Success Story - SG Lifestyle

Your everyday lifestyle reads

SG Lifestyle is your light-hearted lifestyle portal featuring the everyday-local lifestyle musings and latest happenings.

It is crafted for Singaporeans and written by Singaporeans since 19 September 2018.

Entering their 3rd year of publication, they have amassed several note-worthy articles for reads, ranging from lobangs to tech & games.

They have also interviewed local favorites such as the Golden Duck, The Fabulous Baker Boy, and award-winning brand CLYNN by Nature, to name a few!

> Check out SG Lifestyle

Please share the most memorable challenge when you first started.

Regardless of platforms, getting readership or even sparking interest in potential readers can be challenging.

Building a readership base from scratch organically, having a consistent flow of articles, maintaining a balance of articles for each topic, are some of the common challenges faced.

How did you overcome it?

Brainstorming, planning, and generating consistent trend-worthy content that would keep readers enticed to come back regularly.

SGLifestyle.SG Website Page
Image Credits:

What motivated you to create a website?

I was inspired to share good deals a.k.a lobangs with our fellow Singaporeans. I want to include all the latest lobangs that can be of interest to them. An example would be an inspiration list of festive goods for holiday gifts.

Many of us may not be up-to-date with the latest Starbucks holiday merchandise and other brands’ collaborations, so SG Lifestyle will be that online portal to provide all the information they need.

Everyday lifestyle reads and articles are also my endeavors to reach Singaporeans, and I hope that they will find them useful and entertaining to share with their families and friends.

How digital innovation helps your business?

SG Lifestyle is a digital-only lifestyle portal/publication and we get the majority of readership via organic Google search and social media (Facebook & Instagram).

With the online presence of a website, it helps with the website traffic and visitorship.

You have experienced the fruit of your startup business. Please share a few encouraging words to aspiring entrepreneurs. 

Just do and try because why not? Then don’t give up!

Please share your positive experience with Exabytes.

It has been relatively easy to set up SG Lifestyle with Exabytes with a one-click WordPress installment along with a registered .SG domain name. Buy your own domain name with free domain name search here.

There are unlimited opportunities for growth to develop your brand and mission by taking charge of your online presence.

Just like SG Lifestyle, you can create your own unique content for your target local audience with a .SG domain website. 

The success of Exabytes is built on the success of the clients it serves. “Success” connotes several meanings to everyone. What we hope to achieve through these stories that make up “OurStartupJourney” is to inspire aspiring entrepreneurs, business owners, and individuals to pursue their big ideas regardless of obstacles and challenges.

If you have what it takes to write your own story, we are here to take it further. 

Wondering how we can help you with your startup journey or seeking to digitalize your business?  Speak to us today.

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