Windows VPS Hosting with Plesk

Windows VPS hosting with Plesk is a great option for enterprises that need more control, security and performance.

Plesk is an open source software that enables admins to manage the entire server with ease. It also has the ability to install multiple websites and applications on a single server.

In additional, Plesk is an easy-to-use web hosting platform for Windows which provides enterprise-grade features such as security, control, scalability and performance.

So, why you need Windows VPS hosting for your website?

Windows VPS hosting is a good option for those who need a reliable and stable solution for their websites. It also provides good security features, which are essential for any online business.

In this article, you’ll learn why you should choose Windows VPS hosting with Plesk, how to choose the server, and how to add a website to your Windows VPS step-by-step.

Why Should Prefer Windows VPS Hosting

  • High compatibility with Plesk control panel
  • Supports .Net framework
  • Get a wide range of self-help articles, quick reference guides, tutorials, and customer service options when most required.
  • A VPS windows setup enables websites to use a variety of installs on its system, from Windows 2003 to Windows 2012 and other options, based on the technical requirements of the website.
  • A windows VPS hosting is fully compatible with other Microsoft products including office 365 which makes it easy to integrate all services and products.
  • Any host VPS windows setup is highly scalable which makes it easy to upgrade or downgrade based on business needs.
  • Microsoft products have developed for years with similar tabs, icons, terms, and window arrangements. A VPS windows make it easy for tech specialists who have an experience in Windows OS to work with it.
  • Windows VPS hosting offers more flexible and variable options for web administrators with its ability to customize for the business market. It knows what businesses want or need to accomplish.

While there are a lot of webhosting providers, one of the best Windows VPS hosting Singapore setup is offered by Exabytes.

With plans as low as S$25.00 per month, customers can choose from one of the widest VPS windows hosting and options.

With features like KVM VPS Hosting, a high performance processor, SSD Drive storage and anytime upgrade –  Exabytes Singapore VPS windows is a reliable and cheap windows VPS Asia option.

7 Tips to Choose the Best Windows VPS Hosting Server

There are some things that you need to consider when choosing the right Windows VPS hosting service for your needs.

You need to make sure that the service provider offers features such as SSD disk storage, 24/7 support, and easy installation options.

  1. Check the Cost
  2. Managed VPS vs Unmanaged VPS
  3. Customer Support Services
  4. Assess User Interface and Server Performance
  5. Opt For Expandable Memory to Accommodate Growth
  6. Performance & Stable Environment
  7. Plesk Control Panel with VPS Windows

Check the Cost

The cost of a VPS windows hosting server is an important element to be looked at when deciding on the purchase of VPS windows server. The factors which determine the price of a VPS windows servers are:

  • Quality of storage hardware and infrastructure
  • Maintenance routine for the VPS
  • Customer service and technical support

Managed Windows VPS hosting server with 24×7 customer support access tends to be more expensive than the unmanaged ones.

It is recommended to evaluate the quality, the technical support needed and provided than decide on basis of the price.

Managed VPS vs Unmanaged VPS

Most virtual private servers advertised by windows hosting servers come as either managed or unmanaged.

Managed VPS hosting server is a server with basic security and complex management needs which are done by the hosting company’s assigned experts.

This allows the website owners to not worry about the general maintenance as it’ll be well taken care of by the hosting server. 

Going for unmanaged Windows VPS hosting server would mean that there is no external 24x7x365 support available. All maintenance work and technical remediation has to be taken up by the customer.  

It is ideal to go for managed VPS Windows server as it comes with guaranteed round the clock technical support who take care of all server issues, security updates and other works required to keep the server up to date.

Customer Support Services

Getting adequate customer support from a VPS Windows provider is essential to handle any downtime or technical glitches. Most leading providers offer 24x7x365 support to its clients.

Exabytes, one of the best cheap Windows VPS in Asia have a strong team of technical experts who provide the necessary support 24x7x365 to all its clients. 

It is also recommended that a Windows VPS hosting server has an online chat option to contact them to ensure a faster response.

Assess User Interface and Server Performance

One of the most important things to research is the quality of the hosting server’s hardware for the performance.

A host VPS windows provider must have branded and new hardware on which a VPS windows setup is created. 

Any VPS server plans provider has to ensure the underlying infrastructure is stable and reliable.

Opt For Expandable Memory to Accommodate Growth

This is an additional tip to look into when choosing a VPS Windows.

It is ideal to consider going with a VPS window that is expandable in terms of storage space, to avoid undergoing an activity of acquiring a VPS upon outgrowing the present memory you have access to. This can be quite stressful and time-consuming. 

Performance & Stable Environment

A Virtual Dedicated Server or VPS windows hosting comes with dedicated hosting resources like a physical server— no one will be sharing those resources.

Moreover, SSD drive based VPS windows enable a smooth and pleasant user experience for visitors on a website.

Plesk Control Panel with VPS Windows

Like cPanel works best with Linux, a Plesk control panel is the easiest and best control panel to work with on a VPS windows or any VPS server plans with a windows OS.

Plesk control panel comes with several administrative and operational plugins which makes it simple to use a VPS Windows setup.

How to Add a Website to Your Windows VPS

Upon choosing to install IIS on VPS windows, one may want to configure the website for IIS.

Purchase Plesk License

The clients can optionally purchase a Plesk license to manage the server and configure website

Step 1: Go to Start → Administrative Tools → Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Step 2: One needs to expand the sites and select the website to access via IP address in the Connections pane of IIS

Step 3: Click on bindings on the right side to view binding setting for the website

Step 4: Click the Add button to add a new binding.

Step 5: Select IP of the website, keep website type as HTTP and specify a port number (if IIS is configured on a port other than default port 80) to which you want to bind the new website. Keep Hostname as blank, click OK, and then Close.

After completing these steps, a domain name would have been setup in the IIS. The next step is to install on the Windows VPS Server.

Connect with us at Exabytes Singapore, the best Windows VPS in Asia to set up your website using a VPS windows setup.

Host VPS Windows

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