vps, dedicated server and shared hosting comparison

Web hosting could be a daunting subject for those who are not particularly tech-savvy. It could be a challenge to comprehend what VPS hosting or shared hosting is, let alone the several sorts! 

With so many different types of web hosting available, deciding which one is best for you can be difficult.

For instance, the popularity of a virtual server is shooting up so high that by  2026, the market for VPS hosting is estimated to reach USD 8.3 billion.

Do you want to go with shared hosting, managed VPS hosting, or dedicated server web hosting? You may be asking what virtual private server or shared hosting is. Let us get to know you more in detail.

Shared Hosting

Beginner Guides for Web Design - what is shared hosting

Living in a shared hosting environment is remarkably similar to living in an apartment complex.

All residents share the same space and must share the same amenities, such as the pool, parking lot, and playground.

In shared hosting, all accounts must share the server’s resources with all other accounts. CPU time, RAM, and storage space are a few examples.

The System Administrators keep a constant eye on all of our shared hosting servers.

Dedicated Server Hosting

Beginner Guides for Web Design - what is dedicated server

The essential, advanced, and elite dedicated server hosting plans are included in dedicated server hosting.

Dedicated server hosting is comparable to owning a home.

Dedicated servers provide businesses with their own dedicated physical server, giving them exclusive access to resources such as bandwidth, storage space, and processing power.

You have access to all of the machine’s resources, and no one else’s account is stored on the system.

VPS Hosting Managed

Beginner Guides for Web Design - what is VPS

Managed VPS Hosting is equivalent to owning a condo and includes the 8GB RAM, 16GB RAM, 24GB RAM, and 32GB RAM plans.

While one may still share items on the property, you are ultimately responsible for the upkeep of your own possessions and maintenance inside the unit.

In addition, there are far fewer occupants per structure.

Not all resources on a virtual private server are shared. The machine’s total CPU time and memory are shared among all accounts, but portions of those resources are constantly committed to each account.

This gives one more control and flexibility than a shared hosting account.

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Dedicated Hosting vs. Shared Hosting

A variety of factors influence the cost and value of dedicated hosting compared to shared hosting.

The following are some instances of how dedicated servers vary from shared hosting servers.

1# Server Efficiency

One of the possible drawbacks of shared hosting is that the server distributes resources among all users.

This might occasionally result in a situation known as “noisy neighbors,” in which your shared hosting experience is hampered by the resource-intensive behaviors of other users on the same server.

A dedicated server, on the other hand, will have faster response times and higher dependability since it is not affected by the activities of other users on the server.

This is because you have a dedicated server with resources that only you have access to.

2# Customization

A shared hosting provider must limit the applications installed by numerous users. Otherwise, anything dangerous might be posted, compromising the security of your server.

Broken scripts can bring down all of the sites on the server. Less customization, on the other hand, offers a considerably simpler learning curve.

A dedicated server allows you to be more creative. You may install optimized software that suits your company’s and customers’ needs without worrying about limits or interfering with the websites of other companies.

3# Server Safety

If another site on your shared hosting server is hacked, your server and all sites on it may experience speed deterioration.

Furthermore, the security of your site may be jeopardized, particularly if you enable financial transactions or hold sensitive client information on it.

One doesn’t have to worry about other users compromising the server on a dedicated server.

Dedicated Hosting vs. VPS Hosting

1# Speed

While users on VPS platforms are divided into distinct virtual environments, they all share the same physical hardware and can only access a subset of the total system resources.

All system resources are made available to the user by default with dedicated server hosting.

Access to these resources speeds up page load times and enhances website responsiveness.

2# Scalability

When it comes to extending your website or increasing the amount of storage you want, a VPS is frequently the better option.

Because VPS platforms are controlled virtually, One may upgrade their storage by assigning more resources from the existing pool of memory.

One will need to physically install more disks on the server when using dedicated server hosting.

3# Security


Hosting providers do not market their security since doing so would be equivalent to putting a bullseye on your back.

However, security precautions differ across shared hosting servers, VPS, and dedicated server hosting.

VPS hosting is less expensive than the dedicated server hosting

Nothing beats a VPS hosting plan if you have some money to invest in your website’s hosting plan but don’t want to break the bank.

  • If there are too many individuals on the same VPS server, the pricing may rise. If there are several websites on a single VPS server, the price will climb in tandem with the demand.
  • VPS options are much more expensive than shared hosting services. A VPS can range in price from $20 to $100 per month, depending on the hosting operator, assigned RAM, and other factors.
  • Using VPS hosting comes with a lot more obligations. When utilizing a virtual private server, you will need to update the website and conduct many more administrative tasks. Because shared hosting platforms normally handle everything, many novices choose them over VPS, cloud servers, and dedicated servers.

If you can fit it within your budget, virtual private server hosting is well worth it. It’s not too pricey, but it’s a little overpriced when compared to shared hosting.


If one tries to differentiate VPS, dedicated server and shared hosting, VPS hosting is worthwhile for most website owners since it gives all of the previously listed benefits.

In general, VPS hosting is more secure and intelligent than shared hosting plans because there are fewer competitors and assigned RAM.

If you want to get managed hosting plan for your website, Exabytes can provide you with NVMe VPS Hosting in Singapore.

To learn more from our experts, contact us now.

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