8 Things to do after buying a domain name

8 Things to Do After Buying a Domain Name

Congratulations on taking your first step, what should I do after buying a domain name?

After buying a domain name, should I set up the DNS records so that your domain name resolves to the correct IP address? What is the right hosting plan for your startup online business?

Once you register a domain, it’s time to build your online presence. Here, I will be sharing with you the basic things to do after buying a domain name to secure your online business without hiring any professionals.

Buy A Domain

Let’s register a domain name and create your online presence. Use our free domain name generator to get your ideal choice right away or search domain name in 3 minutes if you have an ideal name in mind.

1: Get a Hosting Plan

The first thing after buying a domain name is to sign up for a web hosting plan to host your site.

Most hosting packages come with a free domain name, so if you have already bought a hosting package with your domain name, you may skip this step.

If you buy a domain name and a hosting plan separately, read here How to Choose The Right Web Hosting before selecting the best plan for yourself.

I would recommend signing up for a web hosting package from top hosting providers. Don’t simply go for cheap web hosting.

The value of hosting packages is determined by the best services they can offer instead of just pricing.

If you are not buying your domain name and web hosting from the same company, you will need to point your domain name to your respective hosting server so that they connect to the location of your host.

Though it sounds a little technical, the process is straightforward.

All you need to do is log in to your hosting account and copy and paste the name servers. You may refer to this tutorial to point your domain to another hosting provider.

2: Link your domain to your social media

Your customers may have difficulties finding your online store on Facebook due to the long and unprofessional domain name.
(E.g.: www.facebook.com/whallestudio).

Redirect your newly registered domain to your online store on Facebook after buying a domain name.

With easy to remember domain name (shorter website URL), your customers can remember your website more easily to avoid your domain name is incorrectly spelled and ambiguous.

Link your domain to your social media

3: Register Your Business

If your domain is part of starting a new business, then you will need to officially start this business by registering it.

You can choose to operate as a sole proprietor or partnership, LLCs, and corporations to secure liability protection for your business.

LLCs have been very popular for companies that focused on online business due to their liability protection and low cost. However, it is not necessary for you if you plan to just start a blog.

4: Trademark Your Business

The protection for your business is not limited to registration only. Registering your business is a necessary step in protecting it but registration alone doesn’t provide all the protection you need.

You have to register a trademark if you are concerned about protecting your domain name, and especially if the name is so special and it is going to be the next big business name!

A trademark will protect you against infringement such as domain name trademark infringement and allow you to take legal action, which can in turn win you compensation from the company/individual who violates your trademark.

5: Create a Custom Email Address

Once you purchase a domain, it allows you to have your email address that is not tied to any ISP (internet service provider) or webmail service.

An email address with your domain name improves the credibility of your email and company image.

For example, it looks more professional to have [email protected] than [email protected]. Most hosting plan allows you to create free email accounts with your domain name.

6: Design and Develop Your Website

It’s time to build your online presence when everything else is in place. Having an online website is similar to owning a physical shop but in a virtual way.

Websites are used by different businesses in different ways.

It can be a way for people to find your business, an e-commerce site for online shopping, a lead generation, or a blog. You may need to create some articles or a link to your site. Figure out how to use yours.

Many businesses will choose to hire professional web developers to customize a high-quality website.

If you decide to do it on your own, consider using a user-friendly platform like WordPress to figure out the way to customize your website to what you like.

It is important to have a good quality website for your target prospect.


Most hosting packages do come with WordPress one-click installation. It takes less than 30 seconds for the installation. It provides several free themes with good designs for your website.

start building your website after you buy a domain

7: Force HTTPS Redirection

SSL (secure socket layer) certificates provide good security and encryption to protect your data transfer across the internet. A website with SSL shows a padlock icon on the left of the URL bar.

activate SSL after buying domain

Exabytes hosting plans provide a free SSL. All domains with a valid SSL certificate can have redirection enabled.

There is an option to enable force HTTPS Redirection from the insecure version (HTTP) under the domains interface in cPanel.

activate SSL after buying a domain

However, the free SSL only provides basic encryptions for non-transactional data such as logins. If you hope to secure your customers’ sensitive info such as bank account details, you will need Paid SSL.


8: Market Your Website

If you want your website to be found by your prospects easily, you will need to learn the basics of SEO, which includes adding relevant keywords and link building. You can obtain steady traffic for your site if done right.

However, SEO is just one of many ways of online marketing. You may also need to consider more strategies such as social media marketing, content marketing, or paid advertising to drive traffic to your websites.

Social media is important as most people spend plenty of time daily on social media sites. That’s one of the reasons to secure your matching social media names.

Put in your effort and wait for huge traffic generated from those social media sites!

So, here you go, another article sharing about the important things to do after buying a domain name.

Cheers! Domain Finder Singapore here!