Exabytes is excited to joined Echelon Asia Summit 2019, one of the largest startup events in Asia! The important event was held in Singapore Expo, 23 May 2019 to 24 May 2019.

Thousands of entrepreneurs, investors and startup owners and startup wannabes from around the world attended, met and networked at the event.

Over 100 companies participated, which included companies from all around Asia, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Indonesia, Myanmar, and more.

The entrepreneur club of some Singapore Universities also attended the event (NUS and Singapore Polytechnic) to promote their entrepreneur works.

For Exabytes, our mission is to use this effective platform to assist more small businesses around Asia to grow/bring their business online.

Startup friendly promotions, such as S$1 .ONLINE domain names and Free Plesk on every VPS signup were up for grabs.

A Special Thanks to Plesk and .ONLINE domain for giving us the full support!

Exabytes Booth at Echelon Asia Summit 2019

Besides, our subsidiary, EasyWork Asia also had a booth there!

EasyWork is a complete Company & HR System Mobile App that helps your company to become more efficient and productive, and be ready for growth.

The event was a success! We look forward to another chance to serve and help the local and Asia community to grow their business online.