Linux vs Windows Dedicated Server Hosting

Exabytes supports both Linux and Windows operating systems depending on the servers unmanaged servers or managed server types chosen for hosting, including dedicated servers.

The operating system selection depends on the technology that the website is developed upon and its relative compatibility with the private server chosen for hosting.

Certain factors to be accounted for in the decision of choosing the OS for private servers are the software, the user-interface requirements, and usage of specific applications like MSSQL or compatibility with OS for dedicated server hosting.

And if the website technology team is more comfortable using Plesk, Windows-supporting hosting servers can be a good choice.

However, if cPanel is preferred instead of Plesk along with MySQL, and PHP, then Linux-based hosting can be appropriate for hosting on managed servers or free VPS.

Related article: Plesk vs cPanel – Who’s The Winner

Some other factors to consider in the selection of private servers or free VPS networks are stability, security, ease of use, technical knowledge, support, and cost of managing the private servers which influence the outcome of choosing any free VPS or managed VPS or unmanaged VPS environment.

What are the differences between Linux and Windows Dedicated Server Hosting

Let’s understand here the difference between Linux Dedicated Server vs. Windows Dedicated Server Hosting:


Windows dedicated server is known as an expensive solution as compared to the Linux dedicated hosting server.

However, the rise in the supply side of the industry (increasing number of VPS services providers) is leading to competitive prices and affordable VPS services of Windows dedicated server hosting

Unless there is any specific and intrinsic reason to choose Linux VPS servers, Windows VPS dedicated hosting can be a promising solution. 


Linux and Windows dedicated servers both have a variety of features available to achieve the system hosting goals.

Both these platforms can run scripts, create pages, blogs, and forums, and can have much more installed integral to the respective hosting environment, such as free VPS, or Managed VPS services.


The difference in performance in both platforms is evident in their structure of operational capabilities. Linux dedicated server hosting offers a platform that is extensible whereas Windows is all-in-one.

Though, Linux Servers are seen as fast servers than the windows based managed VPS, in overall parameters screening, windows dedicated server hosting can be seen as competitive private servers offering quality services.


Safety of the data in private servers is paramount, and in the safety criteria, both Windows and Linux-based managed VPS has their own set of merits and demerits.

When the appropriate kind of risk management practices are adopted by the technology team, handling the services over the Linux or Windows private servers as managed VPS is easier.

And if the website owners don’t have a strong technology team, they can opt for managed Linux dedicated windows server or managed windows dedicated server to handle their private servers.

Exabytes has a team of the dedicated tech support team that’s available for support 24*7*365 to resolve any technical assistance in managing VPS services across the private servers’ services offered for the clients and keep the downtime to as minimum as possible.

Specific Applications

1. Windows Specific Applications

Windows dedicated server hosting and Linux dedicated hosting operating servers are selected basis the requirements.

Applications that require a Windows server

  • ASP Classic
  • MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
  • MS Access (Microsoft Access)
  • Visual Basic Development
  • C#
  • Remote Desktop (dedicated server only)

Windows dedicated servers offer the ease of handling the private servers or managed VPS servers more efficiently and effectively with some additional Windows-specific applications license purchase.

Such additional applications can enhance the ease of installing and managing the applications over private servers running on the Windows dedicated server.

2. Linux Specific Applications

While Linux hosting is a free and open-source platform leading the scope of free VPS, it is among the most used operating systems today.

This is a popular operating system for web servers both as managed VPS and unmanaged VPS, having more features than professional web designers expect.

Applications that require a Linux-based server

  • SSH
  • Scripts or applications that require specific Apache modules

File names

Files names on both Linux and windows dedicated servers have different case-sensitivity rules.

In general, the Linux files are case sensitive while Windows files are not and this could be one of the critical factors influencing the decisions for choosing the OS in private servers. 

For example:

  • On a Linux server, home.html and Home.html are different names in the files managed over private servers
  • On a Windows server, home.html, Home.html, and HOME.HTML are the same names in the files managed over managed VPS

Server Security

Some professionals adjudge Linux private servers as more secured than windows private servers.

However, the security of managed VPS or free VPS depends on many other aspects constituting server setup.

At Exabytes, all our server hosting platforms are maintained with the latest security and performance patches and configured for optimal security, thus improving the overall security aspects of our managed VPS

cPanel and Plesk

cPanel has a graphical interface that is compatible only with Linux dedicated servers whereas windows dedicated servers can work on both cPanel and Plesk panels in private servers.

The main difference between Plesk and cPanel is the user interface and web servers they support. Plesk user interface is like the WordPress admin panel used for hosting websites in affordable VPS.

What is the difference between cPanel and Server?

cPanel is a control panel in Linux-based web hosting control panels, with a range of modules like Files, Preferences, Databases, Web Applications, Domains, Metrics, Security, Software, Advanced, and Email.

cPanel is used by customers to manage their hosting accounts on the private servers or shared servers, which relies on a Linux-based graphical interface (GUI) used for user action control on the website over shared or private server management.

This enables business owners to publish websites, manage domains, organize web files, create email accounts, and more.

Most server hosting providers include cPanel in their hosting plans as an inclusive service.

cPanel works as a reliant software with GUI enabling ease of use for beginners using the Linux Servers as their private servers.

Is it at any given point possible to transfer websites from a Linux dedicated server to a window dedicated server? And vice versa?

Websites can be transferred from one server to another if the website is compatible with the destination server’s platform, in the managed VPS environment. 

Windows Specific Features

Comprehensive development of websites and web applications is pragmatic when the combination of windows features like ASP, .Net, Frontpage, Windows Streaming Media, Access, and MsSql are used.

It is easier to host the applications developed on above mentioned, over the private servers hosted with the Windows environment. 

Connect now with the team at Exabytes to learn what dedicated hosting server to choose for, and how best to integrate your site on the platform chosen.

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