What is a server & How does it work

Tim Berners-Lee built the world’s first web server in 1989 and installed it on a NeXT computer in 1990.

It had a 2GB hard drive and a 256 MHz processor. The modern day servers, including all types of servers come with 100 times more power, resource and performance.

What is a Server? 

cloud backup solution

A server is a computer that processes request and sends data to another computer through the internet or a local network.

For example – a web server is a well-known type of server that allows web pages to be viewed through the internet using a client such as a web browser. 

However, there are several types of servers like windows server, dedicated server including local ones, such as file servers, which keep data within an intranet network.

A server is a central repository for information and computer programs that the programmer may access over the network. 

Web servers and application servers are two types of servers used to offer websites, with the latter dealing with application activities done between users and the organization’s back-end business applications.

Why Do You Need a Server?

Servers provide users with various data functions in a variety of ways. They store vast volumes of data for businesses and make it available to users via internal networks or the internet. 

A server also helps in generating replies to user queries by retrieving relevant files from stored or linked data sources.

They also collaborate with windows server operating systems to better hear and respond to user demands.

Most computer networks have one or more types of servers like Windows server or Linux server that perform specific functions. 

As a general rule, the larger the network in terms of clients connected to it or data moved, the more probable it is that numerous types of servers will play a role, each dedicated server to a certain purpose.

Sometimes, a software that performs a certain function is also referred to as a server – both on Windows server and Linux server.

This is because the server software that manages a network of hundreds or thousands of clients need more durable hardware than consumer PCs.

What Are the Types of Servers?

Servers are massive data storage and processing equipment that can be found as hardware or as virtual data centers on the internet.

Servers are computers or software systems that connect to a network, there are many types of servers.

1. Web server

A web server displays documents and runs applications via web browsers. The server to which your browser is now connected is a web server that serves this page and its pictures.

For example, the client application is a browser such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Safari.

Aside from serving simple text and images, web servers are used for a variety of purposes, including uploading and storing information online via a cloud storage service or online backup service on dedicated server.

Related: Web Server – A Complete Guide for Beginners

2. Application server

Virtual server connections are used by these servers to link clients to software applications. This enables users to access programs without having to download data on their own hardware. 

Application servers are great for organizations because they can successfully hold big volumes of application data for numerous users at once and dedicated server make it easy and fast.

3. Email Server

Through email service platforms, email servers store and distribute mail for customers.

Individual users can access their email without running any systems on their own devices since it is a types of servers that are set up to always connect to a network.

4. Windows Server

Windows Server is the infrastructure platform for connecting applications, networks, and web services.

As a Windows Server administrator, you’ve contributed to your company’s success by keeping the infrastructure secure, available, and adaptable.

Windows dedicated server has served as the foundation of Microsoft’s ecosystem and is still powering the hybrid cloud network today.

file transfer protocol

5. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Server

File transfer protocol (FTP) is a types of servers that are used to transfer files from one computer to another.

Uploaded files are sent from your computer to the server like windows server, whereas downloaded files are transferred from the server to your device.

File transfer protocol also refers to the process of connecting one computer to another utilizing a server in order to safely share files.

Difference between App Server and Web Server

Web server versus Application server

Web Server

A web servers is a types of servers which accepts and processes client requests for static material (such as HTML pages, files, pictures, and videos) from a website. Web servers only handle HTTP requests and responses.

  • Provide static content.
  • Only the HTTP protocol is used to deliver content.
  • Only web-based apps are supported.
  • There is no support for multi-threading.
  • Facilitates online traffic that does not require a lot of resources.

App Server

An application server is a types of servers which exposes business logic to clients, allowing them to create dynamic content.

It is a software framework that transforms data in order to deliver specific functionality provided by a business, service, or application.

Application servers improve the interactive sections of a website, which might change depending on the context of the request.

  • Provides dynamic content.
  • Uses many protocols to provide business logic to application programs (including HTTP).
  • Web and enterprise-based applications can be served.
  • To enable several requests in simultaneously, multi-threading is used.
  • Allows for longer, more resource-intensive procedures to execute.

Servers play a vital role in the IT industry and big companies can get the many types of servers like windows severs or dedicated server according to their comfort, service providers like Exabytes are always there to provide the different types of servers for SMEs in Singapore.

If you want to get a high performance servers for your business then Exabytes provides types of servers with from windows severs, dedicated servers to lightning-fast NVMe SSD drive servers.

Exabytes Singapore has a wide range of servers – virtual private servers (VPS), windows dedicated server, Linux Server, high speed servers and cloud servers; all at affordable prices and 24x7x365 support.

Contact Exabytes right now to learn more! 

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