cPanel - Email Forwarder

What is Email Forwarding? Definition of Email Forwarder

Email forwarding generically describes the procedure of re-sending an email message supplied to one e-mail address to one or more various email addresses.

Email forwarding can additionally reroute mail going likely to a specific address and send it to one or more various other addresses.

The other way around, email items likely to several various addresses can merge using forwarding to end up in a single address in-box.

Many of us have multiple email accounts, but how exactly can we manage all email accounts at one single place? Do you have any idea?

Here it is – Email Forwarders can solve this problem. Email Forwarders allow you to have all incoming emails forwarded to one single email account only.

There are two types Email Forwarders you can setup in cPanel, namely Email Account Forwarders, and Forward All Emails for a Domain.

Types Of Email Forwarder Setup in cPanel

1) Email Account Forwarders

It allows you to send a copy of all emails from one email address to another email address.

For example, if you have two different email accounts, [email protected] and [email protected], you may forward emails sent to [email protected] to [email protected] so that you do not need to check both email accounts.

How to setup in cPanel?

1) Log in to your cPanel.

2) Scroll down until you see ‘Mail’ and click on ‘Forwarders’.
EF-step 2

3) On the forwarders page, click on the “Add Forwarder” button.
EF - step 3

4) On the ‘Add a New Forwarder’ page, key in username in the ‘Address to Forward’ field.
EF-step 4

5) Under Destination, select ‘Forward to email address’, and key in the destination email address in the text box.
EF-step 5

6) Click on the “Add Forwarder” button, and it’s Done!
EF-step 6

2) Forward All Emails for a Domain

With this forwarding setup, all incoming emails sent to the email addresses attached to will go to [email protected].

It is very useful when you decide to switch your active domain from to, but do not wish to miss out on any possible incoming emails that are still sent to the email addresses attached to

How to setup in cPanel

1) Log in to your cPanel.

2) Scroll down until you see ‘Mail’ and click on ‘Forwarders’.
Forwarder-step 2

3) On the forwarders page, go to ‘Email Domain Forwarders’, and click on the “Add Domain Forwarder” button.
domain forwarders-step 3

4) On the new Domain Forwarder page, type in the destination email address.
domain forwarders-step 4

5) Click on the “Add Domain Forwarder” button. Done! You’ve successfully created a Domain forwarder.
domain forwarders-step 5
Congrats! You can now setup email forwarders and benefit from this fantastic function.

Do you find this blog post useful? How Email Can Affect Your Life? Get in touch with us at [email protected] if you require any assistance. 


Related topic: How to Create a Custom Business Email Address