Cloud computing trends that are dominating 2022

Cloud computing trends change dynamically with any transformation in cloud technology.

This only goes on to show how businesses are adapting to global cloud solutions and what are its impacts. 

In 2022, the rise in businesses adopting hybrid and remote work structures is observed to be more than ever. This has also led to cloud solutions being in demand amongst businesses. 

According to Gartner, cloud solutions will get around 95% of workloads from digital enterprises by 2025. 

Cloud technology only enhances the organization structure with a hint of modernization. 

These 19 cloud computing trends are ruling businesses in 2022: 

Moving Business to Cloud 

The total cost of infrastructure is more than the operations cost of cloud computing.

After the pandemic, moving businesses to the cloud became a necessity, as it preserved the normal functioning of cloud technology business in the data centers. 

Artificial Intelligence (Cloud-Based)

AI makes cloud technology an easily accessible tool convenient for managing data and retrieving valuable information.

Businesses trust AI for insights into their business through cloud solutions.

AI algorithms are powerful enough to build an infrastructure of their own through cloud technology. 

Machine Learning (Cloud-Based)

Machine learning is a type of AI that predict the outcomes, budget or work output accurately through use of historical data of cloud technology.

ML brings onboard the ability to predict the future which helps businesses use their cloud solutions infrastructure much more efficiently. 

Cloud Security 

Since businesses are confident about cloud computing, there is a rise in the need for cloud security as well.

An increase in threats and ransomware attacks are the reason that leading companies are backing up their cloud technology solutions with the best cloud security providers such as Exabytes.

Virtual Cloud Desktops

Companies pay for desktops supporting cloud computing to receive the benefit of the entire desktop as a service with utilities in cloud technology – software applications, operating system, security threat analysis etc.

As per an Allied market research, the market for virtual cloud desktops is in prediction to cross $10.2 billion with various cloud solutions.   

Disaster Recovery through Cloud

Acronis backup - disaster recovery

Disaster recovery through cloud computing is not only beneficial for the business during malware attacks, but also useful to keep a safe backup for your entire business data with cloud computing.

Consider the disaster recovery program through Acronis by Exabytes for cloud Singapore.

Delegation of IT operations

Hiring a specialized IT operations team to outsource the cloud computing solutions helps in focusing on the core product of the business.

Outsourcing the work is beneficial but not with a compromise of the business security by trusting a general third party.

Contact experienced solution providers who are one of the best providers of cloud Singapore. 

Private Cloud

private cloud

A private cloud is a private virtual infrastructure of a business to manage the vendors and initiate the services through cloud solutions.

It is a single business output, which maintains the services of only one business. 

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud computing includes the use of both private and public clouds that dedicates to a single business.

Businesses prefer a hybrid cloud solution because it brings the best of both clouds with cloud technology to ensure essential control and protection of sensitive data.


Multi-Cloud is a multi-storage cloud solution that provides services to different business management platforms in cloud technology.


Garter asserts that there is a growth of $71.5 million in PaaS services since 2020 in terms of cloud computing.

PaaS or Platform-as-a-service are cloud solution and cloud technology providers that helps businesses keep better track of costs, inventory and network security. PaaS helps enhance specific requirements of security. 


SaaS or Software-as-a-service is a platform helps delivers software services in cloud computing and manages the security, hardware, database, browser and customer relationship.

Increasingly, organizations receive cloud solution services in the form of applications that ensures better sales, adaptation to new digital services and generic cloud computing.


SASE or Security access service edge is a cloud technology that approaches services outside a company’s network to benefit from the differentiated cloud services.

Security access service edge (SASE) is a cloud architectural model that combines different work and unifies it to deliver a single cloud computing service.   

SaaS vs. PaaS vs. IaaS

Cloud Containerization 

The trend of cloud containerization that’s on continuous surge addresses critical issues of cloud computing.

Using a cloud container initiates flexibility and portability of organization and creates opportunities to grow more in cloud technology. 

Cloud vGPU 

Cloud technology such as vGPU runs faster calculations than a CPU and is much more in demand in the applications market for cloud computing

Several architectural firms, developers and retailers are implementing GPUs in cloud solutions for 3D visualization, image processing and other graphic work.


It is a form of cloud computing and a subset of PaaS which is adopted by enterprises to initiate processing power in the organization.

Serverless computing allows businesses to run and build applications without cloud technology service management. 

Cloud Costs

Setting up physical infrastructure is costly compared to cloud infrastructure.

Cloud costs are nominal for cloud solutions, although there are upfront charges to maintain and upgrade the software and hardware in cloud technology.

Through cloud optimization service providers like Exabytes, one can save their costs with the help of cloud computing.

Edge Cloud Computing 

It is a form of cloud computing which deploys the computing and storage at the location of data.

Edge computing examples are smart watches, smart cars or any other smart gears that interconnects with the help of cloud computing.


Automation is the consolidation of data from different aspects of a business to combine it into a centralized system.

Cloud computing assists in ensuring the receivable of solutions from several business intelligence and combining it into one.

With this awareness now of cloud computing trends in 2022, get your private cloud solution from Exabytes which is a leading provider of cloud Singapore.

Connect now to learn about the various offers and promotions.

Related article: What is cloud server & How does it work?

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