Working from anywhere or remote working has become the new age working style, and with teams spread out in various places across the world, team collaboration has become the need of the hour.

Best Cloud Based Collaboration Tools

Working together on projects from any location is not impossible with the presence of several online collaboration tools like Google Workspace, and Microsoft 365.

The finest collaboration tools like Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace enable teams to work together resulting in enhanced productivity and a closely knit working team.

Employees are no longer expected to operate in isolation owing to where they work for; instead, team collaboration is the new normal.

This emphasis on cooperation results in enhanced efficiency with online project collaboration being applied wherever feasible to generate greater productivity.

Online collaboration tools provide a long list of services – from cloud document storage for managing daily activities to video conferencing for team collaboration, and all other online collaboration tools.

Notably, each tool perform equally well on mobile devices, laptops and tablets providing for seamless user experience.

The modern office experience relies heavily on cooperation and openness for which employees have to use the best in class online collaboration tools to boost team collaboration and efficiency.

Related: How to Overcome the Challenges of Hybrid Work

Here are the five best Cloud-Based online collaboration tools for team collaboration:


Slack - Online Collaboration Tool

Slack undeniably comes in category of powerful collaboration tools with millions of users worldwide.

It’s an intelligent team collaboration platform that can be accessed through both mobile and desktop systems.

Slack enables individuals to send direct messages (DMs) and files to a single employee or to a group of employees which facilitates online project collaboration.

Slack is designed for speed, while competing applications struggle to keep up with the weight of their numerous enterprise-grade features in online project collaboration, Slack feels light and breezy when compared to other team collaboration apps and services.

It also is easy to integrate with a plethora of online project collaboration applications and bots.

Slack helps team collaboration functionality by allowing for in-depth conversations without having to enter everything into a DM.

One may drag and drop files into Slack and share them with online collaboration tools with your employees.

Slack is very efficient and compatible with other online collaboration tools like Google Workspace, Dropbox, Microsoft 365 and Box.

Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 Online Collaboration Tool

Office 365 or 0365 cloud or Microsoft Office may not be the first platform that springs to mind when considering online collaboration tools, however, over the recent years, it has become a very popular and highly used suite of products, especially for team collaboration including video conferencing.

In just a matter of a few years, Microsoft Office has become one of the most widely used, essential enterprise grade online project collaboration tools available, and competitors have yet to catch up to the same level of functionality and simplicity of these online collaboration tools.

Microsoft 365 is likely to be at the core of many team collaboration services bought by companies as it comes with a number of benefits like direct communication for the purpose team collaboration and online project collaboration documents.


Trello - Online Collaboration Tool

Trello is another project management software or online collaboration tools that is available on the web and in mobile applications, and allows one to conveniently organize work and other related  activities with colleagues – it makes online project collaboration a child’s play.

Trello’s collaboration tools enable working with boards or lists that may be structured by teams and tasks.

Within them, one can create to-do lists and delegate tasks to online project collaboration.

There is also an opportunity to add comments on cards, which is a simple method to provide feedback to others.

Trello includes a variety of online collaboration tools connectors, including Evernote, GitHub, Google Drive, and Slack.

The software is free to download, but there are paid collaboration tools choices that provide access to more functions.

The premium price category grants access to a variety of additional online project collaboration capabilities for improved organization.

There is also an Enterprise edition, which is charged depending on the number of members for which the team collaboration is needed.

It also includes some additional organizational administration which help in closed and secure management of online collaboration tools.

Google Workspace

Google Workspace - Online Collaboration Tool

Google Workspace can help shift your workplace from siloed to open, from task-oriented to engaged, and from an emphasis on individual productivity to an emphasis on online project collaboration.

Google Sites may be used to share ideas, and Google Docs, Sheets, Slides may be used as online collaboration tools where multiple users can access and work on the same document simultaneously and enable efficiently achieving the team collaboration objective in real time from anywhere in the globe.

Giving the staff the correct collaboration tools allows them to innovate and compete in new ways.

The teams will be more engaged, productive, and mobile, using Google Workspace tools.

As a result, one is able to offer more value for online project collaboration at a faster rate.


Asana - Online Collaboration Tool

Asana has been around since 2008, making it a seasoned veteran in the online project collaboration space, and firms like Intel, Uber, Pinterest, and TED all utilize it as their primary means of team collaboration.

It was created to make it simple for businesses to track employee work and get the best potential outcomes.

One can also use the site to build to-do lists for ongoing online project collaboration, set deadline reminders, and submit requests for team collaboration.

Members of a team can also leave comments on postings within the app.

One may arrange all online project collaboration tasks in a list or board format. With the help of collaboration tools that come with search option, one can easily find previous work.

Asana offers a fantastic bunch of collaboration tools that are known for being super-organized and facilitates online project collaboration.

Exabytes Singapore can assist with implementing similar collaboration tools such as Google Workspace, and Microsoft 365 at the organization which enables one experience a seamless team collaboration and undertake online project collaboration with the team.

Google Workspace from Exabytes comes with business collaboration features that enable for simple connection, creation, and team collaboration

Enjoy Up to 20% Off for first time signup to Google Workspace

Connect now to learn more about these online collaboration tools and what’s the best for your organization.


Introduction to Microsoft 365 (Office 365)

Introduction to Google Workspace (G Suite)

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