future trends for hosting

The digital divide is declining, and SMBs are getting more focused on e-business solutions, adapting to the changing business trends and customer preferences. 

Among the significant developments, businesses are more focused on increasing their online presence, by hosting their websites, using communication applications, developing mobile app interfaces for e-business with the customers, and internal systems.

While few businesses are starting it small by hosting a website using a web hosting solution, many businesses are focusing on strategic plans for e-business applications launched on cloud hosting solutions. 

Demand for digital service providers offering cloud hosting, and web hosting services, for launching websites developed using website builders is on the rise.

As the progress in the digital revolution is picking pace, here we focus on the future trends for hosting, and some of the key things to look out for

Integrated Services 

Earlier, SMBs must approach a different set of service providers for managing their online presence.

However, today, there are many small and medium-scale service providers working as a one-stop solution for businesses aspiring to create an online presence or extend their online presence

In an illustrative scenario, earlier SMBs in Singapore choose domain registration from one service provider, engage the web developers to work on themes and develop websites, and contract with a web hosting or cloud hosting services company to launch the websites over the public servers offered by the service provider.

However, with the emergence of solutions like business hosting, one entity offering holistic services right from web domain registration, cloud hosting, HTTPS for secured traffic to the website, and website builder solutions for creating websites.

As digital services are being increasingly integrated and serviced under one set-up, it is more effective for SMBs for managing the e-business applications over secured servers offered as cloud hosting.

Multi-Level Cloud Hosting 

Multi level cloud hosting

Emerging technological advancements support more dynamic, collaborative, and synergized levels of system integration among cloud hosting.

In multi-cloud hosting, the information systems data are stored in multiple cloud hosting servers. The advantage of this approach is security and ease of access.

For instance, when multiple segments of an application are hosted on different servers, any interruption or breach of security might only impact a fraction of an application process or document storage.

In the other dimension, focusing on the basic function of cloud hosting to have more distributed traffic management, and uptime reliability, multi-cloud hosting solutions can be a pragmatic approach.

Some of the earlier market studies have envisaged good growth for multi-cloud hosting solutions, and how it can be significant in terms of transformation to attain operational excellence of cloud hosting.

Even SMBs are now preferring multi-cloud hosting solutions for their seamless benefits offered.

Green Web Hosting 

Sustainable development is paramount, and even in the case of cloud hosting or web hosting services too, the need for sustainable development is high.

Maintenance of huge data centers, the energy consumption for managing such massive scale infrastructure, and the heat generated from the system operations, are leading to increased CO2 output, from the data center environment.

Though the individual servers at on-premises levels for cloud hosting are reduced, the enormity of ICT infrastructure development is high.

Thus, there is a need to be attentive to environmental impact factors.

Many global service providers of cloud hosting solutions are investing in carbon offsetting schemes either directly or indirectly.

The evolution of green web hosting as a practice is profoundly about the importance of eco-friendly practices or attempts from web hosting and cloud hosting service providers.

Renewable Energy Usage

REC (Renewable Energy Certificates) and VER (Carbon Offsetting Certificates) for the service providers are given priority by businesses as an ethical practice, in the selection of cloud hosting service providers for web hosting applications.

So, when selecting a service provider, having green web hosting in the checklist criteria can be resourceful for environmentally sustainable development.

Pricing Competition 

cloud backup solution

With an increasing number of web hosting service providers, and reputed global players having a major pie of market share, there is intense competition among the mid-level service providers.

The pricing competition is multi-fold, wherein the major players compete for cloud hosting service packages, the small service providers compete in web hosting packages, and value-added benefits like website builder support, etc.

Exabytes Malaysia provides affordable business web hosting plans starting as low as RM 3.99/month.

For more information: View Web Hosting Plan here.

Security Solutions

Alongside the positive developments, there are a series of challenges facing cloud hosting services.

Leading cyber security solution firms are offering holistic service solutions catering to cloud hosting service providers, network service offerings, and independent users.

The ecosystem of security solutions is on the rise, and the emphasis is to reduce the risk of cyber security issues caused by a cyber attack.

Dedicated Servers 

VPS Server

The other significant development is the dedicated server hosting offered by web hosting service providers for their clients.

A dedicated server is used by only one customer.

Though the cost of managing the cloud hosting over the dedicated servers can be premium, a managed dedicated server offers better control, security, and compliance. 

Managed Web Hosting Services 

Unlike dedicated servers or virtual private server solutions, cloud hosting services are generally offered as managed service.

In the managed services, the maintenance of the server, application installations, and other responsibilities are managed by the cloud hosting service provider.

This enables SMBs to focus on the core business aspects more effectively.

Managed services come with a long list of actions a web hosting provider undertakes on behalf of a customer  which lets them concentrate on growing their business and not worry about tech issues.

Design Thinking 

Businesses are emphasizing on design thinking approach in their e-business solutions to ensure better user experience in the websites or web applications launched on green web hosting.

Be Local Think Global

Be it an ecommerce business or a traditional business, it is important to be part of local business listings to reach the immediate target audience.

Without capturing much of local business, going global is difficult.

Businesses should look for a web hosting provider who offers local business listing as a service to ensure their presence is felt in the domestic markets.

Automate What Can Be Repeated

Handling customer service, sales along with lead management can be chaotic. It is also repetitive in nature.

Using a helpdesk software which is feature rich and helps automate rhythmic work helps save time, energy and builds efficiencies in operations.

Exabytes Malaysia offers every possible service and solution which also covers what would come in as a future trend for hosting.

Contact an Exabytes Professional today to know more about future trends for hosting and stay updated!

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