Web Server

What is Web Server? 

A web server is part of a larger web hosting service purchased from a web hosting company.

A web server stores software and uses HTTP or hypertext transfer protocol to respond to web users.

A client-server model is used by a web server where the client is the web user, and the server requests the service from another program.

Some of the most common web server technologies are Apache, Nginx, Microsoft IIS, Node.js and Tomcat.

Roughly about 65% of all web server deployments are either Apache or Nginx.

These together dominate the web server universe which means 3 out of 5 websites in the world are powered by one of them.

Using a http server, the web server deploys static and dynamic content such as text, images or a computed list of items for purchase.

In this case, the most common type of client in web server are web browsers like google chrome and Firefox.

A correct http server setup is crucial for the clients, and all leading web server providers assist in having posts configured to use the web server easily.

Web servers host multiple websites using a single software and create effective response time for the websites, also known as virtual hosting.

Virtual hosting is a method to host several kinds of domain names on a single web server.

A web server controls enterprise files through host components where the data or files are exchanged through CSS stylesheets, in forms of images, HTML files, texts etc.

Languages like python, PHP, JavaScript etc. support web server  and help in delivering dynamic content via an optimized http server protocol through which a web server understands URLs for viewing and working further.

Web Server in Short

Virtual private server VPS

From hardware perspective, a web server is a computer that stores web server software and a website’s component files (for example, HTML documents, images, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript files).

It connects to the Internet and supports physical data interchange with other devices connected to the web.

From a software perspective, a web server is nothing but HTTP server protocol that controls how a web user accesses hosted files.

An HTTP server is a software that understands URLs (web addresses) and can be accessed through the domain names of the websites it stores, and it delivers the content of these hosted websites to the end user’s device.

Relation between Web Server and HTTP Server

A web server provides support for HTTP as a protocol. The http web service protocol specifies how to transfer hypertext (linked web documents) between two computers.

HTTP provides clear rules for how a client and server communicate. Clients make HTTP requests to servers. Servers respond to a client’s HTTP request.

When requesting a file via HTTP, clients must provide the file’s URL.

A web server must respond to every HTTP request, at least with an error message if incorrect.

On a web server, the HTTP server protocol is responsible for processing and answering incoming requests.

Quick summary

  1. Upon receiving a request, an HTTP server first checks if the requested URL matches an existing file.
  2. If so, the web server sends the file content back to the browser. If not, an application server builds the necessary file.
  3. If neither process is possible, the web server returns an error message to the browser, most commonly 404 Not Found. The 404 error is so common that some web designers devote considerable time and effort to designing 404 error pages.

Difference between Web Server and App Server

Web server versus Application server

Many users mistake web server for app server and vice versa.

The features of an app server and a web server are different in terms of backups, performance and tolerance.

A web server handles the http server requests for the application programs and browsers, whereas an app server uses business logic to initiate the server request through several protocols.

Let’s understand the features of both the servers in detail to enable us decide on the suitable one.

App Server Features Web Server Features
Delivers dynamic content Deliver static content
Running an app server can increase the capacity of intake Capable to configure multiple websites at one
Data redundancy in web server High reliability and uptime guarantee in http server
A centralized interface and full of resource Consumers fewer resources by using HTML and HTTP protocols
Increased tolerance to load and faults Offers better flexibility, administrative control and support for businesses.


A web server is a computer that processes files with static and dynamic web content and comes with standard features such as storage space, file logging, bandwidth and authentication.

The primary work of the http server is to process the HTTP requests for developing better security and performance for the enterprise.

When a web server is in use for the business, it guarantees better uptime, security, performance and fulfilling the expectations.

How Much Does a Web Server Cost?

Web hosting is cheaper in 2022, and there are a lot of hosting plans available that are customizable as per the needs of an organization. 

There are different prices available for web server hosting according to their types – shared hosting, cloud hosting, dedicated hosting, VPS hosting etc.

Visit Exabytes to choose from several web server hosting plans which are suitable for enterprise business.

Web hosting costs tend to vary according to plans and the pricing of several packs. There might be variables in terms of services and the plan’s consistency

Choosing among these plans for web server hosting comes with additional features and benefits like 100Mbps bandwidth, professional support, and high performance of the organization.

There are few additional specifications of a web server solution like the lightning-fast deployment, free backup and multiple dedicated IPs etc. that help make web server a perfect choice.

Connect with the sales team at Exabytes for exclusive offers and packages that’s in store for you.

The Exabytes team will help you evaluate your business requirements and decide the right web server plan that’s suitable.

Contact Us Now.

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