Exabytes Designer Club EDC SG

Hello Guys!

We are excited to introduce an amazing new experience to all Singaporeans! If your burning passion is web design/web development/graphic design, join Exabytes Designer Club (EDC) to meet, learn and make friends with countless like minded peers and grow together.

So what is EDC?

EDC stands for Exabytes Designer Club, a community initiative program by the Exabytes Group to target like mind-ed web designers and bring them together.

Activities of EDC consist of gatherings, knowledge sharing events and workshops on web design related topics.

It is a fantastic opportunity for you to hear first hand accounts and Q&A from various experienced and professional speakers, invited by Exabytes regularly to provide its member with continuous learning opportunities.

Try on Oculus Rift & Geek Toy for FREE!

EDC members also have the privilege to try out Oculus Rift, a truly immersive virtual reality headset that provides the coolest way for you to experience 3D gaming.

In addition, EDC members will have the chance to experience the ultimate geek toy (Google Glass) at EDC events.

Enjoy all the fantastic benefits when you join Exabytes Designer Club!


  • On-going special discount rates on shared hosting
  • Web design tips sharing gatherings
  • More great surprises for Web Designers!

What are you waiting for?

The very first exciting EDC gathering is coming soon! If you are a web designer, or just love design, or simply want to learn about design and other related skills, Sign Up Now to become an EDC member!

More rewarding gatherings, workshops and events are on their way! (Absolutely FREE!https://www.exabytes.sg/edc