Benefits-of-An-Online-Home-BusinessDoesn’t it sound awesome to be your own boss? We have all dreamt of becoming our own boss and guess what? You can!

In this modern age and technology, it has become possible to start your own home business even from the comforts of your home.

Gone are the days of conservative thinking! Unlike olden days, women are no longer restrained and now play the role of many. With gender equality, we do not need to conform to supposed gender roles! 

With that, we can all do what we wish to and that includes being our own boss! We all enjoy putting our time to good use and many have chosen to start their own business. 

Today, everyone can get on the road to success with their own consistent hard work and support from people around them. Things may seem tough but it is not impossible! We all experience hardship and challenges in life. But what is most important is that we go beyond and grab opportunities presented to us.

We, at Exabytes, have faith in you and wish to fight alongside you on your journey.

To get your ball rolling, we would like to present you with Beyond Home Businesses Through Digitalisation

This effort is in support of IMDA, Digital for Life with our partners –  Beyond Social Services, Her Rise Above and

Grow Your Home Business through Digitalisation

Beyond Home Businesses Through Digitalisation is a workshop curated to help you increase knowledge and nurture digital literacy. With a focus on empowering business, we are committed to fostering your entrepreneurial skills. 

Through dedicated support and a community cultivating wholesome sharing and learning, we are ready to conquer your next milestone with you. Especially with our expertise, important factors such as branding and marketing are easier than you think. 

Together, we will build a sustainable and profitable home business you never have imagined before!

Starting your own business may seem intimidating but if you never try, you will never know! Here is why you should decide to rise above. 

Reasons Why Home Business is a Good Idea for You

Flexible Working Hours

Operating a home business allows more flexibility in working hours. You have full control over your work schedule. You call the shots! 

Have a family? Struggling to catch a breath? Make every second well spent. You decide your holiday. With that, you can arrange your schedule however you deem fit. Need some time off to take care of your family or run some errands? Just make all the necessary arrangements. 

Imagine doing laundry or cooking lunch while updating your website or liaising with clients. Doesn’t that sound appealing? Practice your freedom, make work fit into your lifestyle and not vice versa.

Reduced Cost

More often than not, managing our finances is a greater concern than we would like. But did you know? Running a home business can help reduce your high business expenses.

How so? You do not need to pay for rent or transportation and many miscellaneous expenses. They all add up! 

Starting a home business means you can start working just by utilising the space you have now at home. You can even head down to your void deck to do work.

Lower Risk than Brick-and-Mortar Businesses

Starting and running your business online will definitely cost you less. No signing of leases, bank loans and purchasing of office furniture. Basically, with lesser depreciating and fixed assets, you can reduce your risk and cost by a significant amount. 

With your home business, it will be easier to break even and maintain without too much concern over things like business location and rental.

Beyond Home Businesses Through Digitalisation: Campaign details

Are you interested in becoming an entrepreneur? Look out for the modules prepared just for you! Register here

Module 1: Introduction to Digital Presence

Date: 19 January 2022, 2pm – 4pm

Learn what digital presence is and why it is so important for home businesses.

Module 2: Branding and Marketing

Date: 26 January 2022, 2pm – 4pm

Know the difference between branding and marketing!

Social media versus websites or online stores – learn how to utilise them effectively.

Module 3: How to Build A Website

Date: 9 February 2022, 2pm – 4pm

Get a hands-on guide for website building and explore the features of WordPress/Easy Store dashboard.

Module 4: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Date: 16 February 2022, 2pm – 4pm

Master the simplest and time-efficient ways that will drive more traffic to your website or online store.

***All workshops will start from 2pm to 4pm.

What are you waiting for? Click here to register now!

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