WordPress Auto-Update PolicyBackground 

A new auto-update policy will be introduced by WordPress to address security concerns influencing approximately 11.7% of all WordPress websites. This auto-update policy will affect users who are using WordPress version v3.7 to v4.6. 

For now, version v4.7 and onward are considered secured. This means that versions older than that are defenseless against several vulnerabilities, including downloads of malicious scripts.

In addition, auto-updates will be implemented in incremental phases. WordPress aims to auto-update sites that run on version v.3.7 to v.4.7, followed by version v3.8 to v.4.6. Site owners are given the choice to opt out this auto-update policy and update their respective sites manually. 

Furthermore, if auto-update is unsuccessful, roll back will occur. WordPress will then send an email notification informing the website owner to update his/her website manually to the latest version. 


Affected Versions

Websites that run on WordPress versions between v3.7 and v4.6. 


Our Recommendation

Site administrators and users are strongly encouraged to update their WordPress version to v4.7 once it’s open to the public. For more information, please feel free to contact us.


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