.CO Domain Name

Be Unique & Brandable with .CO Domain Name

Why Choose .co Domain Name?

Relevant for anyone

The .co domain top-level domain extension is intended for businesses, communities, corporations, or organisations

Build your branding

Create the chance to expand your brand worldwide and make it recognisable.

Short and simple

It’s memorable and easy to remember with a dot co TLD.

Valuable and premium extension

The e.co domain was auctioned for RM329,804.57 during global registrations in 2010

.co Domain Pricing

1 Year
2 Years
5 Years
10 Years
S$ 32.2932.59
S$ 55.0355.54 /yr
S$ 47.9348.37 /yr
S$ 54.9755.48
S$ 55.0355.54 /yr
S$ 47.9348.37 /yr
S$ 54.9755.48
S$ 55.0355.54 /yr
S$ 47.9348.37 /yr

Search for your .co Domain Name Now

*Domain Name Money-Back Guarantee

Find a .CO Domain Alternative


Most popular domain extension in the world.


Best choice for network.


Best choice to kickstart your startup business.


In general, .CO means company. It can also be represented as a geographical location – Colombia and also the States of Colorado in the USA.

If you’re looking for a short, unique, and easy to remember domain name, .CO is definately good for you. In fact, some countries has added .CO into their country-code domain extensions, such as Indonesia (.CO.ID), Japan (.CO.JP), United Kingdom (.CO.UK), and more.


All you need to do is type in your preferred domain name on our search bar and it’ll show you if the domain is taken or available for registration. If it’s available, you can easily proceed with the registration in just 5 minutes.


No, you are not allowed to unregister after domain registration. The registration fee is also non-refundable. You shall be the owner of the domain name for the next 365 days.


Terms and Conditions

  1. Standard prices apply to regular domain names. Exabytes reserves the right to refund or request a top-up for premium domains.
  2. You do agree to our terms of service available here.
  3. Exabytes reserves the right to amend any Terms and Conditions without prior notice.

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Example #1:

If your existing hosting with your current provider will expire in another 6-month time, we will extend your next renewal date of Exabytes hosting plan for 6 months free!

Your new hosting period with Exabytes: 12 months (new yearly hosting plan) + 6 months (free extension)

** We will extend your hosting for up to maximum of 12 months based on the balance of your remaining months with your existing provider.

Example #2:

If your existing hosting with other vendors will only expire in another 15 months time, we will extend your next renewal date of Exabytes hosting plan for another 12 months only as the maximum period we can extend is 12 months.

Your new hosting period with Exabytes: 12 months (new yearly hosting plan) + 12 months (free extension)