Low Cost Security Solutions for Budgetary Control

Information systems security is one of the major challenges facing SMBs, and it is paramount that businesses must focus on comprehensive cyber security solutions to focus on securing the information systems network. 

Hundreds of sophisticated cybersecurity solutions are available in the market and can help in preventing cyber security issues for SMBs.

However, the challenge in the system remains in understanding the dynamics of how budgetary control issues affect cybersecurity. 

In many cases of SMBs focusing on the industrial cyber security challenges, the issue remains budgetary controls.

At times, the cost of securing the data could be so high, that the businesses find it complex to adapt industrial cyber security solutions. 

Businesses need to understand the customized requirement of the cybersecurity options, and the possible options they can explore to keep cybersecurity-related spending within budgetary controls. 

In this article, some of the significant practices that can be explored for budgetary controls and the application of low-cost security solutions are assessed. 

1. Risk Assessment 

Basis the business operations, and the sensitivity of the data in the systems, IT admin teams must understand the cyber security threats and the relative risk factors for the business. 

In line with the risk assessment on what kind of risks is the system vulnerable to, and the probability factors, the cyber security plans need to be chalked for the process of using the industrial cyber security solutions. 

Some of the key factors integral to the assessment list are:

  • Risk assessment on the network security elements part of cyber security
  • Risk assessment on the data sensitivity and compliance-related factors to ensure for protection plan of cyber security. 
  • The data backup plans and the cyber security conditions. 

In line with the assessment and requirements of various industrial cyber security solutions required for the information systems, a detailed list must be chalked.

Accordingly, the best available solutions for each of the cyber security requirements can be explored. 

Many superior cyber security solutions have some basic plans offered as a free-usage solution.

Small businesses having limited infrastructure and budgetary control issues can consider such free cyber security options or low-cost industrial cyber security solutions. 

A few of the key cyber security dimensions important for businesses to secure their information systems are 

  • Antivirus applications to secure from malware, ransomware attack kind of cyber security challenges 
  • Network security solutions like firewalls 
  • Identity and Access management controls 
  • Anomaly detection solutions 
  • Email correspondence security features are part of the cyber security solutions 
  • Multi-factor authentication or two-factor authentication to enable secured access to the application systems. 

Some of the keyways in which cybersecurity solutions can be effective for businesses are 

2. Moving the Systems into Cloud Computing Environment 

Managing the information systems over legacy systems or in-premise servers needs more security features and deployment of cyber security solutions.

However, if the right kind of cloud computing solutions offering PaaS (Platform of a Service) or IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) options are chosen for the information systems, some cyber security features are integral to service offerings.  

The cost for the service offerings constitutes basic security features as inclusive, and thus the scope of budgetary controls stands significant.

Moving information systems to cloud services like Azure, Amazon AWS or other such popular cloud environments can reduce cyber security risks while improving overall practices. 

amazon web services

3. Low-Cost Backup Solutions 

In cyber security measures, one of the key factors is to have an appropriate kind of backup solution used for handling the data backup measures.

There are many free and low-cost cloud storage solutions available that can be used for regular backup of data.

While the free space options in multiple backup storage accounts are a way for budgetary controls, choosing a good cloud storage solution offering added features like incremental backup solutions, and security for the backup with appropriate kind of cyber security features can be a resourceful solution.

Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, DropBox, and other such tools offer effective backup solutions with good cyber security features integral to the system. 

Dropbox Business

4. Discount Offerings 

The other significant pattern for budgetary controls on cyber security solutions is to keep an eye out for deep discounts offered by industrial cyber security solutions providers.

For instance, a 20% discount on the annual subscription or 30% on the 3-year subscription kind of offer can be a potential option to manage low-cost and effective cyber security deals for the systems. 

Choosing quality industrial cyber security solutions for a longer period as a subscription can be expensive for the current term purchase period, but the businesses have better budgetary control over it, as the subscription is for the long-term, and the costs are discounted.

Thus, there could be big savings for the business. 

5. Managed Service Offerings

Few of the service providers working on information and cyber security solutions provide managed services wherein the complete cyber security shall be taken up by them professionally deploying the necessary industrial cyber security solutions, and the holistic protection is offered for a small pre-defined package price.

For small-scale businesses having issues with budgetary controls, this kind of low-cost option for cyber security solutions can be effectively managed. 

6. Integrated Systems 

Many of the new-age service providers for cyber security solutions offer a comprehensive system, wherein the complete cycle of cyber security features for a system is managed basis of one application system. 

Choosing such industrial cyber security solutions offering complete security features can support in integrated management of cyber security features, combined with better ways, and means of budgetary controls. 

On the other dimension, choosing multiple sets of cyber security solutions, wherein the combination of free plans and discounted subscription plans for different cyber security packages can help in mitigating the high budget costs, and it can create a substantial balance for budgetary control.  

Acronis Cyber Protect is an integrated option for an effective cyber security solution. With a starting price as low as S$5.79/license/month including 50 GB cloud storage backup, Acronis Cyber Protect is perfectly placed to address security concerns with budgetary control.

Reach out to an Exabytes Singapore Professional for more details on the cyber security solution from Acronis Cyber Protect

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