Google Spreadsheets savvy hacks

If you’re a fan of Google Sheets and want to take your productivity to the next level, then you’re in luck! In this handy cheat sheet, we’ll unlock a variety of savvy hacks to elevate your work with Google Sheets.

Whether you’re curious about creating a drop-down list in Google Sheets or looking to master its filter feature, we’ve got you covered.

Now let’s learn all about Google Spreadsheets from Google Workspace and discover the tips and tricks that will streamline your workflow and boost your efficiency. Get ready to become a Google Sheets pro in no time.

Communicate Effortlessly via Email Notifications for Google Sheets Comments

Harnessing the power of Google Sheets for seamless collaboration has never been easier. With real-time updates, teamwork becomes a breeze. But what if you find yourself in a situation where you need to bring someone’s attention to a specific matter?

Fear not, for there is a nifty feature at your disposal – you can easily send email notifications for your comments in Google Sheets. Just add a cheerful plus sign (+) followed by the recipient’s email address or name.

It’s like a delightful surprise. When you add your comment, an automated email will magically appear in their inbox, carrying your message. It’s a hassle-free way to communicate and brings immense joy to the process.

Save Time With Shortcuts

Streamline your workflow with a simple yet powerful trick. Say goodbye to the tedious process of launching the Google Sheets site and navigating through a maze of commands. Instead, free your routine by directly typing “” into your browser’s address bar.

Irrespective of your current web whereabouts, as long as you’re signed into your Google account, presto! A new spreadsheet appears before your eyes. 

Learn the powerful keyboard shortcuts within Sheets for maximum efficiency. Here are some shortcuts in Google Sheets that can help you quickly insert:

  • Insert a new row: Ctrl + Shift + +
  • Insert a new column: Ctrl + Shift + =
  • Insert today’s date: Ctrl + ;
  • Insert a hyperlink: Ctrl + K
  • Insert a comment: Ctrl + Alt + M
  • Insert a function: Ctrl + /
  • Insert a line break within a cell: Alt + Enter
  • Insert a checkbox: Ctrl + Shift + 7
  • Insert a shape: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 4
  • Insert a chart: Alt + Shift + F1

There are some really cool shortcuts in Google Sheets that can quickly insert the current date and time wherever you want.


  • Insert the current date: ⌘ + ;
  • Insert the current time: ⌘ + Shift + ;


  • Insert the current date: Ctrl + ;
  • Insert the current time: Ctrl + Shift + ;

To insert the date, just press Ctrl or Cmd and the semicolon key. To insert the time, add Shift to that combination. And if you want both the date and time together, press Ctrl or Cmd, Alt, Shift, and the semicolon key.


  • Insert the current date and time: ⌘ + Option + Shift + ;


  • Insert the current date and time: Ctrl + Shift + ;

Remember these lightning-fast formatting shortcuts in Google Sheets, so you don’t have to search through menus anymore.

  • Ctrl + Shift + 1: Format as decimal
  • Ctrl + Shift + 2: Format as time
  • Ctrl + Shift + 3: Format as date
  • Ctrl + Shift + 4: Format as currency

How To Create Drop Down List In Google Sheets

Creating a drop-down list in Google Sheets is a straightforward process that offers remarkable convenience, allowing you to efficiently manage and organize data with ease. To create a drop-down list in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the cell where you want the drop-down list.
  2. Click on the “Data” tab in the menu.
  3. Select “Data Validation.”
  4. Choose the option “List from a Range.”
  5. Specify the range that contains the options you want in the drop-down menu.

Google Sheets drop down list

By doing this, you can easily streamline data entry and make it simpler to choose from pre-defined options in your spreadsheet.

How To Use Google Sheets Filter Feature To Efficiently Manage Your Data

Google Sheets Filter is a useful tool that simplifies data management and analysis. It allows you to effortlessly sort and organize your data by applying specific criteria to columns.

To efficiently manage your data in Google Sheets using the filter feature, follow these steps: 

  1. First, select the range of data you want to filter. 
  2. Then, go to the “Data” tab in the menu and click on “Create a Filter.” You’ll see filter arrows appear next to each column header. 
  3. Click on the arrow for the column you want to filter, choose the criteria, and apply it. 
  4. You can apply multiple filters across different columns. This helps you quickly sort and analyze your data based on specific conditions, making data management a breeze. 

Google Sheets create filter

How To Sum Columns Or Rows In Google Sheets

While discovering the practicality of Google Sheets to efficiently calculate and consolidate data, we learn the process of summing columns or rows, a fundamental technique that empowers users to consolidate information into concise and actionable insights. Through a few simple steps, readers can harness the capabilities of this versatile spreadsheet tool. 

  1. First, locate the desired column or row within the Google Sheets interface
  2. Next, input the formula “=SUM” followed by an open parenthesis.
  3. Then, highlight the range of cells to be summed, ensuring the selection encompasses the relevant data
  4. Lastly, conclude the equation with a closing parenthesis and press enter, instantly unveiling the total sum of the chosen column or row. 

With this newfound ability, readers can unlock the full potential of their data. It allows for informed decision-making and a better understanding of trends and patterns in the constantly changing information landscape.

How To Save A Google Sheet To My Desktop?

Let’s explore how to save and keep your important spreadsheet easily accessible on your computer using Google Sheets. This simple process will help you preserve and move your data around effortlessly.

To achieve this, users can follow a straightforward path: 

  • Begin within the Google Sheets interface, navigate to the desired spreadsheet that needs to be saved. 
  • Next, locate the “File” option in the upper-left corner, unfolding a menu of possibilities. 
  • Within this menu, select “Download” and unveil many choices.  

Choose the format that works best for you. With a simple click, the spreadsheet will be downloaded to your desktop from the cloud. This gives you the power to access, edit, and protect your important data within your personal computer setup. It also makes collaboration, analysis, and progress easier for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Google Spreadsheet

Google Sheets interface

1. What Happens When You Insert Data That Wasn’t in the Drop-Down List?

What happens when you enter data that isn’t in the drop-down list depends on the settings you selected. If you chose to reject input, the data you entered will not be accepted and won’t appear in the cell. However, if you chose to show a warning, a small red triangle will appear in the cell, indicating that the data you entered is invalid.

2. How Can I Arrange a Drop-Down List in Order?

To arrange a drop-down list in order, sort the column or range that contains the validation data for the drop-down list. This will automatically alphabetize or sort the options in the drop-down list, making it easier to navigate and select the desired values. 

Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Highlight the desired range for sorting (i.e., the source data for the drop-down).
  2. Navigate to the Data tab and select Sort.
  3. Within the ensuing pop-up menu, determine the desired sorting method for your drop-down list.

Related: How to sort data using a custom list?

3. How Can I Link Colors to a Drop-Down List in Google Sheets?

Access the data validation window and select the applicable rule. Alternatively, access the drop-down menu and choose the edit option. Follow these steps to associate colors with your list:

  1. Click the circle adjacent to the desired list option.
  2. Opt for the preferred color to be assigned. An immediate preview of the color selection is displayed at the bottom of the color options.
  3. Choose from the available color choices or customize your own.
  4. Once the color selection process is complete, click Done.
  5. The drop-down menu will now exhibit color-coded entries accordingly.

Related: How to use conditional formatting rules in Google Sheets

Final Takeaways 

We hope this Google Sheets cheat sheet has equipped you with a powerful set of savvy hacks to enhance your work and productivity. You now know how to create drop-down lists in Google Sheets and leverage its filter feature to efficiently manage your data.

By mastering these techniques in Google Spreadsheets – Google Workspace, you’ll be able to streamline your workflow and tackle complex tasks with ease. 

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