reasons design is important for your website and businessGood design is good business. Design is more important for your business and website than you think! 

In this digital age, big and small businesses have gone down the road of digitalisation. The majority of businesses have at least a form of an online presence. From having their own website, Facebook page, Instagram account and many more. 

Assisting businesses to grow their business online is the core of Exabytes. To make your digital journey a fruitful and smoother one, we have partnered with to bring you digital and design tools you can check out here, Exabytes Design.AI.

Let’s first delve into the reasons design is important for your business and website.

The popularity of social media has grown tremendously over the years. Today, more than half of the world uses it! The use of social media allows businesses reach a bigger audience but do you know? 

Having A Website Can Be Game-changing for Businesses

Despite the popularity of social media, businesses should still have their own website. Why? It is like an unspoken understanding that customers expect businesses to have a website where they can have access to their products and services.   

85% of consumers conduct research before they make a purchase online, and among the most-used channels for research are websites (74%) and social media (38%). Goran Paun, Forbes

With a website, customers would be able to easily find you and view your catalogue all in one place. Your own website is a stepping stone and will build your business brand, credibility, online presence and many more! Most importantly, you call the shots for everything on your website. 

Based on statistics by DevriX, 79% of entrepreneurs with a business website expect to grow at least 25% in the next three to five years, compared to 64% of those without a site.

So what does that mean? With a website, customers are more inclined to trust and buy from you than your competitors.

But it does not all end with just simply having a website. The design of your website is extremely important too! 

Can You Build Your Website Without Design? 

Now that you know having a website is important for your business, can you build your website without design? Unfortunately, we cannot build our website without design.  

94% of first impressions of a website are design-related. – Risa Liu, Linkedin

Alike to going on a date, first impressions matter too! We tend to put in the extra effort to be prepared and dressed to impress on a first date. 

Anyone who goes on your website will judge it within seconds and that includes prospective customers. So you will definitely get brownie points for your awesome website design

Other than your website, design is basically a part of everything in your business. From your products to website design, marketing and many more. Have a quick read below on the importance of design and design resources you can utilise!

Reasons Design is Important for Your Business and Website

1. Strengthened Branding & Increased Credibility

Your website gives your business credibility, especially when it is updated and well-designed. This is extremely important when there are many scams online, you do not want your business to be mistaken for one. 

According to a survey by Tyton Media, 48% of people cited a website’s design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business.

Design can make your website look professional, gain the trust of potential leads and keep them on it. You do not want them hopping onto your competitor’s website!

Colour increases brand recognition by up to 80%. – William Arruda, Forbes

With the right colours and images used in your design, you are also building up the brand of your business. 

What does branding mean? Think about the double yellow ark on a red background. 

What do you immediately think of? Macdonalds! That is branding done right and strong. 

When you associate and tie in colours and design to your brand, people will be able to recognise your brand quickly. They will also be reminded of you when they see your brand colour and similar designs.

You can too benefit from the power of colour and design like Coke and Google. 

Pro tip! Display reviews by customers to increase credibility.

72% of people entrusted online reviews just as much as personal recommendations. – Tyton Media

2. Generate Leads and Traffic

When we say traffic, we don’t mean long grueling hours being stuck in jams. We mean website traffic which refers to web users that visit your website. 

An attractive website means attracting more web users, translating to higher traffic and more leads! A well-designed and aesthetically pleasing website entices users to stay on. When potential customers choose to stay on, they will find out more about your products and services. This will encourage them to contact and purchase from you!

Even if they do not purchase from you then, you have left a good impression! They will be reminded of you the next time they need to engage a service you provide or product you sell. Or they could even recommend you to friends and family. 

Design is more powerful than we may think. It can be an extremely useful means of attracting and retaining customers.

Pro tip! New and fresh designs can keep your customers interested and help you fight off competition. 

3. Digital Marketing

Websites are marketing tools too! When well-crafted and utilised, websites can benefit your business significantly in many ways like leads and more sales. It is the foundation of your marketing efforts. 

63% of all sales start online as of 2020, even if they don’t all finish there. – Pranjal Bora, Digital Authority Partners

Websites are also basically your gateway to organic traffic, especially when your website is SEO optimised. 

What does SEO mean? 

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of including content on your site that has the potential to improve your site’s visibility to search engines and their users – in other words, it can help your site show up more often in relevant searches. – Google 

When your website is SEO optimised, it is one of the most affordable forms of digital marketing you can do. It allows your website to show up in front of more potential customers without costing you much. 

93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine.Pranjal Bora, Digital Authority Partners

But of course, when potential customers click on your website, we want them to stay and convert to leads and sales. This is when the content on your website comes into place! The content will play an important role in influencing the buying decision of potential customers, no matter the industry or market. 

Design plays a huge role in the content. It could be the pivotal point that convinced the customers to purchase from you instead of your competitors. 

Is a website important for your business? Is design important for your website? 

The answer is YES! Both having a website and the design is important for your business. A well functioning and optimised website with eye-catching designs may just be what is holding you back from success.

Effectively, a great website is its own campaign, constantly working to support the brand. Goran Paun, Forbes

Digital and Design Resources

Considering the points listed, do you agree that both a website and design is important? At Exabytes, we do! With that, we are partnering with, an all-in-one design tools platform.  

In this partnership, Exabytes is offering 20% off our web hosting services and 5% off management fee for Facebook and Google ads to assist you better in building and expanding your online presence. 

Whilst our partner, is offering 2 months off their annual subscription to help you create stunning designs with A.I. in 2 minutes.     

Should you be interested in building, extending and enhancing your digital presence, feel free to find out more here

Take Your Business to the Next Level

A great website design can be the key factor in your business blending in or standing out in your industry. 

You can win the market and customers by developing your brand through your website with branding and design. Become the next top dog of your industry today with a robust website and designs!

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