Exabytes (SG)

1) WordPress Pro Version is Now Available!

Great news! We’ve launched WordPress Pro Version in addition to our existing WordPress packages.

WordPress Pro Version comes with a FREE .COM Domain, additional SSD storage and value-added features such as Smart Update, Speed Kit and Backup to Cloud.

Learn more at Exabytes WordPress Hosting

2) We’ve Stopped Accepting Payments Made via Cheque.

In an effort to comply with the COVID-19 Circuit Breaker measures and protect our customers and employees against coronavirus (COVID-19), we’ve stopped accepting payments made via cheque with effect from 31 March 2020 till further notice.

We thank you in advance for your kind understanding.

Please rest assured that we’re still accepting payments through PayPal and Online Banking.

3) Our tech support team is still reachable 24×7!

Due to the COVID-19 Circuit Breaker measures in Singapore, all our employees are currently working from home to continue providing support to our loyal clients.

Although this may indirectly result in a slower than usual customer support response time, please rest assured that our tech support team is still reachable 24×7!

We thank you in advance for your kind understanding.

4) Exabytes (SG) has taken the initiative to Assist and Support SMEs amid the COVID-19 outbreak

Exabytes (SG) has taken the initiative to Assist and Support SMEs to shift their business from offline to online, build brand awareness online and practice team collaboration while everyone is not in the office.

Contact us today for more information.