Criteria to ook when choosing a good VPS provider

A virtual private server (VPS) is a type of hosting service that operates in a virtual space.

Even if numerous customers share the same VPS server, VPS hosting comes with dedicated server resources for each virtual partition.

VPS hosting is preferable to other shared hosting solutions due to its improved performance, security, and overall VPS hosting experience.

Additionally, VPS hosting is still best managed VPS hosting than a dedicated hosting service.

Exabytes provides virtual private server plans as low as S$6.3/month with 40 GB NVMe storage – much more than any shared hosting plan.

How to Choose the Best VPS Provider?

VPS Server Provider

Finding the best VPS service provider might be difficult because there are so many of them available.

Here we highlight 8 points to consider while looking for the finest VPS hosting provider to assist you.

1# Virtual Server Performance

A virtual private server or a VPS server’s speed is not to be confused with page speed.  A VPS server’s speed refers to the time it takes for a virtual server to react to processing requests.

This shows the level of service you may anticipate from a VPS service provider.

A website’s search rankings are heavily influenced by speed.

A website may be optimized to enhance page load speed, but a web server cannot be. That is entirely up to the VPS host.

Customers prefer a virtual server which has the highest possible uptime.

Any downtime in a server implies that a website is inaccessible, which can cost you money and provide a negative user experience.

As a result, always seek for best managed VPS hosting with an uptime guarantee of 99.9% or higher.

2# VPS Pricing

Why is VPS so expensive? It is because a VPS provides good speed and memory capacity to any website hosted.

Overall, compared to the quality of service provided, a VPS prices are more affordable than shared hosting.

Most virtual servers cost more than shared hosting plans.

However, one should focus less on the cost of the VPS web hosting and more on the cost-benefit analysis.

Choosing the cheapest VPS hosting choice may not always be the best option.

If a virtual private server is available at an extremely low price, it may be at the cost of reduced quality of service, uptime and overall reliability of the virtual servers.

3# Security Measures for VPS

Although VPS hosting is inherently more secure than shared hosting, there are still differences across virtual server providers.

This is specifically on the kind of virtual server hosting plans offered along with the security measures which come with a VPS.

When selecting a VPS web host, one of the most important considerations is security.

A secure VPS may assist in safeguarding personal data, prevent viruses, and boost site reliability.

Some VPS hosting services include a free SSL certificate, which is an important security feature for a VPS.

Related topic: What is SSL?

Along with a SSL, it would be good to look for VPS hosting plans that have the following security features:

  • Antivirus and firewall defense
  • Multiple methods of authentication
  • Updates are made automatically.

4# VPS hosting – managed and unmanaged.

It is best to choose managed VPS hosting if one has minimal technical expertise of managing hosting plans, especially a virtual server.

An unmanaged virtual server should be looked at as an option only by those who have professional technical support expertise and previous experience of system administration.

5# Scalability

A flexible VPS i.e. a virtual private server which is scalable, enables one to add more resources, such as storage, bandwidth, and other features, to match resource needs at various times.

Having this scalability option eliminates the need to switch VPS hosting plans.

Before purchasing a VPS plan, it is always good to enquire with a hosting company about upgrade options and the procedure.

Updating or upgrading resources on a VPS is pretty simple and not time consuming.

A professional and competent hosting provider should be able to upgrade / downgrade resources on a VPS in a few minutes.

6# The Control Panel

There are several control panels which can be integrated with a virtual private server or a virtual server, the most common of which is cPanel.

The cPanel control panel It is simple to use and is offered by many VPS hosting companies. Other control panel options include Webmin, Direct Admin, Plesk etc.

One should choose an easy-to-use control panel with a VPS.

A simple control panel interface makes it easy for virtual private server users to install CMS like WordPress, utilize custom scripts, add plugins, and so forth.

7# Operating System for VPS

Some of the best VPS servers or virtual private server setups offer a wide variety of operating system to choose from.

Be it a Windows based VPS or Linux based VPS there is a plethora of choices as far as OS versions are concerned.

It should be noted that not all VPS hosting companies provide a windows based VPS  since they can only employ Microsoft frameworks such as ASP.NET.

The most commonly purchased virtual private server is a Linux based VPS, which provide greater flexibility and support smore frameworks, programming languages, and databases.

If you want to use a Linux based VPS, you need to select a plan that is compatible with the  desired distribution.

One may select from a variety of Linux based VPS popular solutions such as CentOS, Ubuntu, and many others.

8# Customer Feedback on VPS

Looking at customer VPS reviews can help you understand the provider’s reputation and service quality, allowing you to make a more informed selection.

Customer reviews may also assist in determining which VPS hosting plans are worthwhile to purchase and which are not, because of reviews, you might get to know Linux based VPS is best or windows based VPS is best.


It is essential to select the best VPS hosting service since it may save you time, money, and resources.

To ensure great hosting, website owners must choose a stable, trusted partner like Exabytes.

A trusted VPS provider can provide a server that is compatible with your current systems and will help you make sure everything goes smoothly.

Get reliable, high-performance server hosting with Exabytes Singapore today! Migrate your website now.

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