Find Your WordPress Login URL

WordPress makes it extremely simple for beginners to quickly put up a website. However, how do you access your brand-new website after that?

Beginners usually can’t find the WordPress login page URL, which inhibits them from working on their website.

Where can I find the WordPress login page?

The wp-login page connects your WordPress website to the administrative dashboard, often known as the “admin area.”

You can make new articles, add new pages, modify your design, add plugins, and more once you are done with wp-login.

All you need to do on a regular WordPress install with a decent WordPress hosting provider like Exabytes and for wp login add /login or /admin to the end of your site’s URL.


As an wp login example:


If your WordPress login URL is not working properly for whatever reason, you may simply access the login page by browsing to this URL:


If you installed WordPress in a subdirectory, such as /wordpress/, you must visit your blog’s WordPress login page as follows:


You may access the WordPress login page in the following ways if you installed WordPress on a subdomain:


Once done wp login, you will be routed to your site’s WordPress admin section, which is located in the wp-admin folder.

You may get to your admin section by inputting the website URL as follows:

This WordPress login URL determines if you were previously logged in and whether your session is still active.

1. Utilizing ‘Remember Me’ to Avoid the WordPress Login Page

If you have trouble remembering your login URL and can’t find login page, you can add a bookmark to your browser’s bookmark bar.

Alternatively, you may include a link to your WordPress login page in your website’s footer, sidebar, or menu. There are two simple ways to accomplish this.

2. Including a wp login link in a menu

Vogue wp login link in a menu

The first approach is to provide a link to your WordPress login page in a menu. Simply navigate to Appearance » Menus in your WordPress admin panel.

After that, expand the “Custom Links” tab and enter your WordPress login URL and content. When finished, click the “Add to Menu” option to add this login link to your menu. Don’t forget to click the “Save Menu” option as well.

3. Making Use of the Meta Widget for wp login

Utilizing the default widget called “Meta” is the second choice. This widget includes a link to the WordPress login page, RSS feed connections, and a link to the website.

To begin, navigate to Appearance » Widgets and select the “+ Block Inserter” option. You must locate the Meta widget and drag it to the sidebar or widget-ready section of your website.

4. Using WordPress to Create a Custom WordPress Login Form

It makes sense to put the WordPress login form in the sidebar or construct a unique wp login page that complements the aesthetics of your website if it has several users.

There are other methods to accomplish a WordPress login, but the SeedProd Page Builder plugin will work.

WPForms may also be used to create custom login forms with additional form fields. It is the finest WordPress contact form plugin for creating wp login forms and adding them to your website.

5. Change your WordPress login page by editing your .htaccess file

You may also modify or conceal the WordPress login page URL by changing your .htaccess file.

The major purpose of the .htaccess file, which is typically used with cPanel hosting, is to specify rules and system-wide settings. As we’re talking about hiding the wp login page, .htaccess has two options.

The first is about password-protecting your wp login page with a .htpasswd file, so that everyone who visits your wp login page must enter a password before proceeding.

The second is to password-secure your entire site; utilizing the htpasswd tool is preferred. Alternatively, you can restrict access to only your WordPress login page.

Your wp login page can be made accessible based on a list of trustworthy IP addresses as your second choice.

How to Troubleshoot the Most Common WordPress Login Issues

Divi WordPress Theme

WordPress login is a simple process. However, some users, including new users, may have encountered difficulties while attempting wp login to access their WordPress site.

Such issues are typically classified as one of the following:

  • WordPress Login: Forgotten/Lost Password
  • Cookie-related issues

1. WordPress Login: Forgotten/Lost Password

If you are unable to log in, your wp login credentials may be incorrect.

So, the first thing you should do is double-check that the login username and password you’re entering are correct.

This is an error that most of us make occasionally. If it does not work, you should reset your login password before attempting anything further.

2. Cookies and WordPress Login

In some cases, you may be unable to do wp login owing to cookie-related difficulties. If this is the case, you will likely see the following error:

Your browser has banned cookies or does not support them. Cookies must be enabled for WordPress login.

Cookies are required for WordPress login to function. If they are deactivated or not functioning properly, you will most likely encounter issues on the wp login page. To begin, ensure that cookies are enabled in your browser:

This is common on freshly moved WordPress sites and on WordPress multi-sites. Occasionally, merely refreshing your browser and attempting to wp login again can get you through this issue.


Your WordPress login page is the portal via which you get access to your site. If you are unable to properly do wp login, you are simply a site visitor.

That is why you should understand how to access this important wp login page so that you don’t waste time while logging in to your WordPress site every time.

Exabytes provides the best WordPress hosting in Singapore. To know more, WhatsApp us now and get a WordPress site for your business.

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