Exabytes Digital Day EDD Singapore

Exabytes Digital Day 2018

Last Friday, Exabytes Singapore office has conducted ‘Automation makes success’ workshop on Exabytes Digital Day. The turnout was a great success, and was definitely better than we had expected!

Admission was free to all digital marketers in the country, especially our valued clients. The objective of Exabytes Digital Day is to encourage the trend of digital marketing in Singapore.

Let’s have a recap of the workshop! EED SG 2018 started at 1:30pm with the first sharing by Clement Chau, the Chief Operating Officer of EasyParcel.

Clement shared his thoughts on 5 E-Commerce Automation Hacks in digital marketing and what we can do with a deep understanding in E-Commerce Automation.

Image 1 : Clement Chau was sharing about Abandon Cart Recovery 

EED Singapore Sharing

The Next Speaker was VP of Marketing, Exabytes – Vickson Tan, who shared about Top 5 Must-use Marketing Tools — tools that are recommended by practical marketers for you to manage your marketing activities at ease and more effectively.

Vickson Tan was sharing about 5 Ecommerce Automation Hacking

Ecommerce Automation Hacking

The last speaker was the Digital Marketing Manager of Exabytes, Jerrick Yeoh, who shared about Facebook AI Optimization You Might Not be Aware of’.

With valuable tips and advice, marketers can become more alert of some avoidable mistakes, and keep their Facebook Campaigns on the right track.

Jerrick Yeoh was sharing about Facebook Ads Objective 

Facebook Ads Objective

The intensive learning environment made the First Exabytes Digital Day Singapore a memorable event. We hope you enjoyed the sharing and the networking session.

We thank the participants for joining EDD Singapore 2018! Stay tuned for the Next Exabytes Digital Day!

Let’s grow our business online together!

For more information, visit our blog post about Exabytes Digital Day (EDD) Singapore