popular social media apps and platforms

Are you acquainted with the prevailing social media platforms and apps dominating Malaysia, Singapore, China, and the global stage? Familiarity with these platforms can substantially enhance your business’s ability to engage social media users.

Nevertheless, effective social media marketing transcends mere user counts; evaluating platform compatibility with your brand and its reach to your intended audience is pivotal.

Consider whether these social media apps and platforms resonate with your brand’s essence. Are they channels where your target audience actively participates?

Within this article, we will uncover the latest trends in social media apps and platforms, fortified by insightful statistics. Our objective is to equip you with a roadmap for astute decisions concerning your social media marketing strategies.


The Trending Social Media Apps and Platforms of 2024

While Facebook continues to hold its position as the leading global social media platform with the highest user engagement, the landscape of social media is undergoing transformation. Presently, seven platforms boast over one billion monthly users each, with Meta, the parent company, owning four of these.

Demonstrating the widespread influence of social media, 15 platforms now maintain a user base of at least 400 million active users as of July 2023.

TikTok ads

Prominent platforms include YouTube, with a potential advertising reach of 2.527 billion, WhatsApp with 2 billion users, and Instagram also with 2 billion users. The WeChat ecosystem, encompassing Weixin, garners an impressive 1.319 billion monthly users.

TikTok has the potential to connect with 1.081 billion adults through its advertisements.

Additionally, platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Douyin, Telegram, Kuaishou, QQ, and Sina Weibo boast substantial user bases. Twitter’s potential advertising reach stood at 564 million in July 2023, although its data is known to exhibit significant fluctuations, even on a day-to-day basis. Lastly, Pinterest maintains a user count of 463 million monthly users.

Social Media Platforms Popularity Rankings:

1. Facebook – 2.96 billion Monthly Active Users (MAUs)
2. YouTube – 2.2 billion MAUs
3. WhatsApp – 2 billion MAUs
4. Instagram – 2 billion MAUs
5. WeChat – 1.26 billion MAUs
6. TikTok – 1 billion MAUs
7. Sina Weibo – 573 million MAUs
8. QQ – 538.91 million MAUs
9. Snapchat – 557 million MAUs
10. Telegram – 550 million MAUs


Hottest Social Media Apps and Platforms in Malaysia for 2024

Throughout 2024, the prevailing social media landscape in Malaysia is marked by the prominence of WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Among these, WhatsApp takes the lead, embraced by a staggering 89.3% of the nation’s populace. Its widespread adoption can be attributed to its user-friendly interface and the comfort it offers, making it an appealing choice for individuals of all age groups.

Facebook follows suit, capturing the attention of 84.8% of Malaysians, while Instagram holds a strong presence with a user base of 74.3%. These platforms exhibit a diverse range of features, catering to varied demographics and fostering connections.

Although TikTok is gaining traction as a source of entertainment for the youth, the triumvirate of WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram remains the backbone of Malaysia’s social media scene. Their pervasive integration into daily routines, coupled with their extensive reach, solidifies their dominance.

whatsapp typing text

The allure of WhatsApp is rooted in its simplicity, facilitating seamless communication among friends, family, and colleagues. Its intuitive design pairs with robust security, upheld by end-to-end encryption.

Facebook has evolved from its rudimentary social networking origins into a multifaceted platform encompassing news, entertainment, and even e-commerce. Conversely, Instagram appeals to those seeking a visually captivating encounter, emphasizing imagery and concise videos.

Collectively, these three platforms command a significant segment of Malaysia’s social media landscape, spotlighting their versatility and adeptness in catering to a spectrum of user preferences.

Social Media Platforms Ranking by Popularity:

1. YouTube – 23.90 million Active users
2. Facebook – 20.25 million Active users
3. Instagram – 13.90 million Active users
4. TikTok – 19.30 million Active users
5. Facebook Messenger – 11.20 million Active users
6. Twitter – 5.50 million Active users
7. LinkedIn – 7.00 million Active users
8. Snapchat – 1.45 million Active users


Leading Social Media Platforms and Apps in Singapore for 2024

Although WhatsApp might initially appear as a straightforward messaging tool for personal conversations, its scope extends far beyond that. In today’s landscape, businesses harness its capabilities to provide exceptional, tailored service to their clientele.

Notably, in Singapore, WhatsApp claims the spotlight as the foremost social media platform, with a notable 83.2% adoption rate among individuals aged 16 to 64.

WhatsApp chat and text video app

Modern consumers seek swift responses, bespoke brand encounters, and communication through their favored channels. This dynamic presents enterprises with an excellent opportunity to directly engage with customers, accommodate their preferences, and distinguish themselves through unique experiences. The meteoric rise of WhatsApp in Singapore positions it as the preferred avenue for customer interactions.

Facebook maintains significant traction in Singapore, solidifying its position as a top-tier social network. With a monthly user base exceeding 3.3 million, it serves as a focal point for diverse social interactions such as nurturing relationships, staying abreast of news, and engaging with businesses.

For marketers, this translates into reaching more than half of the nation’s population, facilitated by the dissemination of pertinent content tailored to distinct demographics. Impressively, Facebook advertisements attain their intended audience around 61.3% of the time, particularly among users aged 13 and above.

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Amid Singapore’s thriving digital economy, Instagram emerges as a formidable platform for e-commerce endeavors. Particularly in sectors like cosmetics and fashion, businesses leverage Instagram to spotlight and promote their merchandise. While its conventional role was personal sharing, Instagram has evolved into a realm of social commerce.

In the present Singaporean social media landscape, shopping intertwines seamlessly with leisure pursuits. As social commerce burgeons, the avenue to captivate customers through compelling content linked to products expands.

In the past year alone, there has been a notable 56.7% surge in web traffic referrals from external sources to Instagram, solidifying its status as a premier generator of traffic. Brands have deftly seized this opening, utilizing Instagram as a conduit to market their wares directly to consumers.

Social Media Apps Ranking by Popularity:

1. Facebook – 49.36%
2. Twitter – 17.13%
3. Instagram – 15.47%
4. Pinterest – 7.42%
5. YouTube – 5.64%
6. Reddit – 2.96%


The Most Popular Social Media Platforms and Apps in China for 2024

The dynamics of social interaction have undergone substantial shifts, particularly within China’s context. In 2024, China stands at the forefront of global social media usage, boasting an impressive 983.3 million individuals as active participants. This surge is notably attributed to the ascent of platforms such as WeChat, QQ, and Sina Weibo.

DouYin official site

Among these, Douyin emerges as a standout, capturing the attention of approximately 70.20% of users (equivalent to around 716.04 million individuals) in China.

Douyin, often likened to China’s rendition of TikTok, claims the pinnacle of popularity. A number of China’s social networks, including TikTok, grapple with certain limitations. Consequently, these restrictions render international content inaccessible within China.

Following in Douyin’s wake is Baidu Tieba, securing the second position by engaging 57.00% of China’s social media users. Managed by the prominent Chinese web services firm Baidu, Baidu Tieba operates as a widely utilized communication platform. Its establishment dates back to December 3, 2003, and it capitalizes on Baidu’s extensive search engine capabilities.

Sina Weibo, a microblogging platform indigenous to China (with a user penetration of 50.70%), and Xiaohongshu, often referred to as China’s counterpart to Instagram (with a user penetration of 47.90%), rank among China’s other popular platforms. They are succeeded by Kuaishou (with a user penetration of 45.70%), a mobile application facilitating video sharing.

kuaishou short video

Qzone, a blogging platform, claims a user penetration rate of 34.40%. Meipai, offering a secure platform for women to share their life experiences through videos, attains a user penetration rate of 28.00%. Lastly, Douyin Huoshan registers a penetration rate of 23.60%.

Ranking by Popularity:

1. Tencent QQ
2. WeChat
3. Sina Weibo
4. DouYin
5. Zhihu
6. Honor of Kings
7. Little Red Book
8. Bilibili
9. Meituan
10. Toutiao

Key Insights

In our interconnected world, being attuned to the trends and metrics of social media platforms can markedly enhance your digital footprint. Irrespective of your business’s location, harnessing the potential of social media to engage its users remains paramount.

Remember, it’s not merely about having a presence on every platform; it’s about discerning the platforms that resonate with your brand and engage your target audience.

We trust that this article serves as a guide, facilitating informed decisions, fostering authentic connections, and propelling your social media endeavors towards triumph.

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