GROW Digital

How To Create A Website Without Writing A Single Line Of Code (September)

Join us on 14 & 15 September 2022 | 10AM until 6PM


Ever wanted to create your own website? We’ve got you covered! Whether you want to create your own personal blog, business website, online store, – with WordPress, creating your own website is as easy as pie. 

In this free hands-on WordPress course for beginners, we will guide you along every single step of setting up, creating and maintaining your own WordPress website. 

Class Objectives :

By the end of the class…

  • You will know what WordPress is and what it can do for you
  • You can get your own WordPress site up and running
  • You can create a website that fits your likes and needs by using WordPress settings, plugins, themes, and widgets
  • You can manage your WordPress site after it’s up and running
  • You will know how to improve the security of your site so it’s protected against hackers
  • You will know everything about Website Analytics, so you can understand your audience and how to further improve your website traffic

Meet the Trainer

Andrew Koh was formerly the Chief Agency Officer at HSBC Insurance, holding a corporate rank of Senior Vice President. He obtained his certification in Advanced SEO from the world renowned Search Engine Academy and is one of two trainers who has taught that same Advanced SEO certification course in Singapore. Andrew is perhaps the only Internet Marketing Instructor here with high-level corporate managerial experience, having worked in an MNC environment for more than 18 years.

Hence students will benefit greatly from both his sound WordPress knowledge and real-world marketing skills.


Virtual-classroom learning mode: you will need a personal computer/laptop, microphone and a stable internet connection.

All participants should have a domain name, web hosting and WordPress installed.

If you don’t have a hosting account, click here to buy one. 

Recommended Plan

Important Note:

  • For WordPress hosting users, WordPress is already pre-installed. You only need to click here and follow the instructions on how to access your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • For Business web hosting users, click here and follow the instructions on how to install WordPress. For how to access your WordPress admin dashboard, click here. 
  • If you are using cPanel hosting, click here and follow the instructions on how to install WordPress.
  • The class will start from the WordPress admin dashboard, so make sure you have a hosting account and WordPress installed before joining the class.

Showcase your WordPress skills

Upon completion of the class, you will get an E-Certificate.
Feel free to add it to your resume, LinkedIn profile or use it to get the pay raise you deserve.

Event Details

Class Outline

Module 1 – Getting Started

  • What is WordPress?
  • Overview of WordPress Dashboard
  • Creating Pages and Post
  • WordPress Settings
  • Setting Up Your Site Navigation
  • FAQ

Module 2 - Creating Content

  • Installing and Using WordPress Themes
  • Changing WordPress Themes
  • Creating Mobile Responsive Sites
  • Google Site Kit
  • FAQ

Module 3 - Customise Your Site

  • Working with Photos and Images
  • Embedding of videos
  • WordPress Widgets
  • Installing and Using Plugins
  • Choosing the Right Plugins
  • FAQ

Module 4 - Website Analytics and Maintenance

  • Strengthening WordPress Security
  • Managing WordPress Users
  • WordPress continuing education
  • FAQ


Class Duration:

Total Four Sessions, completed in two days ( 14 Sept & 15 Sept 2022)


To ensure no one is left behind, we strongly encourage all participants to follow the schedule and time.

If you missed the registration date, fret not. There will be another class in the coming month. 


Start date: September 14, 2022

End date: September 15, 2022

Start time: 10:00 UTC+08

End time: 18:00 UTC+08

Venue: Zoom


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