set up Facebook business page

Facebook has 2.94 billion active monthly users per its parent company Meta. It has also stated that  Facebook receives daily visits from 1.96 billion people worldwide.

With these figures in mind, it does become easy to look at Facebook as an important social media platform for brand advertising. Whatever one’s marketing objectives, Facebook advertising must be part of the plan.

Given the size of the Facebook user base, one should think about creating a Facebook Business Page for their company to reach more people and start Facebook advertising to increase revenue.

Learning how to build a Facebook business page and how to utilize it well for Facebook advertising are both essential skills.

Creating a Facebook Business Page in 6 Easy Steps

Businesses can promote their brands and improve sales with Facebook advertising for free by creating a Facebook Business Page.

Simply connect to the personal Facebook account, select “Establish a Page” from the drop-down menu, and then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the business profile to create a Facebook business page.

1# Open a Facebook Business Page account.

open Facebook business page

Click this link or go to “” to get started.

Facebook offers two choices for Facebook Business Pages:

  • Company or brand
  • public or community figure

Distinct types of pages have different feature sets. Choose “Business or brand” after clicking “Get Started.”

Next, one must fill out the fundamental information about the company or brand on the Facebook business page:

  • Page Name
  • Category
  • Address

Pick the category that best suits the company’s needs. Don’t worry, though, because one may always alter their mind afterward.

One may provide the company phone number if desired. The option to keep the address secret on the Facebook business page is also available.

When finished, select “Continue.”

2# Add a cover photo and a profile picture.

Standards for Facebook Business Page picture sizes are crucial. Using the incorrect size might result in uncomfortable cropping or distorted photographs, so keep these suggested image sizes close at hand.

  • Page Profile Photo Size: 176 x 176 pixels on computers, 196 x 196 pixels on smartphones and 36 x 36 pixels on most feature phones.
  • Page Cover Photo Size: Left aligns and a 16:9 aspect ratio, must be 150 pixels height and 400 pixels wide, the sRGB JPG file format, with dimensions of 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels high, loads the fastest.

Every time content appears in the Facebook News Feed or when someone comments on another post, their profile image will show up as the symbol.

This should ideally be the company’s logo. The ideal size is square, but the Facebook business page may crop the image into a circle for posts and Facebook advertising, so allow enough room on all sides.

The Facebook business page cover photo, which is shown across the top of the page, is a terrific way to present a visual element that complements the identity and grabs attention.

3# Completely fill out the Facebook business page’s information.

Facebook Business Pages are indexed by Google, so the text one publishes there can help one rank in both national and regional search engine results.

When one creates a business page, they are given instructions on how to fill out every field. Go to the About tab of the page and select Edit Page Info if one needs to go back and make changes.

Here are the fields to fill out:

Username – Adding a username makes the Facebook Business Page simpler to discover since the name appears in the URL ( rather than a stream of randomly generated digits.

Description – Inform readers of the Facebook Business page in 255 characters about the page’s subject.

Categories – People can locate the Facebook business account more easily with the use of categories. Pick three categories at most.

Contact information – Add the company’s phone number, website, and email address here if you have them.

Location – Share the actual store’s address here if you have one. Additionally, a service area is an option.

Hours – If the business only has certain hours available, mention them here.

More – A list of the items, a variety of prices, and a link to the privacy statement may all be included here.

4# Button Addition to The Page

After entering all of your pertinent data into the Facebook business page, one should add a button to the business page.

This button will show up in the upper right corner of the Facebook business page, underneath the cover image.

This serves as the free call-to-action (CTA) for the Facebook business page. Including one that is pertinent to the company’s operations might aid in increasing leads and, therefore, revenues.

Click the blue “+ Add a Button” button located beneath the cover picture on the left-hand side of the business page to accomplish this.

The following button categories are available: Book with You, Contact You, Learn More, Shop, or Download.

5# Being active on Facebook will help promote the Facebook Business Page.

The first step in implementing Facebook advertising for businesses is to create a Facebook business page. To promote the page and build an audience, one must be active on Facebook.

For instance, one should actively join relevant forums where the target audience is likely to hang out in addition to publishing regularly on the company’s Facebook Business page.

6# Invite Your Audience

It’s time to make the Facebook business page public once it has been filled with content.

First, request that your personal Facebook friends like the new page. Simply go to the bottom of the “Set Your Page Up for Success” section to find it.

Click the “Invite Friends” button in the “Introduce Your Page” section. then adhere to the pop-up menu’s three-step instructions.


Facebook is unquestionably the most well-known social media platform on the planet. So, if one wants to develop and run Facebook advertising online, it’s definitely worth the effort to put up a Facebook business page or get professional assistance from Exabytes.

If you want to get more leads online, Exabytes can help you with its Facebook advertising service.

To find out more from our experts, contact us.

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