affiliate marketing for eCommerce

Did you know that the amount spent on affiliate marketing in the U.S. alone is expected to rise from $5.4 billion in 2017 to $8.2 billion in 2022?

Ecommerce platforms entail experimenting, fine-tuning, and ensuring that the message motivates consumers to take action while generating a profit.

Affiliate marketing is one of the more underutilized digital marketing channels available to someone who is starting an ecommerce platform to sell.

Using affiliate marketing to increase revenue through creators is a wise move. In order to optimize conversions, the ecommerce platforms will benefit from developing an affiliate marketing plan.

One may increase sales with a long-lasting affiliate marketing program that has a strong return on investment by utilizing the correct affiliates for the brand across the appropriate channels.

Affiliate marketing is when a business collaborates with affiliate marketers who advertise their products and produce sales on their behalf in exchange for a commission. Typically, an affiliate marketer is paid a flat fee per sale or a share of the revenue.

Affiliate marketing works by allowing affiliate partners to post product suggestions and, more importantly, the eCommerce platforms links to buy the items with their blog, email, or social media channel audiences.

It is a very ecommerce platform-based sales approach since affiliate partners are paid according to the volume of sales they are able to produce for businesses.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work for Ecommerce?

An affiliate marketing program is when a company employs a number of affiliate partners to market its goods for a predetermined amount of time. These crucial actions are taken by an active affiliate program:

  • On their blog, email, or social media pages, an affiliate marketing partner posts a tracked buy link for a particular brand’s goods.
  • The link is clicked by a consumer.
  • The consumer is sent to the company’s online store.
  • The monitored link keeps track of the transaction and credits the affiliate marketing partner who created the link with it.
  • The commission for the sale that the affiliate marketing partner helped to produce is given to them.

Affiliate Marketing Programs for Ecommerce Platforms

eCommerce platforms allow you sell things online

1# Search partners

Search for affiliate marketing partners, who are frequently independent contractors and business owners, and use their own funds to advertise a company’s product or service.

They use search engines like Google and Yahoo to generate visitors to the website and are paid a commission for each sale.

2# Influencers and bloggers.

Bloggers excel at improving a seller’s conversions through content marketing because they may rank naturally in search engine queries that aid affiliate marketing.

A comprehensive review that effectively promotes the brand and directs readers back to the seller’s ecommerce platforms is written by the blogger after receiving a sample of the goods or service.

3# Coupon websites

Coupon sites offer a huge potential to create incremental sales and provide value to the affiliate marketing program, even though this may not be the best collaboration for every ecommerce platform.

In reality, 53% of American consumers frequent daily deal websites like Groupon, and 85% search for coupons before making purchases.

4# Email promotion.

Every subscriber on the list of brands has viewed the material and freely provided their email address, indicating some level of interest in the ecommerce platforms or brand.

This is the beauty of email marketing. As a consequence, with individualized, targeted material, one has the chance to start a dialogue and actively engage the audience.

Why Small Businesses Should Use Affiliate Marketing?

Exabytes Affiliate Starter Guide - Activate Affiliate

Affiliate marketing has significant potential to increase the reach and number of prospective website visitors as the internet develops into a more collaborative environment with a wide variety of ecommerce platforms to work with.

1# High rate of return on investment

To develop marketing material and increase sales, one only relies on affiliate marketing, as opposed to hiring an advertising staff or buying ad space.

Since affiliate marketing is performance-based, one never pays for “possible sales” or impressions since one only pays the affiliate after a transaction has been made.

2# Everything can be followed effortlessly.

In easy affiliate marketing application dashboards, businesses can examine real-time statistics on impressions, clicks, leads, and purchases.

Frequently, an affiliate will receive an affiliate marketing link that tracks clicks using cookies with a predetermined cookie life. The cookie then monitors if the client makes a purchase, and if so, the affiliate will be compensated.

3# Being able to scale

Recruiting affiliates into the program, in combination with other digital marketing activities, will help one expand traffic more quickly.

One will be able to concentrate on developing new items, establishing new income streams, and attracting new clients while affiliate marketing strives to create money on already-existing goods and services.

4# Confirmation from other sources and social evidence

One can enhance the reputation and increase customer confidence by offering affiliate marketing to reliable influencers and high-authority websites.

This is a fantastic chance to get pre-qualified leads and boost SEO because the target audience probably already feels a connection to the influencers and ecommerce platforms they visit.

5# Concentrate on marketing particular, high-value items.

Online company owners can choose to have affiliate marketing advertise all of their items or just a few of them when generating affiliate offers. It makes sense to use affiliate marketing to promote high-margin, high-value items.

Additionally, if a product has a poor turnover rate, one can employ inventory management techniques to market the extra stock, increasing the sell-through rate.

How to Locate and Enlist Affiliates for One’s Online Store

host a website for online store

By following these steps, you can effectively locate and enlist affiliates in your ecommerce platform, leading to increased visibility and potentially higher sales through affiliate marketing efforts.

  1. Research and Identify Potential Affiliates: Look for websites, blogs, social media influencers, and other online platforms that align with your ecommerce niche or target audience. Consider factors such as their audience size, engagement level, and relevance to your products or services.
  2. Reach Out to Potential Affiliates: Contact potential affiliates through email, social media, or other communication methods. Introduce your ecommerce platform and affiliate program, highlighting the benefits and incentives for affiliates to partner with you. Be clear about the terms, commission rates, and any promotional materials you provide.
  3. Provide Promotional Materials: Make it easy for affiliates to promote your ecommerce platform by providing them with promotional materials such as banners, text links, and product images. These materials should be branded and easily accessible to affiliates in a designated affiliate portal or resource center.
  4. Set Up Affiliate Tracking: Implement a reliable affiliate tracking system to accurately track affiliate referrals, sales, and commissions. This system should generate unique affiliate tracking IDs or links for each affiliate to ensure proper attribution and commission payments.
  5. Offer Competitive Commission Rates: Set competitive commission rates that incentivize affiliates to promote your ecommerce platform. Consider industry standards and your profit margins when determining commission rates. Higher commission rates can attract more affiliates and motivate them to promote your platform more actively.
  6. Provide Ongoing Support and Communication: Maintain regular communication with your affiliates and provide ongoing support. Offer assistance with promotional strategies, answer their questions promptly, and address any concerns they may have. Keeping your affiliates engaged and informed can lead to a successful and long-lasting partnership.
  7. Monitor and Optimize Affiliate Program: Continuously monitor the performance of your affiliate program and optimize it based on the results. Track key metrics such as affiliate sales, conversion rates, and ROI. Make adjustments to your commission rates, promotional materials, and strategies to maximize the effectiveness of your affiliate program.


Affiliate marketing is a low-cost, scalable approach to increasing revenue for an online business. One can generate revenue with affiliate marketing without spending any money on marketing.

Exabytes offers attractive commissions for qualifying purchases. If you want to boost sales through affiliate marketing, you can contact us now at Exabytes.

Exabytes Affiliate Programme

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