Benefits of using VPS hosting for online businesses

In modern business, eCommerce has become the norm, and organizations across the industry verticals are focusing on their online presence.

These include online stores, e-business transaction systems, SaaS-based application services for clients across geographical locations, and many more.

It is paramount for organizations to ensure their digital systems are highly secured, and that there is the ease of transaction in the systems networks for the stakeholders.

Contemporary developments in the domain have led to more advanced solutions offered by the service providers for hosting organizational information systems.

VPS hosting is a more significant solution enabling users with superior performance in processing, compared to conventional solutions.

Beginner Guides for Web Design - what is VPS
How we describe VPS among the types of web hosting

A VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a hosting service relying on virtualization technology to offer dedicated resources at a fraction of their cost with a guaranteed range of services to the customers.

As a hosting service – VPS is a secured and stable solution wherein the clients are offered a dedicated server space, and pre-defined service guaranteed processing speeds.

Technically, clients having mid-level traffic to their websites, but do not require a dedicated server can opt for VPS hosting services.

Key reasons why the VPS hosting services are in demand can be attributed to the following aspects.

The structure of VPS hosting is such that, it offers both virtual space, and private and controlled services.

The hosting space offered to one client is exclusive and dedicated and does not have interruption or sharing with the other users on the server, even at the OS levels.

In simple terms, VPS is like a scenario wherein a desktop or laptop is partitioned to have more than one OS (Windows and Linux) without a reboot.

By signing up for VPS hosting, a business can host their website or applications over a secured server space having assured memory, disk space, and CPU cores, which are exclusive to your requirement, within the virtual server.

Essentially, such an arrangement wherein one host server is shared among a limited set of users, can lead to economies of scale.

This allows a virtual server to become a cost efficient alternative to a dedicated server.

Top 8 Benefits of Using VPS Hosting For Online Business 

1. Reliability 

Selecting the VPS hosting over SSD with reputed service providers can help the clients have a robust system in place for hosting the solution.

Unlike the shared services and the common hosting platforms, in VPS hosting, the reliability is high, as the quality of services shall be premium.

In a shared resources environment, the performance of a website or an application is reliant on various elements like the traffic for the other websites, the load factor on the server, etc.

But in the VPS hosting model, the solutions are on a common platform but executed in silos. Thus, the scope of reliability is high.

2. Scalability 

Choosing the right kind of service provider can help the clients with scalability and flexibility in systems management.

It is paramount for the systems to have some flexible options even in the dedicated space environment. 

Most of the VPS hosting services offer temporary scalability or pay-as-used kind of solutions offered for the clients.

3. Installing Preferred OS 

Shared hosting offers limited scope in terms of configuring the server.

As the web host service providers manage the space in combination for all clients, the controls on the OS vests with the interests of the service provider.

For instance, the service provider might choose to use Linux VPS hosting or host Windows VPS, or other OS as they prefer.

Whereas, in the VPS hosting systems, the service providers offer scope for installing the preferred set of OS options, with more flexibility and administration controls for the clients.

To optimize the space requirements, clients can be selective in choosing the requisite sever resources only in the dedicated space.

4. Service Model Selection 

VPS plans from reputed service providers with a wide range of service options. 

In comparison to the shared hosting services, the VPS hosting models offered by the service providers are flexible, to be operated by them or by the client teams.

An unmanaged VPS is complete freedom for the client, but the responsibility of maintaining the dedicated virtual space vests with the clients. 

In a managed VPS plan, the service provider takes care of the maintenance, and the clients can focus on the web application and business. 

5. SSD Drives

Sata SSD drive
One of the examples of SSD drive

SSD (Solid-state drive) is a contemporary range of storage devices used in computing solutions.

SSD as a non-volatile storage media can manage persistent data over solid-state flash memory conditions.

SSDs are in demand more than the conventional storage models of HDD (hard disk drives) in computers. 

Functionally more empowered, SSD drives offer better speeds and processing of data, and can be highly resourceful for the servers handling high-performance communication and transactions. 

Predominantly in the cloud computing solutions and VPS hosting models, the service providers are using SSD for improving performance. 

Exabytes has recently launched NVMe SSDs VPS hosting to replace our SSD VPS hosting in order to meet upgraded performance.

6. Better Privacy and Security 

The other critical aspect of the VPS hosting solutions is privacy and security controls.

Unlike the shared service servers wherein multiple applications are hosted in a single partition, the VPS hosting models offer segregated and exclusive partitioned space.

Thus, the clients can deploy additional firewall systems or antivirus solutions and other screening models essential for data security and privacy.

7. Host Preferred Choice of OS

The major benefit of VPS hosting is the flexibility to choose the different kinds of OS preferences for hosting the web applications.

For instance, the same client can use two different partitions within one data server and have two different OS systems like Windows VPS or Linux VPS server hosting for the applications.

8. Pricing Models 

Deploying an exclusive range of dedicated servers for the applications can be potential capital costs over IT infrastructure.

Adapting any shared services network can have limitations of security threats, and performance issues.

On the other hand, choosing the right kind of hosting service provider can offer a superior range of service quality at competitive pricing models, which can be highly beneficial for the clients.

Its right time to choose potential solution deals in VPS hosting services to scale up the performance of your websites.

Reach out to our customer service team at Exabytes Singapore, for more details on the Singapore’s VPS hosting service.

With prices starting as low as S$25/month, Exabytes offers NVMe SSD hosting at unbeatable prices with guaranteed 24x7x365 technical support.

Create. Deploy. Scale your application with Exabytes VPS

100% Dedicated RAM. Enterprise-Grade NVMe SSD Storage. Tier 3 Industry Protocol. 99.9% SLA.

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