Dedicated server hosting best for big corporate giantsWhy Dedicated Server Hosting Best for Big Corporate Giants

When choosing a web hosting service, you should consider several factors. The type of business, data transfer, and data security needs should influence your choice.

While cloud servers offer the same services with dedicated servers, suitability is dependent on your business structure.

If you run huge workloads within tight deadlines, you need an efficient server. Efficiency and reliability should not be compromised when investing in a hosting service.

Dedicated server is popular with large corporations for various reasons. While there are advantages of cloud storage, most of the big corporations choose to invest in physical hardware to manage their data.

It is no doubt, a dedicated server hosting is the best option in handling data requirements of big businesses. Here are some of the reasons why:

Exclusive access

With hardware server in your premises, you have freedom to expand, contract or turn off some resources to enhance activity in other sections of the network. There is no sharing of resources with other servers or networks.

Big companies have huge workloads and data to process at every point; efficiency is important. No sharing means 24/7 availability of the resource; also, any requested resource is fully dedicated to the request.

It is only released after completion hence efficiency.

Exclusivity is the main difference between dedicated servers and virtual hosting services. In the later, servers have to share resources hence causing delays in processing and sub quality results.

Additionally, root access to the server means you can add software, and configure settings to suit your network interests any point. There is freedom and flexibility, which is crucial for big corporations.

Big corporations need high security features meaning customizations and running in-built applications.

Dedicated servers allow manipulation of the server settings to match performance needs. The flexibility and high response helps in managing high market demands, which is a daily concern for dedicated servers.


Processing speed in dedicated servers is not comparable with virtual options. The fact that all files are within few meters, access is fast. Local access ensures requests are processed faster and with accuracy.

If you are running a professional website with high quality graphics, this is the best hosting service. A dedicated server supports high bandwidth and requests that include videos and images.

Size of business is directly proportional to market demand and clientele. A big corporation means there are ore tasks and requests from clients hence need for accuracy and speed.

The fact that dedicated servers are not shared, big corporations get high bandwidth, storage, and power.

There is little or no capital expense for managing a dedicated server. IT department in a company has full control over the server’s functions depending on workloads of the day.

It can be adjusted to increase efficiency in one department where the organization focuses on building businesses for a specific period.

Dedicated servers barely crash due to over loading or other technical issues even if they do, local availability makes it easy to work on a solution as fast as possible unlike in virtual hosting solutions.

A dedicated server package comes with technical assistance; you will have a professional monitoring packet transfer, detect security threats, and advise accordingly. Trouble shooting is faster and more reliable with this hosting option.

Data separation

Although big corporations are also marketing and engaging new clients, they have established business relationships hence a constant flow of revenue.

Even without new prospects, the companies can run efficiently and still maintain the top market rating.

The main concern for this level of companies is security. Maintaining the current clients and revenue level, which is largely threatened by malicious parties.

Also, malware attacks can ruin reputation or cause loses to clients hence destroying relationships. This is the main concern with big corporations.

The data separation feature in dedicated servers allows you to decide the kind of files and number of devices accessing the server. Timing of access and kind of requests are also monitored 24/7.

Firewalls and monitoring are among the distinguishing features of dedicated servers. The servers have strict access hence freeing your mind to focus on core business. With data separation, you are guaranteed of privacy and exclusive access to information regarding your business.

The dedicated server is separated from company services hence high privacy. It is easy to manage backend end exploits in the event there is an attack.

If a company is not content with the security protocols, dedicated servers allow you to install applications that not only enhance your business functions but also boost security and firewall effect.

Applications are like a new security layer and more control over the network.

Customers dealing with big corporations are also keen on privacy of their data. Data separation ensures you can seclude consumer data hence proper monitoring.

Safeguarding company and customer data is the primary advantage of dedicated servers that makes it the best for big corporations.

The reliability and performance levels of dedicated servers make them suitable in data management of large corporations.

Also, flexibility and scalability is also for enhancing customer experience and enhancing rate of company growth.

Exabytes’s Dedicated Server Hosting

If you’re interested in having a dedicated server hosting, feel free to visit our website for pricing. View our Dedicated Server Management Plan to get rid of the hassle of managing and maintaining your server.