Google Sheet excel skills beginners guide

If you’re new to Google Sheets or looking to improve your Excel skills, you’ve come to the right place. In this ultimate guide, we’ll walk you through the basics of using Google Sheets, a powerful tool that allows you to create and manage spreadsheets online.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who needs to organize data, Google Sheets offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features to help you get the job done.

From understanding the fundamentals to utilizing Google Sheets templates and mastering the handy filter function, this article has got you covered. Let’s dive in and unlock the potential of Google Sheets!

What Is Google Sheets – Basic Excel Skills? 

Google Sheets interface

Google Sheets is a user-friendly online tool that allows you to create and edit spreadsheets effortlessly. Whether you’re on your computer or using your iOS or Android device, you can access and work on your spreadsheets anytime, anywhere. All you need is a valid email address to get started.

With Google Sheets, you have the power to edit and format your spreadsheets, adding, editing, and formatting cells, formulas, and functions with ease. Not only that, but you can also analyze your data by visualizing it in charts, graphs, and tables. Collaboration is made simple as well, as you can easily share your Google Sheets documents and folders with others for real-time collaboration.

And when it comes to printing or downloading your spreadsheets, Google Sheets offers compatibility with various formats like Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, and PNG. So go ahead and explore the possibilities with Google Sheets, and let your creativity and productivity soar!

Common Google Sheets Terms to Know

To deepen our understanding of Google Sheets, it is crucial to become familiar with the customary terminology used when discussing data within this platform.

Column: In Google Sheets, columns represent the vertical alignment of cell sets, enabling the organization and categorization of data.

Row: The horizontal orientation of cell sets is denoted as rows within Google Sheets, facilitating the systematic arrangement and segmentation of information.

Cell: Individual data points within a Google Sheet are referred to as cells. These discrete units serve as repositories for specific data entries.

Range: A range includes a selection of cells spanning either a column, a row, or both, allowing for focused analysis and manipulation of desired data subsets.

Function: Within the Google Sheet ecosystem, functions denote pre-programmed operations that expedite calculations, data manipulation, and other relevant processes.

How To Create Google Sheets

To embark on the journey of creating a Google Sheet, follow these simple yet essential steps. Begin by accessing the Google Sheets platform through its website or mobile application. Once there, you will encounter an intuitive interface, reminiscent of a grid-like structure.

Google Sheets - Row, Column, Cell, and Function
To organize your data effectively, utilize the options in the “Insert” menu to add columns and rows as needed, as shown in the image above. 

By selecting a desired cell and inputting your information, you will populate the sheet with ease. The toolbar located at the top of the screen provides professional formatting options, enabling you to customize fonts, colors, and more.

Should the need arise for calculations, rely on formulas like “=SUM(A1:B2)” to perform mathematical operations. For example, you can use “=SUM(B3:B11)” to calculate the total sum of 9 by navigating to “Insert,” then “Function,” and selecting “Sum.”

How To Search In Google Sheets

Searching in Google Sheets is a breeze when you know the steps. To begin, open your Google Sheet and navigate to the top right corner where you’ll find the search bar. Click on it and type in the keyword or phrase you’re looking for.

Google Sheets will instantly start displaying matching results, highlighting the cells that contain the desired information. If you have a large dataset, you can use the “Find” option under the “Edit” menu for more advanced search functionality.

With this powerful feature, you can efficiently locate specific data within your Google Sheet, saving you time and effort in your professional pursuits.

How To Sort In Google Sheets

Let us guide you through the process of sorting in Google Sheets with clarity. First, open your Google Sheet and locate the row of column headers. Identify the specific column you want to sort, which contains the relevant data.

Next, navigate to the “Data” tab, where you’ll find a variety of powerful tools at your disposal. Look for the option called “Sort Range” and click on it. A range of data will be displayed, ready for your sorting.

google sheets sort data and range

Decide whether you want to sort in ascending or descending order and select the appropriate option. Finally, click on the “Sort” button and witness the transformation as your data rearranges itself effortlessly. You’ve now mastered the ways of sorting in Google Sheets, empowering you to effortlessly organize and analyze your data.

How To Freeze Columns In Google Sheets

To ensure a seamless data exploration experience, let’s learn how to freeze rows in your spreadsheet. By implementing this technique, you can effortlessly maintain visibility of the first row, regardless of the vast expanse of data below. 

This invaluable feature aids in effectively managing lengthy lists, allowing you to keep a keen eye on the specific content you’re examining. There are two straightforward methods to achieve this:  

Google Sheets freeze row

  • Navigate to the View tab in the navigation bar, select Freeze, and then opt for the “1 row” option. This will securely lock the first row in place. 
  • Alternatively, position your cursor over the dark gray bar situated at the top-left of the spreadsheet. Once the cursor transforms into a hand symbol, simply drag it between rows 1 and 2.

How To Wrap Text using Google Sheets Toolbar

Google Sheets users can access the text wrapping feature conveniently through the toolbar located beneath the top menu. To implement wrapped text, first, select the desired cell range, then click on the text wrapping icon situated on the toolbar.

From the dropdown menu, opt for the middle selection labeled “wrap.” This action ensures that the text within the cells is appropriately wrapped, resulting in a neater appearance for the spreadsheet. Moreover, Google Sheets automatically adjusts row and column sizes to accommodate the wrapped text.

In addition to Google Sheets’ default automatic text wrapping based on column width, users can manually wrap specific sections of text using a keyboard shortcut. Follow these steps to insert a line break manually:

How To Wrap Text Google Sheets

  1. Select the cell where the line break should be inserted.
  2. Position the cursor at the desired line break location.
  3. While holding the ALT key, press Enter (ALT+Enter for Windows, ⌘ + ⌥ + Shift + (your preferred number) for Mac).

The ALT+Enter keyboard shortcut effectively inserts a line break, allowing the text to appear on separate lines before and after the break. This manual method proves advantageous when there is a need to wrap text at specific points.

For those seeking a more efficient approach, Google Sheets offers the option to create a custom keyboard shortcut using macros to facilitate text wrapping. Follow these steps:

  • Begin by selecting the cells that require wrapping.
  • Access the Extensions menu at the top and choose Macros, followed by Record macro.
  • Opt for the “Use relative reference” option and wrap the text using the desired method.
  • Save the recorded action by clicking Save.
  • Assign a name to the macro, allocate a shortcut key number (e.g., zero), and save the changes. Mac users can utilize the custom shortcut key ⌘ + ⌥ + Shift + (preferred number). Now, this personalized shortcut key can be employed to wrap text in the selected cells.

It is crucial to note that macros are specific to the Google spreadsheet in which they were created and cannot be used elsewhere.

Users with coding knowledge can further customize the macros script to suit their preferences. To edit the macros script, navigate to Extensions, select Macros, and click on Manage macros.

By choosing the Edit script option from the three vertical dots icon, users are directed to Google Apps Script. Access the file under Files to modify the code according to their requirements.

If the objective is to create a distinct shortcut for text wrapping, macros offer a viable solution, particularly for users who possess coding expertise.

The Powerful Google Sheets Filter for Data Analysis 

The Google Sheets filter feature is a valuable tool for effectively managing and analyzing data. It simplifies the process of sorting and organizing data by allowing you to apply specific criteria to columns.

To efficiently manage your data using the filter feature in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

  • Begin by selecting the range of data that you wish to filter.
  • Navigate to the “Data” tab in the menu and click on “Create a Filter.” This action will display filter arrows next to each column header.
  • Click on the filter arrow for the desired column and select the criteria you want to apply.
  • Apply multiple filters across different columns to sort and analyze your data based on specific conditions.

By following these steps, you can streamline the data management process, making it easier to handle and analyze your data effectively.

Google Apps Script Unveiled

Discover the power of Google Apps Script, a dynamic cloud-based JavaScript platform designed to extend and automate the functionality of various Google products, including the ever-popular Google Sheets.

Now, let’s delve into the impressive array of Apps Script commands at your disposal to seamlessly wrap text within your Google Sheets.

First, we have the getWrap() command, which acts as a text-wrapping detective, allowing you to determine if the text within a specific cell is wrapped. On the other hand, setWrap() empowers you to take control and dictate the text wrap for an individual cell, granting you the freedom to customize to your heart’s content.

Next, we have the getWraps() command, which skillfully investigates whether the cells within a designated range are wrapped. As for setWraps(), it gives upon you the ability to impose wrapped text across a symmetrical grid of cells, transforming your data into a visually pleasing masterpiece.

Meanwhile, the getWrapStrategy() command reveals the text-wrapping strategy employed by the top-left cell specified. Its counterpart, setWrapStrategy(), grants you the power to define the text-wrap strategy for an entire range of cells, giving you ultimate control over your sheet’s aesthetic appeal.

The getWrapStrategies() command provides a detailed summary of the text-wrapping strategies used in a specific range of cells. On the other hand, setWrapStrategies() allows you to define text-wrap strategies for a large rectangular range of cells, ensuring consistent and organized text wrapping across your entire sheet.

Benefits of Google Sheets for Marketing

Marketers are data-centric. Their pursuit of understanding return on investment, cost per acquisition, and various other metrics shows their need to analyze and report progress. 

However, managing and keeping track of these numbers can pose a challenge. This is where spreadsheets prove invaluable. By meticulously organizing data within a spreadsheet, marketers can swiftly scrutinize extensive datasets, allowing them to make well-informed decisions regarding their initiatives. 

Google Sheet Headmaps

Let us explore the advantages of utilizing Google Sheets for marketing.

  • Google Sheets operates through the cloud. This ensures automatic saving, storage, and maintenance via a remote server, granting seamless accessibility from any location at any time. Furthermore, Google Sheets remains accessible even in offline scenarios.
  • Google Sheets is entirely free. Gone are the days of investing in pricey software; this powerful tool is available for free.
  • Google Sheets seamlessly adapts to the dynamic device usage prevalent among modern marketers. Whether it be a smartphone, tablet, or computer, the accessibility and editability of Google Sheet data remain consistent across many devices.
  • Google Sheets boasts numerous add-ons, which enhance its functionality and flexibility.

All in all

You’ve reached the end of the ultimate guide to Google Sheets for beginners. By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to navigate Google Sheets and enhance your skills.

Remember, Google Sheets offers a variety of templates to jumpstart your projects, and the filter function can be a powerful ally when it comes to organizing and analyzing data. 

Whether you’re a student managing assignments, a professional tracking expenses, or simply someone wanting to stay organized, Google Sheets has the tools you need. Last but not least, if you are using Google Chrome, you could download the Chrome extension here for easy use.  

So go ahead and explore the endless possibilities and excel in your data management endeavors with Google Sheets. 

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