how to login to WordPress Dashboard

WordPress, the platform behind approximately 43.2% of all websites globally, is the preferred choice for website creation due to its user-friendly dashboard.

This WordPress dashboard, accessible to developers, designers, and beginners alike, provides easy access to vital website management tools and settings.

Logging in via the Domain Dashboard in the Exabytes Client Area

To access your WordPress admin dashboard via the Exabytes Client Area, follow these steps:

Login WordPress from Exabytes client area

  1. Visit the Exabytes Client Area website and log in with your Exabytes account credentials.
  2. Navigate to the “Services” tab and select the “My Services” subtab from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select the hosting service for which you want to log into WordPress.
  4. On the service page, click the “Manage Product” button.
  5. Scroll down and click the “Manage My Hosting” button.
  6. Find the “WordPress” tab and click it.
  7. Click the “Log In” button in the WordPress section.

You’ll be redirected to your specific WordPress admin dashboard. Note that the URL for the WordPress admin dashboard may vary for each hosting service, so refer to your hosting service’s documentation for the specific URL.

If you’ve forgotten your WordPress admin dashboard password, you can reset it from the Domain Dashboard. If you encounter any difficulties while logging into WordPress, don’t hesitate to contact Exabytes support for help.

Direct Link Login to WordPress Dashboard

You can access the WordPress dashboard directly using a login URL. This method requires the login credentials you set up during the WordPress installation. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open your web browser and go to the address bar.

Step 2: Enter one of the following URLs:


Step 3: The WordPress login page will appear.

Step 4: Enter your Username or Email Address and Password in the respective fields.

Step 5: Click the “Log In” button to access the WordPress dashboard.

By following these steps and using the correct login URL, you can easily access your website’s WordPress dashboard.

cPanel Control Panel

Softaculous in cPanel

You can quickly access the WordPress dashboard from cPanel control panel without a password.

Nowadays, everyone uses Softaculous to install programs on cPanel. You can visit its control panel from cPanel and see a list of all the accessible scripts there. Similarly, you can quickly and easily install WordPress on your domains.

After installation, all the installation information is presented under the WordPress session. You can choose to log into the WordPress dashboard from that part without needing to know your password.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Choose the “Software” section.
  3. Click the “Softaculous Apps Installer” sub-option.
  4. Select the “WordPress” script and click the “Install” button.
  5. You’ll be taken to the WordPress installation page.
  6. From this section, you can install a fresh copy of WordPress. At the bottom of the page, you’ll also see a list of all the WordPress applications that were set up using Softaculous.
  7. Each installation will have an admin icon, which you can click to access the WordPress dashboard.
  8. Clicking the symbol will take you to the WordPress admin area.
  9. From the admin area, you can personalise your WordPress website or reset your password if you forget it.

Plesk Control Panel

To access the WordPress dashboard via the Plesk control panel, follow these steps:

  1. Open your preferred web browser and input your domain name, followed by “/wp-login.php.” For instance, if your domain is “,” the URL would be “”.
  2. Once you reach the WordPress login page, enter the username and password that you set during the WordPress installation process. If you can’t remember your login credentials, you might need to reset your password using the “Lost your password?” link on the login page.
  3. After entering your credentials, click the “Log In” button to access the WordPress dashboard.

Remember that the Plesk control panel is different from cPanel, and the login procedure might differ slightly depending on the configuration set by your hosting provider.

However, the steps mentioned above should generally apply when accessing the WordPress dashboard through the Plesk control panel.

What to Do If Your WordPress Login Is Disabled

wordpress admin screenshot

If you’re having trouble accessing your WordPress site, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to identify the problem and regain access to your website. If your WordPress login is disabled, consider the following to regain access to your WordPress dashboard:

  1. Verify your login credentials: Ensure that you’re accurately entering your username and password. Double-check for any typographical errors or mistakes.
  2. Reset your password: If you can’t remember your password, you can initiate a password reset by clicking the “Lost your password?” link on the WordPress login page. Follow the instructions provided to reset your password via email.
  3. Confirm the login URL: Make sure you’re using the correct login URL to access your WordPress dashboard. The default URL is usually “” or “”.
  4. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies: Sometimes, login issues can be resolved by clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. This action removes any cached data that might be causing conflicts during the login process.
  5. Disable plugins: If a specific plugin is causing login problems, try disabling all plugins by renaming the “plugins” folder via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). This action deactivates all plugins, allowing you to access the login page. You can then reactivate the plugins one by one to identify the problematic ones.
  6. Examine your theme’s functions.php file: Some login problems may arise from code added to the theme’s functions.php file. Connect to your server using FTP and temporarily rename the file to see if it resolves the login issue.
  7. Verify file and folder permissions: Ensure that the file and folder permissions for your WordPress installation are correctly configured. Typically, directories should have a permission level of 755, while files should be set to 644.
  8. Contact your hosting provider: If you’ve followed the steps above but still can’t access the WordPress dashboard, it’s advisable to seek help from your hosting provider. They have the expertise to help troubleshoot the problem or reset your login credentials.

Always remember to maintain backups of your website’s data and files before making any changes or modifications.

In Summary

Here are four simple methods to log into your WordPress Dashboard. We hope this guide is helpful. If you need someone to guide you through the steps, please feel free to get in touch with our WordPress specialists.

Click here to know more about Exabytes Managed WordPress Hosting.

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