real estate industry should adopt cloud solutionsBusinesses from many industries have been able to meet their growing technological needs while effectively obtaining access to interesting new tools like VMware, thanks to the rising acceptance of VMware cloud computing over the past ten years.

But not every sector has followed the development of cloud solutions that the digital revolution has brought forth.

The real estate industry serves as a perfect illustration of a business which could do well by adoption cloud solutions

Over the past few years, cloud solutions have had a significant influence on commercial industries.

It is currently moving forward with innovation and development as it has grown in popularity.

Nowadays, people prefer to hunt for the services or goods they need online. The same holds true when purchasing and selling in the real estate industry. 

The knowledge customers have about the assets kept online lends them credibility.

The cloud solutions have changed how the real estate industry lists and publishes its residential and commercial properties for customers.

Additionally, it has altered how prospective buyers look for and find houses.

Real estate industry

Only after using internet tools to research a specific home should a client get in touch with a real estate industry broker or agent to schedule an inspection.

Most likely, the consumer has all the information needed and is about to decide whether or not to buy.

Cloud solutions have currently transformed the way assets are marketed. The real estate industry will be able to manage data more effectively with cloud solutions.

Although there are certain advantages to cloud solutions in the real estate industry, there are drawbacks as well.

According to a new study report released by Information Services Group (ISG), a worldwide technology research and consultancy group, businesses in Singapore and Malaysia are embracing cloud solutions at a rapid rate, driven by the expansion of digital transformation and other trends in the area.

5 reasons why the real estate industry should adopt cloud solutions

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1# Developing an Open Ecosystem

The cloud solutions provide the ideal platform for hosting a variety of apps and software solutions that increase agent and broker efficiency.

The creation of a real estate app store with a variety of products, including cloud hosting CRM tools, lead generating tools, open house apps, and productivity tools, is one way to go for cloud hosting.

By doing this, an open environment is created where agents and brokers may choose from a variety of software tools, including both internal and outside-built apps.

2# Customer Relationship Management

CRM, or customer relationship management, is another name for it. A real estate company may use this kind of a software powered by a cloud hosting platform to access and collect data on both new and existing clients.

Additionally, it enables communication between the business and its clients. A CRM system controls expanding relationships in an expanding business.

The CRM offers useful insights into the activities and advancement of a company’s staff. Additionally, cloud solutions make it possible for the sales force to swiftly and readily access information on past, present, and future customers while on the road.

By adopting a cloud hosting solution or by migrating the existing management applications to cloud solutions, real estate agents can monitor the success or failure of their marketing plans.

Agents may get on-demand and live insights that can assist them and help attract new clients with cloud solutions like VMware Cloud.

3# Management of leads and marketing

Numerous cloud solutions lead and marketing management systems exist, and they may be quite beneficial for the real estate industry.

These tools, like VMware Cloud, support real estate agents in lead generation, tracking the efficacy of marketing initiatives, and automating communications.

One of the most commonly used cloud solutions for real estate is email marketing.

There are several third-party cloud solutions email services that are not only affordable and simple to use but also flexible, insightful, and trustworthy, including MailChimp and Constant Contact.

Real-time insights are perhaps one of the most useful aspects. Finding out who opens emails, when they are opened, and which links people click on is now simpler than ever.

These figures generate leads for a company, making it simpler for the staff to approach potential customers because of cloud solutions.

This significantly improves collaboration by linking the marketing and sales departments.

Related: Create a Custom Domain Email for Your Company

4# Mobility for the Professional

Real estate industry may basically transfer their offices online thanks to cloud solutions like VMware, which makes it possible for staff members to stay active constantly!

They can work from anywhere, on any device, which makes life really easy. 

When real estate agents use cloud solutions, they can quickly keep in touch with the office, clients, and other business connections while also having access to a fully synchronized address book and calendar.

ICT infrastructure

If they are at a property with a client, it is simple to use a smartphone or tablet to get the relevant property information or display similar possibilities by utilizing virtual tours or street-view maps.

This doesn’t only make procedures simpler. Additionally, because of cloud solutions, it makes an impression on clients and enables an agent to complete agreements more frequently and efficiently.

5# Security, Cost Efficiency and Scalability

Real estate industry agents undoubtedly handle sensitive information like license numbers, credit scores, social security numbers, and more, even if it may not be the first industry that springs to mind when discussing data security

Cloud solutions enable businesses to uphold security standards and comply with regulations common in other stringent sectors, including the financial one.

Due to the cloud hosting management of the costs associated with infrastructure, updates, cooling, electricity, software licensing, and other expenses, real estate firms may also significantly reduce their expenditures.


As cloud solutions expand, all industries, including the real estate industry, are beginning to understand why the real estate industry should adopt cloud solutions.

There will always be difficulties, but if they are properly resolved, the real estate sector will continue to have a competitive edge with cloud solutions.

Exabytes offers cloud solutions such as VMware that are completely resilient, secure, and highly available managed cloud services for real estate industry businesses.

Contact an Exabytes Singapore professional today for more details and exciting promotions!

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