Benefits of Freshsales - Freshworks CRM
Freshsales (Formerly Freshworks CRM)

Customer Relationship Management is one of the critical success factors for businesses. Scores of theories, books, and workshops emphasize the strategic importance of marketing, sales, and customer relationship management.

In an increasingly competitive scenario, businesses irrespective of their size must ensure there is a robust set-up and systems in place supporting the marketing, sales, and customer services.

Increasing demand for CRM (customer relationship management) among businesses, reflects the growing awareness among SMBs in practicing an organized and systematic approach to the CRM process.

While there are different ranges of CRM solutions available in the market, the demand is for user-friendly, budget-friendly, and simple-to-use CRM software.

In addition to the routine features available in general across the CRM software solutions, there are other effective benefits from the Freshsales CRM software.

6 Key Benefits of Freshsales CRM software

  1. Cloud-Based Set Up
  2. Email Tracking
  3. Direct Calling
  4. Event Tracking
  5. Lead Management Funnel
  6. Sales Management
  7. User-Friendly System

Freshsales CRM Software - Freshworks

Cloud-Based Set Up 

The Freshsales CRM solution is a cloud-based CRM system supporting businesses across the industry verticals in managing their customer interactions, and data management of potential, prospective, and existing customers.

Also, there are scores of added features in the Freshsales CRM software.

As the system is a cloud-based set-up, real-time updates to the system, reliability in terms of up-time, and ease of access to the system from multiple device interfaces is an added advantage.

A sales team on the move, the marketing strategy team at the headquarters, and the back-end team from a warehouse or the decision team from the board can have a detailed view of the CRM data on a real-time basis.

Multiple device login secured data management are among the strength of solutions offered in the cloud-based CRM software offered by Freshsales.

Email Tracking 

A bulk email facility is one of the common feature integrals to CRM software systems. However, post delivering the emails to the prospective list, it is important for the CRM teams to focus on the conversion prospects.

One of the significant systems for identifying the potential customer base is email tracking. The team needs to understand who among the emailed list has read the email, and accordingly plan and nurture the prospects.

In addition to regular features of CRM software for email scheduling to bulk emails, calendar syncing, and personalized templates, having the email tracking feature as an inclusive feature is added benefit with Freshsales.

Direct Calling 

Unlike the other CRM software wherein the need for hardware and software installations are integral to the customer dialing system, Freshsales CRM software supports ease of customer relationship management.

An automated dialing features integral to the application also support making notes or assigning the numbers to the contacts.

The auto-dialer system, route-call schedulers, and scope for customization of welcoming messages are among the value additions inclusive to the service package.

A CRM system is supportive in managing the real-time update of the conversation inputs, scheduling follow-up calls, and transferring the call to the next process flow with a simple and click-of-button kind of set-up.

Event Tracking 

Once a customer identity like the name, number, or email is loaded to a CRM system, thereon having meaningful inputs related to the conversations with the client, having notes on any specific inputs, etc can help in lead conversions into prospective sales.

One of the important aspects essential in the CRM software is for the desk agents to glance at the earlier conversations or special notes for attention.

Freshsales offers a seamless and user-friendly solution for the agents and other internal teams in having details from the CRM software.

The neat timeline-based inputs offered as a theme, and engagement information can help the teams close the leads more effectively.

Lead Management Funnel

A lead management system with customized features is the other key benefit of the Freshsales solution. In general, for lead management, there are multiple stages and different sets of teams involved in the process.

From cold calling to prospect nurturing, and sales representatives closing the deals, the lead management funnel is custom to each industry and business entity.

Thus, the CRM software should have scope for reasonable customization, and Freshsales has the scope for effective customization.

The robust and effective mechanism of the AI-based lead scoring system accelerating the entire lead capturing process is the critical advantage system of Freshsales.

Using the 360-degree customer view option of the Freshsales CRM solution, businesses can manage personalized touch for lead management.

The notification systems and auto-scheduling features if effectively used by businesses help in the efficient usage of the CRM software.

Sales Management 

Sales funnel is a proper system in the marketing and sales process.

When businesses can make use of the CRM software with lead management and custom flow of the sales funnel, simple drag-and-drop navigation to quickly customize follow-up from Freshsales CRM software can be highly resourceful.

Post the customer acquisition too, holding the data related to a customer in a CRM solution is essential and Freshsales has robust features for managing such data.

User-Friendly System 

Internal users using the CRM software require the ease of use, scope, and ability of the system to empower customer relationship management.

Freshsales has a more significant range of user-friendly systems, wherein the users can have self-learning and defined systems for managing the CRM software.

The methodical and design thinking approach followed in the development of Freshsales CRM solution is a value-added advantage for small businesses to adapt Freshsales CRM software.

Scope for integration with other third-party applications, robust customer support, and ease of data migrations are some of the additional features integral to the process of customer relationship management from Freshsales.

Choosing the service offerings of Freshsales offered at competitive pricing for a potential CRM software.

Are you still exploring potential customer relationship management software for your SMB business in Singapore, Exabytes can assist you in the deployment of Freshsales CRM software for your business management.

At S$26.99/agent/month, Exabytes Singapore offers Freshsales Suite a.k.a Freshsales (formerly Freshworks CRM) at affordable costs and includes contact, account and deal management, web forms, visual sales pipeline and AI powered predictions.

Contact an Exabytes professional over WhatsApp and Email for more information.

Visit Freshworks Official Website here.

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