Bulk SMS Marketing

Why is Bulk SMS Marketing Solution Important?

SMS marketing is one of the easiest ways to reach your audience at a low cost. This form of marketing has been around for over 30 years and is as effective as ever. 

Today, many businesses in Singapore are using Bulk SMS marketing to reach their audience with personalized messages that are relevant, timely, and on point. 

Studies show that 50% customers are becoming more open to text-based customer service so it’s important for businesses to be comfortable with this emerging new communication style.

The key benefit of SMS blast marketing is that it’s an inexpensive way to reach your audience and get their attention.  

Compared to other forms of advertising in Singapore, such as social media advertisements or television commercials, the burst SMS strategy will cost you less money, while still reaching many people. 

What business industry can benefit from bulk SMS marketing?

Introduce the top 6 industries using bulk SMS marketing and how it can improve your b2b marketing strategy.

Technology Industry

Bulk SMS Marketing is the most effective way to reach out to your customers and prospects. The technology industry is booming with the ever-changing technology and new techniques of communication. 

This industry involves the production, distribution, and use of technology to make services such as smartphones, computers, and televisions. 

For any start-up and small businesses, bulk text marketing solutions can help the Technology industry to expose their business to specific target audiences. 

SMS blast marketing can be a consistent, measurable way to reach customers with relevant short messages at the right time, in real-time. 

The technology industry uses this marketing strategy because it has an enormous number of people involved.

Retail Industry

Retail Industry - SMS Marketing

Retail is a broad category of companies that sell tangible goods and services to consumers, typically in exchange for money. 

Individual retailers can also be described as companies, as they may create their own products and services, or provide financial investment in numerous companies engaged in trade or manufacture. 

The retail industry uses SMS blast marketing to reach customers on a large scale with the use of bulk short texts to increase the amount of business they get in return. 

Retailers can communicate with many consumers by using bulk text marketing. 

The method allows them to reach their target audience and build relationships through targeted mass communication that is both timely and cost-effective. 

This form of marketing has proven to be successful in industries such as fashion, beauty, home improvement, etc. And that’s the reason why many companies in Singapore are adopting this marketing strategy. 

For example, if a big shopping event is taking place, businesses can send branded SMSs to entice consumers to visit their stores and purchase goods. 

Finance Industry 

Finance is an international network of individuals and companies involved in the provision of credit. 

The finance industry will often use bulk SMS marketing to reach traders, investors, and company owners on a large scale with the use of bulk texts. This includes providing traffic counts, reminders, and alerts to a large group of individuals. 

The finance industry also uses the burst SMS strategy for fundraising purposes. This includes collecting donations and participating in small-scale investors via text messages. 

SMS blast software also helps to reach new audiences with content. The content may be the latest market data or a calculator that is used to determine investment risk.

Services Industry 

The services industry is a thriving sector of the economy, with services accounting for more than half of all employment in most countries. 

Services businesses often need to advertise their products and services at the right time and to the right people. Many services businesses have set up mobile marketing centres, where they send out bulk text messages to groups of customers. 

Some companies have found that they are able to deliver considerably more messages in a day than they would be able to by using email campaigns or sending telephone calls.

The services industry can promote their services and new packages for every season and occasion. In fact, many Colleges, Universities, and Schools in Singapore send bulk SMS to educate students about upcoming events such as deadlines for applications, and important information that helps them prepare for a test or an exam. 

Transportation Industry

Transportation Industry SMS Marketing

The transport industry is one of the most important industries in the world. It provides a service that is needed by all people, every day. 

One of the most common industries where they are widely used is in the transportation industry. 

With the use of SMS blast, a business can reach out to its customers and deliver important information in an efficient way. 

So how to implement a pre-flight marketing campaign in the aviation industry. A pre-flight marketing campaign is an effective way for businesses to reach out to people who have booked their flights with them. 

Burst SMS Campaign allows them to contact and notify their customers’ smartphones as soon as they have booked their flights so that they are able to communicate with their customers in a timely manner. 

This can have a significant impact on the success and profitability of an airline. They can do this by creating engaging campaigns that are oriented toward their customers before they begin to fail. 

This strategy helps maintain customer loyalty and attract new customers by reminding them of a time when the boarding time. 

Nonprofits Organization

Bulk SMS marketing is a powerful technique that can be used by nonprofit organizations to generate funds and awareness for their cause.

It is a cost-effective and easy way to reach out to people who may not have been aware of the organization. It is also a good way to remind people about the organization’s existence in order to keep them updated on their latest activities. 

There are several ways in which it can be done. Generally, organizations send out mass text messages to their target audience to inform them about new developments. 

This is beneficial as it helps in generating awareness and can also enhance the organization’s credibility.

Another way through which non-profit organizations use the burst SMS strategy is by sending out targeted bulk messages to people who have previously expressed interest in their organization. 

This can be done by sending messages such as “Do you want to get more information about our services?” or “We hope that you will join us for our next event.” 

It is important for an organization to identify and respond to the needs of its target audience through SMS marketing, which can result in better engagement and higher campaign returns.

Final Takeaways 

This article is a review of the top industries using bulk SMS software.

All in all, it is evident that many industries in Singapore are using bulk SMS solutions to improve their business and marketing efforts.

The most effective way is to choose the best SMS service provider that enables you to send personalized SMS to customers with ease. 

In this regard, Exabytes Bulk SMS Marketing allows businesses to reach their customers instantly and reliably wherever they are.

The users of Exabytes Bulk SMS Marketing have enjoyed SMS open rates of up to 98% and an increase in conversion rate by 112.6% (with proven success cases). 

Start your 14-day trial with FREE CREDITS now to jumpstart your sales! 

Bulk SMS Marketing

FAQs Section

1. When is the Best Time to Send Bulk Marketing SMS?

The best time to send bulk marketing SMS is when you have the most engagement. 

This will help you to get the most value out of your marketing campaign. There are many things that should be considered before sending bulk marketing SMS. 

One of them is whether you are targeting a specific audience. If so, then it would be better to send your SMS during the time when they are most active (e.g. morning). 

It would also be better if you can provide a call-to-action in your SMS text so that recipients know what to do next (e.g., buy now). or to follow up with you in a different way (e.g. opt-in). 

If you are trying to increase awareness about a product, service, or company and want to engage with users on different platforms, then you will probably want to send your bulk marketing SMS at different times or days of the week. 

You can also use different message lengths, colours, and styles to engage with a variety of people. 

Here are some examples: -Mondays and Thursdays: “The best way to stay hydrated all day is to drink water!”-Tuesdays and Fridays: “Top of the morning! Your favourite coffee is on sale today!”-Wednesdays and Saturdays: “Did you know that soy milk has more calcium than dairy milk?” 

2. Why should I use bulk SMS marketing?

– Your email list is constantly getting smaller and smaller. 

– You are not reaching out to your target market with email marketing.

– The cost of sending an email to your vendor is expensive. 

– Reaching out to an individual via phone call is expensive.

– You want a reliable and professional SMS gateway that is cost-effective and timely.

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