Move Your WordPress Website to a Different Domain

Your client is happy with the first draft of the website and now you need to move your WordPress website to a different domain names without loosing SEO.

But what is the fastest, easiest, and safest way to do transfer a website to the new domain
? Before we start, please verify your current WordPress website is working well and remember to create a backup of the website on your computer.

A website backup can help you recover your website after a security incident and ensure you’re protected from losing all the work you’ve put into it.

Related article: Why website backup important for website

What to Know Before Change Domain Name

Before you begin, there are a few points you ought to know.

The procedure of moving to a new domain will briefly influence your online search engine positions since Google and also other online search engines will require you to adapt to the adjustments.

Yes, this will likewise temporarily influence your search website traffic as well. Please keep in mind that this is normal, and also it takes place on all websites that change to a new domain name.

Nonetheless, you can significantly reduce the SEO effect by following this overview. We will reveal you properly before moving your WordPress website to a brand-new domain name with a few simple steps if transferred within WordPress Hosting Plan.

Please note that this guide is not for relocating the WordPress site to a new host. This is for changing a domain only. While the procedure is similar, there are a couple of extra actions involved in this process.

How to Move Your WordPress Website to a Different Domain

  1. Download Plugin – All-In-One WP Migration
  2. Export your WordPress Website
  3. Import it into the WordPress Account of a Different Domain
  4. Update Permalinks Structure

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to transfer the website you’ve built on WordPress to a different domain in less than 5 minutes.

Step 1 – Download Plugin – All-In-One WP Migration

Go to your WordPress dashboard, hover over “Plugin” and click “Add New”. Then, search for the plugin – All In 1 WP Migration. Download and activate it.

add WordPress plugin 2022

Step 2 – Export your WordPress Website

Once it’s downloaded and activated, you’ll see an additional tab in your WordPress dashboard. Hover over it and click Export. To export, just click on “Export To”, then click “File”.

Immediately after clicking on it, you’ll see a pop-up that says the export file is being generated. Wait for it to reach 100%, then click “Download www…….

Export your WordPress website with All in One WP Migration

Step 3 – Import it into the WordPress Account of a Different Domain

Now, it’s time to enter the control panel of the domain you want to move to and perform a clean WordPress installation. Once done, visit the following website to download All-in-One WP Migration Import.

Link: All-in-One WP Migration Import

The reason to download this plugin is that the existing plugin on WordPress only allows users to import a maximum of 5MB. But with this plugin, you can import files up to 512MB free. Cool?

All-in-One WP Migration

Once you’ve downloaded the file, upload it to your WordPress account by clicking on “Plugins” > “Add New” > “Upload Plugin”.

Now, you’ve completed 85% of the process to move your WordPress website to a different domain name.

Once it is downloaded and activated, hover over All-in-One WP Migration on your WordPress dashboard again, but for this time, click on “Import” instead.

Upload the file that you’ve downloaded earlier and patiently wait for the magic to happen.

Before the import starts, you’ll see a pop-up that says the import process will override your website including the database, media, plugins, and themes. Click “Proceed” and the import will begin.

Step 4 – Update Permalinks Structure

Once the import is completed, you’ll see another pop-up. Click “Save Permalinks Structure”.

Don’t worry about having to log into your WordPress dashboard. Since you have just migrated everything from your old WordPress website to a new one, this means that your username and password will be the same as your previous one.

Now you’ve entered into your dashboard, click “post name”, then click “Save Changes”.

That’s all. When you visit your new domain, you can now see the same website design as your old domain.

Congratulations! Following the 4 simple steps above, you can successfully remove your WordPress website to a different domain.

In a Nutshell

Lastly, please remember to notify Google concerning your new domain name. Since you have moved your WordPress website to a new domain name and established redirects if possible, it is time to inform Google about your change of address.

This will aid Google to discover your new site domain rapidly as well as begin showing it in search engine results.

First, you need to see to it that both your brand-new and old domain names are contributed to the Google Search Console as two various residential properties. You need to pick your new domain under the Update Google section, then click on the ‘Validate & Update’ button in the Setting section.

Google will now validate that your old domain is redirecting to the new domain and save your changes after you have done all steps mentioned above.

If you are ready to start a website one to zero, start from domain registration check to define the most preferred domain website name. Domain looks up with our search engine before buying your domain name.

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