Cloud Computing Definition

The concept of cloud computing is no longer completely unknown.

It’s a word that’s used extensively in every facet of digital transformation and contemporary technology.

It is well accepted that cloud technology will become a part of everyday life as all businesses are using cloud computing like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, VMware, and so on.

Cloud computing enables speedier innovation, adaptable resource allocation, and cost savings.

One of the best aspects of cloud computing services is “pay-per-use”. This means a business only has to pay for the resources used , not a standard fixed plan.

A pay-per-use model enables businesses to reduce operational expenses and manage the infrastructure more effectively.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of multiple hosting services over the Internet.

This includes data storage, database services, network services and custom software.

These services channeled through a single server instance, also called as a private cloud servers are generally termed as cloud computing resources.

Cloud computing helps businesses store files at a remote database.

The data and software applications can be accessed from any electronic device with the help of cloud computing as long as there is an internet connection.

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular amongst both individuals and businesses for a variety of reasons such as cost savings, enhanced productivity, speed and efficiency, performance, and security.

Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, unlike a computer or a smartphone, is not a single piece of technology but a system made up of three services:

  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS)
  • Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
  • Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)

Software-as-a-service (SaaS)

SaaS (software-as-a-service) refers to the licensing of a software program to clients where pay-as-you-go or on-demand licenses are frequently offered.

VMware offers this form of cloud technology and is suitable for SMEs.

Furthermore, SaaS is the most popular form of cloud computing. It’s commonly used for Gmail, Slack, and Microsoft Office 365.

CRMs are also in this category as well as many customer service and support solutions.

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)

Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) offers everything from operating systems to servers and storage as part of an on-demand cloud computing service via IP-based connection.

Clients can avoid acquiring software and servers by utilizing an outsourced, on-demand service.

The VMware on-demand cloud computing service catalog has defined offers and tiered SLAs, and can be actively managed and controlled throughout its lifespan, with end-user access via a self-service portal.

Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Compute Engine are the three biggest providers of IaaS.

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)

PaaS is a cloud computing service that offers a computer platform as well as a solution stack as a service.

PaaS, like software-as-a-service (SaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), is a cloud computing service that allows you to construct an application or service using tools and libraries provided by the provider.

One gets complete control over program deployment and configuration options.

The network, servers, storage, and other services necessary to host an application are offered by a provider like VMware.

Cloud computing software like VMware provides several benefits to businesses of all sizes, including the flexibility to access software from any device, whether through a native app or a browser.

As a consequence, users may seamlessly transfer their data and preferences from one device to another.

The common examples for PaaS are AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Google App Engine and so on.

Cloud Service Models Providers
Software as a Service (SaaS) BigCommerce, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Dropbox, MailChimp, ZenDesk, DocuSign, Slack, Hubspot
Platform as a Service (PaaS) AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Heroku, Windows Azure,, Google App Engine, OpenShift, Apache Stratos, Adobe Magento Commerce Cloud
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) AWS EC2, Rackspace, Google Compute Engine (GCE), Digital Ocean, Microsoft, Azure, Magento 1 Enterprise Edition


Exabytes is one of the leading providers of cloud computing and the various types that we just spoke of. Our team will guide you further if you need to know what is best for your business.

Benefits of Cloud Computing 

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Excellent ease of access

Cloud technology enables us to rapidly and easily access and save information from anywhere on the globe via an internet connection.

An internet cloud computing architecture boosts organizational productivity and efficiency by guaranteeing that our data is constantly available.

Low operating costs

Cloud computing enables businesses cut costs on both hardware and software services.

Once you’re on the cloud, having fast access to your company’s data will save you time and money when starting new projects.

For those businesses who may be concerned about paying for capabilities they don’t need or desire, most cloud computing services are pay-as-you-go.

This implies that even if you don’t make use of what the cloud has to offer, you won’t have to spend money on it.


Cloud technology based cloud computing enables mobile access to company data via smartphones and gadgets, which, given that over 2.6 billion cellphones are in use worldwide today, is an excellent approach to ensure that no one is ever left behind. 

Staff with hectic schedules or who reside a considerable distance away from the corporate office might utilize cloud computing services to stay in touch with clients and coworkers.


When it comes to cloud computing services, many businesses are concerned about security.

A Cloud computing host’s full-time duty is to closely monitor security, which is far more efficient than a traditional in-house system, in which an organization splits its efforts among a slew of IT problems of which security is one of them.

Storage capacity is unlimited in cloud computing

Cloud computing provides us with an enormous amount of storage space for keeping our vital data, such as papers, photographs, music, videos, and so on, in one location.

Data Loss Protection

If a company does not invest in cloud computing services, all its important data could potentially be linked to office PCs on which it is stored.

This may not appear to be a concern, but the fact is in case the local hardware fails, there is a very high chance of permanent data loss.

However, with a cloud technology based server, the information that you’ve uploaded to the cloud is safe and is instantly accessible from any device with an internet connection

Cloud computing has several advantages, from data access to data security.

It includes infrastructures that promote environmental proactivity, powering virtual cloud computing services rather than real items and hardware, reducing paper waste, and improving energy efficiency.


If you are thinking about switching to cloud computing, then the cloud computing services provided by Exabytes could be a good choice.

With a wide variety of cloud technology based solutions, hosting with managed backups and 24x 7 x 365 expert support being available, customers would always have someone to assist when needed.

Talk to us now to know more about our exciting offers!