Tips to protect WordPress website security

WordPress website security is of high importance in recent times. This is because over 30,000 new websites are hacked every single day.

Following some website security protocols help with keeping all the website contents and data safe. If you are using WordPress for your website, then this guide is for you.

The Best WordPress Website Security Tips in 2024

Here are a few steps on how to go about WordPress website security.

1. Upgrade to latest WordPress version

WordPress website must be maintained up to date at any given point of time to protect from vulnerabilities.

Most WordPress update request that come are related to website security.

These updates tend to give an update to the hackers as well about the possible vulnerabilities in their previous version and they hack the websites.

It is therefore essential to update as soon as the updates are released. Removing unused plugins and themes also help in securing a WordPress website.

2. Avoid installing null themes or plugins

Websites that have installed null themes or plugins are ones affected the most with malware.

It may be tempting to buy null themes or plugins because they are either free or cheap.

However, it comes with risks of not getting regular updates and possibly already being infected with malware.

Related Article: Learn more about useful WordPress Plugins that you should consider

3. Use the latest and most stable PHP version

Ensure you have the latest PHP version to keep all malwares at bay.

Having the latest PHP version, which also is stable is recommended to ensure there is no website crash.

4. Update your plugin and themes regularly

Frequently updating the plugins and themes are highly crucial with more frequency. Often the updates are as frequent as once a week.

It is recommended to check all your websites once a week to ensure your plugins and themes are up to date.

If one is short of time to do the regular update activities, one can always have auto updates enabled to automatically update when there is a new update.

It may also be a good idea to not enable auto updates for plugins such as WooCommerce WordPress and Elementor as there are chances of the website crashing.

Aways ensure a full website backup is taken before performing any major updates.

Related Article: There are 5 best WordPress themes from which to choose.

5. Remove unused plugins and themes

Keep deleting all plugins that you don’t use in WordPress website.

This helps make the website lighter, faster and giving hackers’ lesser opportunities to hack.

6. Use an unique username and password

WordPress username by default comes as “admin” which is easy to hack.

It is ideal to change the admin login to a specific username and password specific to the user’s name.

This makes it harder for hackers to force into the website.

Making the username detailed and complex is ideal, as compared with simple initials.

Try following the rules below for setting a strong password that’s even difficult to crack.

  • At least 12 characters long
  • At least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase
  • At least 1 special character such as @, &, (
  • Avoid using this password on other websites

Also, if possible, try incorporating effective tools like two-factor authentication (2FA) to allow users to verify their sign-in with a second device in just a few simple steps.

7. Use a reliable WordPress hosting provider

One of the important WordPress website security tips is to choose to use a reliable hosting provider.

Exabytes webhosting comes with additional security benefits with additional tools like Imunify 360 and Patchman to protect the websites from malware, to fix the website vulnerabilities, and bad bots.

8. Install SSL certificate

Keep the website safe, secure and encrypted by installing an SSL certificate on the website.

This makes it hard for hackers to get access to all the sensitive information on your website, such as customers’ shipping addresses, contact numbers, and most importantly credit card details.

Exabytes WordPress Hosting comes with free SSL for websites hosted with us.

Related Article: Basic Knowledge of SSL, TLS and HTTPS

9. Weekly/daily website backup

It is critical to back up the website on a weekly or daily basis. This helps ensure we have a backup always to recover the website contents in case of a malware attack and loss of website control.

Exabytes Managed WordPress Hosting enables us to provide free daily auto backups for our users so that they can be well protected from unfortunate events.

10. Enable domain lock

It is highly critical to keep the website domain secure with help of domain lock.

This domain lock can prevent others from transferring your domain name to another registrar and helps protect the name servers.

If you are using Exabytes as your domain registrar, you can easily lock your domain by going to your Client Area > Domains > My Domains > Manage Domain > Registrar Lock.

11. Enable brute force protection

Enabling brute force protection is another level of security that makes it harder for hackers to get access to the WordPress account.

When you log in to your WordPress dashboard, this will appear requesting you to fill up the characters shown in the picture.

This enables you to protect the website from brute force attacks.

To enable brute-force protection, you can install a free plugin – NinjaFirewall.

Once you’ve activated the plugin, go to NinjaFirewall > Login Protection and select the same settings as shown below, then click save.

12. Disable file editing on the WordPress dashboard

File editing is enabled on all WordPress dashboards by default but this can be risky.

This is so because if a hacker has gained access to the WordPress dashboard, they can easily insert malicious scripts into the website without you noticing it, causing you to lose control of your website.

Your file editor can be accessed by going to Plugins > Plugin Editor, or by going to Appearance > Editor.

To disable file editing on the WordPress dashboard, add the following line of code to your wp-config.php.define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true);

13. Setup WAF Protection

WAF Protection or Web Application Firewall Protection is a must to keep the website protected and helps to filter, monitor, and block HTTP traffic to and from a web service.

If you wish to set up WAF protection for your WordPress website, solution providers such as Sucuri and Cloudflare are good.

And if looking for free WordPress plugin or do not want to change your name servers, NinjaFirewall (WP Edition) is a good choice.

If you are looking for a new WordPress hosting provider, check out our WordPress Hosting plans for more information.

Reach out to our technical experts on how to go about the plugins, and ensuring that your website is absolutely safe and secure.

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