Challenges of Hybrid Work

Ever since the onset of the pandemic, the government of various countries has been compelled to lock down and restrict the commute of their citizens to different places, or even to the workplace.

With several people moving to their hometowns or staying at home in lockdown, the companies slowly brought in the ‘Work from Anywhere’ concept.

With the lockdown restrictions gradually easing with time, hybrid working was conceptualized as several companies understood that barring the critical teams like IT, tech support, etc. most of the teams could work from anywhere and their on-site presence was optional.

The businesses by now also had experienced the feasibility of working from remote location. 

The availability of Google Workspace (GWS) and the collaboration capabilities such products bring along helped businesses realize hybrid work is the future of work, Singapore.

What Exactly is Hybrid Work?

Hybrid workplace model

A hybrid work arrangement is one in which companies are more flexible about where their employees work from, be it on-site or work from anywhere, typically from their homes or a co-working location.

Possible Challenges of Hybrid Work

When you start working in a hybrid model it can sometimes get difficult to maintain relationships with coworkers and stay up to date with tasks real-time, as all employees wish to choose their own work from anywhere days.

This could result in a mess while handling projects with a deadline to be met. 

However, with Google workspace or GWS, one can work from a remote location and still stay up-to-date with respect to deliverables and meetings.

How GWS Can Help Overcome the 7 Challenges of Hybrid Work?

Go hybrid team meeting

1. A mismatch between office-based and remote workers

Hybrid working can cause a mismatch in thought processes or and work ethos between those employees working in the office and from a remote location.

It is highly critical that hybrid work arrangement be implemented carefully with a sensitivity towards both autonomy and cooperation because one of the key benefits of hybrid is the balance between the two.

One can fix this by setting up Google Workspace on every employee’s system as GWS can assist you in managing your files, setting up meetings, and notifying your staff before meetings.

2. Weekly rotation problem

Employees work in the office for half a week and rest of the time from home or a remote location.

With most or all of them attempting to complete the task on computers and work together, an online collaboration tool like Google Workspace can help provide the staff with work arrangement to meet all their deliverables seamlessly.

3. Striking the balance in meetings

Striking a balance in meetings between on-site and remote employees should not become a critical issue for employees who select more laissez-faire approach, where employees can choose how they wish to balance office and remote work for themselves.

To keep team members’ work in sync, utilize GWS with Google Apps like Google Calendar, Google Sheets, Google Docs, Google Meet, and other apps.

4. Office rental costs

One might think if it would be a waste of resources to maintain a dedicated office with all of its office advantage.

However, this decision depends on the business’s plans on bringing in together the on-site work and remote work.

If one wishes to adopt hybrid model than the completely remote approach, one would need to look for an office space.

To help cut costs, and be frugal where essential, one can rent a smaller area that’s required for the teams that need to work on-site and make essential connections and set ups with the help of Google Workspace as a collaboration tool.

5. Team interaction and guidance

Both managers and employees find managing remote working a challenge at times when there is a need to interact with the team at the spur of the moment.

This specially is of concern when there is a need for feedback discussion or taking some clarifications or explanations.

The Google Workspace apps have a solution for this.

Microsoft 365 Products

With GWs managers can evaluate and monitor their employees’ work with the help of Google Sheets, where one can learn about their performance.

A quick interaction between the employees and the seniors is easily possible with the help of Google Apps like Google Meet.

6. Difference in experiences on-site and remote

Along with everyday processes, team spirit and corporate culture are seen quite differently by individuals who spend a majority of their time in the office as against those who spend a majority of their time working from home.

This is especially important for new hires who must transition to a remote or hybrid job considering the situation.

Hybrid work is a solution for those who want to work from anywhere as well as those who wish to work on-site.

This team culture and a sense of belonging can be inculcated with the help of several google apps like Google Slides, Google Sheets, and Google Meet etc. that enable the team to work collaboratively and interact for connection regularly.

7. Keeping track of employees’ work

In a hybrid model, it can often become difficult to track the team’s deliverables considering that some people work from office while others work from home or remotely.

This can sometimes act as an impediment to track their performance. 

However, this issue can be resolved with the help of Google Workspace that helps keep all the data in one place and also enables the employees to collaborate with one other whether they are working on-site or are working from anywhere.

It’s no surprise that a hybrid working environment results in happier employees considering it improves work-life balance, saves time and money on long journeys and odd office encounters.

It is also evident that these businesses want to ensure a seamless deployment at no sacrifice to their employee experience.

Most businesses favor hybrid work arrangement considering the flexibility provided to the employees and that is why perhaps it is referred to as the future of work, Singapore.

It is only logical that the majority of employee-centric businesses in Singapore would choose hybrid work with the wonderful collaboration that Google Workspace plans offer with simplicity of usage. 

If you want to experience a seamless employee experience, you should be exploring the Google Workspace services from Exabytes.

Exabytes provides one of the best Google Workspace services in Singapore and you will get a lifetime free SG Domain and 50GB Backup by Acronis and more.

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Comparison between Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365

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