Dedicated server hosting

A dedicated server is a remote server which is dedicated to a single business or enterprise or entity. The resources like disk space, RAM, bandwidth etc. are exclusive to that given server only. 

Dedicated hosting is of two types – Unmanaged hosting and Managed hosting.

Unmanaged hosting

Unmanaged servers are useful for the websites that are configured and can be maintained on the server on their own.

If the business has the staff and skillset to customize and manage the server, one can go for unmanaged servers with no requirement of technical support from the web hosting providers.

Managed hosting

With managed dedicated server web hostingtechnical support for maintenance, management and customization of the server is provided by the web hosting service provider

One can also choose between Linux Dedicated Servers and Windows Dedicated Servers.

This decision of the two operating systems primarily depends on the nature and type of applications the websites use, the level of customization required, the cost of hosting and the ease of use.

Related article: Difference between Linux and Windows Web Hosting

When do I invest in a Dedicated Server Hosting?

1. Large Website/ Heavy Traffic

Dedicated hosting is of utmost importance when the website in consideration is large with heavy traffic.

Shared hosting will not enable storing massive amounts of data and content or handle large volumes of traffic.

Often the website could run out of space when building the site. Inflow of high volumes of visitors could also result in a website crash, resulting in downtime for the site.

When a decrease in performance of your website is observed, it’s time to switch to a dedicated server.

2. Improve Page Speed and Uptime

Lack of resources not only prevent the website from accommodating more visitors but also reduces the downloading time.

Shared servers are responsible for returning responses for multiple sites, placing the server under strain.

When the website can’t achieve their site speed goals even after image compressing, browser caching, deferred JavaScript and other methods, it’s time to scale up to a dedicated server hosting.

3. Tighter Security

Websites that handle sensitive data may be recommended to consider a Dedicated Server.

When hosted on a shared server, there is an increased risk for cyberattacks to breach server security.

When a website is hacked or attacked on the shared server, it increases the risk and vulnerability on the other websites hosted on the shared server.

A dedicated hosting service allows websites to secure their information and reduces any potential vulnerabilities.

4. Customizing the server configuration

When opting for a dedicated server, it includes server location and Operating System (OS).

Server location enables to find a server close to the primary audience, which will improve loading time for them.

For OS, most users may be satisfied with a Linux server, which is the default for many hosts.

Others may want a Windows server though, and Dedicated Server allows you to choose.

Exabytes is a dedicated server Singapore provider, serving all large enterprises and the businesses that deal with sensitive information.

For more information: When do you need dedicated server?

What are the benefits of opting for a Dedicated Hosting?

  • Root Access: Root Access is an Administrator level login for hosting servers. With root access, websites can take complete control over the server. This allows the businesses to customize their server in the best way to fulfill the business needs, including installing and uninstalling any third-party software, optimizing settings, customizing hardware, setting up firewalls, enhancing security levels, and more.
  • Instant Setup: Website hosting provider may include a fast and easy setup in their plans. One can start using the server within minutes of purchasing it without paying any fees to set it up.
  • Great Performance: The resources run on the website or application are available with a Dedicated Server without any hinderance by sudden surge in the traffic, translating into a better performance. When a dedicated hosting plan is chosen, it also guarantees stability, security, and scalability. With the best HVAC architecture, top-of-the-line hardware and cutting-edge networking switch you can be sure of an uptime of 99.9% of the times.
  • Enhanced Security: Dedicated Servers comes with enhanced security as compared to shared hosting. The server space is not shared with any other website, and there is no room for fears of being affected by other websites on the server. This is especially critical when dealing with sensitive information. These servers have strong and secure mechanisms that are equipped to handle all kinds of cyberattacks.

One common question on disk storage – ‘In dedicated hosting, can I increase my disk storage?’.

The answer is – Yes, you can increase the disk storage as required. It is just a matter of putting in additional hard drives in the server.

Which is better? Is a Dedicated Server better than Cloud Hosting?

While cloud hosting plans offer scalable server resource allocation based on hardware virtualization, dedicated server hosting plans include a fixed allocation of isolated RAM, CPU, and SSD/HDD storage that can provide better performance and increased security for online business applications.

Total Control

By choosing dedicated server hosting, businesses gain full root access to the server. This unrestricted authorization allows them to configure the server effortlessly to suit their specific needs.


A dedicated server caters solely to a specific business. Companies can allocate server bandwidth and processing power as per their need to optimize website performance and ensure 99.95% network uptime.

Round-the-clock Support

Every business wishes to protect its website from glitches. A dedicated server Singapore hosting comes with the added advantage of 24/7 customer assistance, which ensures that technical issues are resolved quickly for uninterrupted access and optimal performance.

Server Maintenance and Monitoring

Opting for a managed dedicated hosting keeps you away from the hassle of server maintenance and administration.

A team of engineers is available to monitor, handle and configure the dedicated server, making it a cost-effective mode of accessing beneficial server resources.


Enterprises are constantly evolving and growing. As such, infrastructure that meets a business’s needs today may become irrelevant over time.

Most dedicated hosting providers can help companies scale up quickly beyond their existing infrastructure with minimum downtime.

Value for Money

As a business, balancing quality and cost savings is often a difficult undertaking. While opting for shared web hosting might seem to be cost-effective, enterprises may end up paying a high price for such a solution in the form of poor user experience of their website which would result in poor visitor traffic on the website and reduced sales.

A dedicated server hosting offers total control and flexibility to an enterprise for a hassle-free website management making it a value for money.

Exabytes Singapore is one of the best cheap dedicated server providers with a wide range of dedicated server hosting options starting as low as S$99/mo. 

Connect with our team now to learn more about dedicated server Singapore packages and managed dedicated server web hosting.

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