10 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2018 [Infographic]

#1: Mobile will account for 72% of digital ad spend by 2019. (eMarketer)

Due to the emergence of mobile commerce, advertisers are shifting their budget to mobile ads such as Exabytes Mobile App.

By next year, the total spending of mobile ads is expected to shoot up to $65.87 billion, which is going to surpass desktop and TV by occupying 72.2% of total digital ad spend.

As we can foresee, the trend of mobile apps has started in every industry; now even some small businesses have their own mobile app.

However, you shouldn’t transfer all your focus to mobile ads and neglect the traditional media.

#2: The average number of organic results on Google searches has dropped from 10 to 8.5. (Searchmetrics)

Today, you rarely see 10 organic links on the first page of search results. Instead you only see 8.5 blue links on average.

According to the data provided by Searchmetrics, the number of organic search results had dropped by 1.5 on mobile and 1.41 on desktop.

And this change was made to enable a rich search result by expanding those links with featured snippets, maps, direct answer, images, videos, etc.

Back in the past, search optimization was all about trying to position yourself at the top ten blue organic links on SERP.

Now, marketers must construct their strategies to include opportunities around Universal and Extended Search boxes and have knowledge on how to generate and optimize content which Google will consider useful.

#3: The average word length of content that ranks on the first page of Google results is 1,890 words. (Backlinko)

Backlinko had reported that pages with longer content are more likely to have a better ranking in SERPs. According to the report, the length of the content on the first page of Google search results is 1,890 words on average.

So, wordcount does play a factor in SEO. SEMrush suggested that the ideal length for the content should be around 2,000 words.

In spite of that, quality is still better than quantity. If your website is able to give great user experience (i.e., interesting topics, creative content, useful information or quality products), wordcount would just come naturally.

Instead of randomly uploading pages with a lot of words, the search engine giant is looking for pages with quality content, and wordcount is just a reflection of that.

#4: The best time of day to send emails is between 4pm and 8pm. (Experian, Marketing Charts)

According to the analysis of Experian, the best and most effective time of day to blast emails is between 4pm to 8pm.

To be more specific, mailings done during these hours resulted in 21.1% of transactions relative to 14.8% of sent volume.

Ultimately, not every email campaign is the same. What works superbly for one  brand may not work the same for you. Thus, you can take it as a reference and try it out yourself to find the best time of your own.

#5: Segmented email campaigns have an open rate that is 14.32% higher than non-segmented campaigns. (Mailchimp)

Majority of marketers understand that segmented email-marketing lists can help them to improve open and click rates. In fact, a research by Mailchimp had proven that the open rate of segmented email campaigns is 14.31% higher than non-segmented campaigns. This can be explained as follows.

By narrowing your focus and sending messages to specific groups within your lists, your campaigns will be deemed more relevant by your recipients, which means relevant campaigns gain better outcome.

For more information, visit Exabytes Email Marketing here.

#6: Mobile conversion rates are on the up but still in third place. (Monetate, Smart Insights)

As stated in a research by Smart Insights, smartphones have the lowest conversion rate as compared to desktops and tablets (desktops have the highest, followed by tablets). However, apparently, smartphones are slowly catching up.

These data indicate that smartphones are usually utilized as a browse and research platform instead of a shopping platform.

Hence, marketers should personalize smartphone experience they offer to their visitors in order to popularize this different form of usage.

#7: 4.8% is the average conversion rate for websites using videos, compared to 2.9% for those who don’t. (Adélie Studios)

Do you know that the human brain can process visual information 60,000 times faster than text? In fact, pages with visual content (i.e. image or video) can gain an average of 94% more views than their text-only counterpart.

That’s why the average conversion rate for websites with videos is 1.9% higher than those without videos.

#8: 72% of marketers worldwide said relevant content creation was the most effective SEO tactic. (Marketing Profs)

Content marketing and SEO are highly interrelated and are inseparable. You cannot work on your SEO without content, for instance, words, articles, keywords and so on. There is even a saying “Content is King”.

In addition, a research by Ascend2 which involves 286 marketing, sales, and business professionals worldwide, shows that 72% of them think that content creation is one of the most effective SEO factors.

However, it was also thought to be the second most difficult to accomplish.

#9: Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads. (Demand Metric)

Investing your resources on content marketing enables you to reduce your expenses. In particular, it costs 62% less than traditional marketing.

At the same time, it can also generate 3 times the leads you can gain from traditional marketing.

Although content marketing is worthy of your attention, but traditional methods shouldn’t be left out totally as it can still bring you leads and customers except nurturing them (which content marketing will do the work).

#10: Infographics are Liked and Shared on social media 3X more than any other type of content. (Mass Planner)

As mentioned above, humans can process visual content much faster than text. Hence, infographics (i.e. graphical representation of information) can get 3 times the like and share on social media comparing to other types of content.

You can design and share industry-specific infographics on your social media if you wish to boost your profile.

Besides, it’s also important to research and plan your content to target specific audiences on various social media.

Summary: Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends 2018

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