What is cloud hosting & how does it work

What is Cloud Hosting

Hosting a website in the contemporary scenario is about choosing the best available options for hosting websites or web applications over cloud solutions.

In simple terms, cloud hosting can be defined as a server and network infrastructure which is apportioned and offered to the usage of different clients.

In parlance to a small business environment, though every desktop has some storage facility, the key files are stored in the main server on the office premises and are accessed over the local network access. 

Cloud hosting in simple terms can be defined as the macro scenario of such a network, wherein one largescale server is managed by a service provider, and the clients use the cloud hosting their websites as a shared resource. 

Cloud hosting can be seen in both the IaaS (infrastructure as a service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service).

SaaS, PaaS, IaaS

IaaS offers the virtualized hardware resources essential for installing the client’s software environment for the respective web application development. 

Many of the managed cloud hosting Singapore service providers offer IaaS with value-added benefits at competitive pricing solutions. 

In PaaS cloud hosting, users can find a software environment wherein the web applications can be installed or developed using the available frameworks more effectively and in a quick turnaround time.

Related topic: About Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)

Every server in a cloud setting environment executes a specific set of tasks, and the key benefit of cloud hosting is the backup measure and reliability for performance. 

Conventional cloud hosting solutions are about the clients developing physical infrastructure for managing the website hosting and maintenance.

However, the challenge in the conventional models or the traditional cloud hosting is about increased costs of hosting the solutions and the need for more resource utilization in managing the host solutions. 

In an illustrative scenario, traditional hosting requires dedicated monitoring and control of the server and the hosted application.

It involves a significant cost of human resources and network tools licenses for secured systems.

Over the cloud hosting, the client approaches best-managed cloud hosting Singapore service provider to explore available options for launching the web application or websites over the cloud hosting

The cloud hosting model of websites is about the service provider hosting the website over various servers deployed across geographical locations.

There are scores of benefits to adopting such contemporary ways of cloud hosting

Case Scenario 

In a case scenario of a business launching its website expecting moderate traffic, the traditional hosting solution is about launching a static website on a home server and managing the services using the internal teams.

Any instances of disruptions to the server functions can hamper access to the website.

On the other way, for the session requests received from far away locations from the home server environment, there shall be a delay in the site loading time and the processing speed of requests.

Whereas the requests received from a nearby location could be having better loading speeds.

However, in the cloud hosting scenario, as the website is launched in a distributed manner over a network of servers spread across geographical locations, every request shall hit the closet server and the clients shall get a quicker response in terms of loading the website or requisite information.

Business continuity plans are paramount for businesses, and the advantages of cloud hosting over traditional hosting are phenomenal.

Some of the key benefits of adopting the cloud hosting models are

  • Reliability
  • Security
  • Scalability
  • Flexibility

Increasing demands for cloud hosting have led to significant transformations in the methods and practices of cloud hosting solutions.

Some of the popular cloud hosting structures available in the contemporary scenario is

  1. Public Cloud Solutions
  2. Private Cloud Solution
  3. Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Public Cloud

Public Cloud Solutions 

In the public cloud solutions, the cloud service provider offers managed servers as a shared resource for multiple clients, under contractual terms and service guarantee.

In a shared resource structure, depending on the capability of the server, multiple resources are offered space to cloud hosting their solutions.

While this set-up of cloud hosting is a popular and best managed cloud hosting in Singapore, there are some constraints in the structure.

It is very economical for businesses to choose public cloud solutions such AWS, Microsoft and Google for their flexibility, reliability, and service offerings.

However, the issue of security concerns looms over the system.

For instance, if any of the other co-host applications in the cloud hosting server is vulnerable, it could have some impact on the other applications co-hosted in the public cloud hosting server.

Private Cloud Solution 

As a resolution to some of the challenges in the public cloud hosting model, the private cloud hosting solutions got into demand.

In private cloud hosting, a client shall have a dedicated server offered by the managed cloud hosting Singapore service provider.

A key benefit of the private cloud solutions is a more secured cloud hosting environment for data security, and the services offered under service level agreement.

Businesses dealing with more protected transactions or confidential data of the customers can opt for private cloud hosting solutions.

By choosing the private cloud hosting solutions, clients can leverage the full-scale benefits of the cloud computing capabilities, whilst securing the data and adhering to data compliance conditions.

Unlike the public cloud hosting models, the private cloud hosting solutions costs higher, and offers a value proposition.

Hybrid Cloud Solutions 

Some of the best-managed cloud service providers in Singapore has the expertise in offering hybrid cloud hosting solutions which are more popular and in demand.

The hybrid model is a combination of private cloud hosting and public cloud hosting together.

Clients use this model to reap the benefits of cost savings alongside reaping the benefits of private cloud security.

For instance, clients can use the static data information hosting from the public cloud hosting solution and use the private cloud hosting for secured data management.

No second thoughts, cloud hosting can be a potential value proposition for businesses in Singapore.

Reach out to Exabytes Singapore to understand the best fit cloud hosting solutions for your websites and get competitive pricing offers.

Exabytes Singapore offers cloud hosting at efficient pricing and with guaranteed 24x7x365 tech support.

What is Difference Between Hosting & Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting such as Amazon Web Services provides both software and hardware services to users who need to host their websites on the cloud.

This type of service offers scalability, security, and reliability which are essential for any business.

However, hosting refers to the process by which users can install software or applications on servers owned by someone else.

Hosting can also refer to providing storage space for websites or other data files with an internet connection.

If you’re looking for a web host provider with steady, fast growth and plans to stay at the same host for years, this is an ideal choice.

In spite of that, if you are looking for swift, dynamic growth and flexibility on a shifting landscape of technologies & hosting providers, then choosing cloud-hosted servers such as VMware Cloud might be better.

VMware Private Cloud empowers businesses to build and host websites and apps for years to come, giving them the uninterrupted service they need while providing a level of security that cannot be matched with traditional hosting.

For more information, contact us now or visit our website here: VMware Cloud Singapore.

VMware Cloud Server

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