is applied on an email gateway to safeguard from phishing email, spam email etc and quarantine them before they reach a user.

Technically speaking, an email spam filtering service is configured on a mail server as a gatekeeper to scan every incoming email to filter out malicious messages.

Whenever someone asks a question how to block emails or what to do when you get spam emails – the answer to it is an anti spam solution with email spam filtering service.

What are Outbound Spam Filters?

An outbound spam filter is configured on an email server to filter all mails sent from an email account.

It is necessary to ensure any email which goes out as a business email is not classified as phishing mail or spam mail by other recipients.

An email account, an email domain along with the email server would be in danger of being identified and marked as a spammer if their content is flagged as malicious attachment or suspicious email.

There are reputation management systems on the internet which track email accounts and their email activities – be it personal or business email or a professional email address.

These systems block IP addresses that send too much spam and blacklist them.

What are the Types of Email Spam Filters?

A content filter checks the body of an email to see if the content within those, are a spam or genuine.

These filters work on an outgoing mail’s body and look for words, phrases, hyperlinks etc and then categories as a phishing email, spam email or explicit in nature.

Header Filters

Header filters analyze an email account header to determine if they originated from a legitimate source.

This includes IP addresses recognized as often used by spammers and data indicating that an email was part of multiple emails sent at once to preselected recipients.

Language Filters

Language filters – Spammers send mails in different languages. Many a times, mails are sent in languages which differ from the recipient’s native language.

A good email spam filtering service will have language filters which block such messages.

Rule-based Filters

Rule-based filters enable users to establish specific rules and apply them to all incoming emails.

Whenever content matches one of the rules, it automatically forwards the email to a spam folder.

All anti spam solutions would offer rule based filtering to categories emails and protect an inbox. They block spam emails very effectively.

Filter rules can be specific words or phrases in the message or header.

This type of filter is often popular with users who receive unwanted emails associated with memberships because rule-based filters can also target particular senders.

Why is Email Spam Filtering Important?

Spam filters are not a 100% accurate solution. However, an email account without spam filters can be highly vulnerable, if not unusable.

It is essential to block spam emails in order to protect your business email from many possible risks like viruses, phishing attacks, compromised web links and other malicious content.

How to block emails is a question which can be answered with an email spam filtering service.

Spam filters also prevent the servers from being overloaded with non-essential emails including phishing mail, or getting infected with malware and viruses. that may turn them into spam servers themselves.

Why Do We Need Email Spam Filter?

There’s also a cost implication to not having an effective email spam filtering mechanism.

These costs include wasted email capacity, human time spent in dealing with unsolicited mail, server and bandwidth usage etc.

At Exabytes Singapore, we looked at some scenarios and came up with a Spam Cost Calculator.

How do Email Spam Filters Work?

‘Email filtering’ is at the core of the process. It works on the mail exchange records (MX) of a domain.

This acts as a gateway solution which works as soon as the MX record of a domain is re-directed to the spam filter.

An email spam filter service segregates phishing email, spam email and other unsolicited emails.

This identification takes place with help of an algorithm that’s created by ingesting inputs from multiple trusted sources to create a logic behind the classification of incoming emails.

The modern economy is mostly about ecommerce and online business. Email communication is at the core of all such enterprises.

Having a professional email address with a business email service is a fundamental requirement for online and traditional businesses.

Signing up for an effective email spam filter service, effective anti-spam solutions and having an anti-spam gateway is an important investment to keep business email communications safe and maintain a clean and high reputation.

Exabytes SpamExperts is a reliable and effective tool to block spam emails, keep outgoing emails clean and safe.

With a 24x7x365 support team who provide on-demand tech assistance, a friendly sales team who understand your needs to suggest an appropriate solution and a great customer service team to provide after-sales support – Exabytes Singapore is preferred and trusted within the business community of Singapore.

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