Choose your first domain name

The first domain name is an identity of one’s business and is the part of a network address that identifies it as belonging to a particular domain.

This name is chosen such that it is easy to remember, relate and recall when we want to visit the website.

It is critical for the website to be noticed to drive visitors, enable them to remember, and make recurring visits to the website on regular basis.

Choosing your first domain name is a crucial step when setting up websites, for once it is set and registered, we can’t change it easily.

Also imagine, how you would need to inform each client and prospect about the domain change.

Domain name plays a critical role in catching the attention of potential website visitors.

Related articles: What is a Domain Name in Simple Explanation?

Tips in Choosing the First Domain Name

1. Research the domain name

At first, research well about the domain name and TLD before selecting and registering a domain name.

It is important to validate well using a live domain search tool that no other website is present with the same domain name.

2. Avoid using hyphens in domain name

Hyphens are difficult to remember and can often be missed out when recalling the website name.

Similarly, a space between or around hyphens can mislead making the domain name appear erroneous.

Spaces can mislead also when a domain name with hyphen is given to someone verbally but without mentioning about the hyphens between the words.

Keep the website name simple without hyphens and special characters to enable visitors to recall the name and pass to everyone.

Keep the domain name short and easy to spell so it’s easily remembered

3. Restrict the number of keywords in domain

A good domain name should consist of 3 keywords or below, and preferably less than 15 characters.

The domain keywords should ideally be a part of the brand name or product name as the internet users search for a product or service name online.

Having keywords as part of the domain helps find them in the search engine enabling more visibility.

This also improves SEO rankings and allows to easily recommend to friends in conversations.

Related article: Domain Name Guide to Choose Website Name

Use of Correct Domain Extension or TLD

Top-Level Domain Name or the latter part of the domain name should be correctly selected after considering all relevant decision-making aspects like type of business, location, local markets targeted etc. to choose the right domain extensions.

It is recommended to first try for .com domain names where possible. Choose country domain extensions such as .SG or .COM.SG to target local customers.

Country domain extensions show that it is a local company focusing their effort in serving the local customers.

Top-level domains adds credibility to the establishment and helps greatly in local search results and directories, and also target the global market better.

However, if difficult, go for most apt TLD in consultation with industry experts. Our team at Exabytes would be more than delighted to assist you.

WHOIS lookup tool that can be used to search for the available domain. Domain registration check is also a step essential to discover the website name status and prices.

With the help of Exabytes tools preferred premium domain, check for the availability of your first domain now!

You could also describe your business in one or two words and test your domain name with our domain name generator.

1. Descriptiveness

The domain name should describe what the website is about exactly and what can be expected the moment they see the name.

A descriptive domain name helps target the right potential customers and attracts their attention instantly and bring higher click rate and lower bounce rate.

2. Avoid numbers in your domain name

Avoid adding too many numbers or digits in your domain names for it makes it too hard to remember domain name’s uniqueness.

A maximum of one or two numbers in the domain names is generally fine. This sometimes does add some uniqueness to domain names.

3. Avoid ambiguous keywords

A good domain name should send right messages to with its keywords, domain names.

Choosing keywords with ambiguous or double/multiple meanings can mislead the visitors and affect the web traffic.

It could also mean that visitors visit the website assuming the website to be of specific business line but only tend to drop out when they know it’s of some other business moment the enter the website. 

4. Make Domain Name Easy to Pronounce and Spell

Domain names should be easy to spell when both speaking and writing.

Anyone should be able to understand the spelling when mentioning the domain name without struggling to remember the name.

Easy domain names help when creating professional business email address where the email address with the domain name needs to be shared accurately.

5. Select catchy, unique domain names

Your first domain name should be unique and catchy.

This would not only create a stronger impression on your potential web visitors, but also ensure that visitors do not forget the domain name or get confused with other company names.

Unique, catchy domains can also help with an added advantage with ranking in the search engines.

6. Avoid Double Letters

Avoid using double letters in domain names as it increases the chances of losing traffic due to typing mistakes when searching the website name or informing the website name to others.

Leave Room to Expand

While it is good to select a domain name and TLD in relation to the line of business or country of business, it may be worthwhile to give a thought that there may be plans to expand in the future and keep the website name broader than staying specific to the present line of business.

This also helps attract visitors who may typically not be interested in your products or offerings but while searching for something similar, may land in your website and be interested in the website.

Exabytes helps with planning and selecting the right domain name, domain registration and webhosting.

Importance of choosing the domain name

  • Adds professional credibility to your business
  • Improves online presence of the brand
  • Improves SEO rankings and makes the brand search engine friendly.
  • Establishes business as tech-savvy and forward-thinking
  • Creates mobility for internet presence.
  • As the business is developed with quality content, domain name becomes more recognized in search engines like Google, which draws more customers in your direction.
  • Will help promote and brand the product across the market.

Feel free to engage with us and our team of experts would be happy to consult and guide you to design the most apt domain name for the first time.

Related topic: How to Register a Domain Name

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