Cloud security made easy

Cloud security is a set of procedures and technologies that protect a business from both outside and inside threats. As organisations move towards their digital transformation plans and add cloud-based tools and services to their infrastructure, they need cloud security.

According to Wikipedia, “Cloud security refers to the set of procedures, policies, technologies, and controls used to safeguard virtualized IP, data, applications, services, and the associated infrastructure of cloud computing against internal and external threats”.

In business settings, the words “digital transformation” and “cloud migration” have been used a lot in recent years. Both of these terms can mean different things to different groups, but they all have one thing in common: the need for change.

As businesses start to use these ideas and move towards optimising their ways of doing things, they face new challenges when trying to balance output and security.

Even though newer technologies help organisations improve their skills outside of the limits of on-premise infrastructure, moving mostly to cloud-based environments can have a lot of negative effects if they are not done safely.

To find the right mix, businesses need to know how they can use interconnected cloud technologies to their advantage while also using the best cloud security practices.

Why is Cloud Security Important?

Modern businesses are moving more to cloud-based environments and IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS methods of computing. Infrastructure management is dynamic, especially when it comes to scaling apps and services.

This can make it hard for businesses to give their departments enough resources. These as-a-service models enable third parties to handle time-consuming IT tasks.

As more companies move to the cloud, it’s important to know what protection needs to be in place to keep data safe.

Even if a third-party cloud computing provider takes over the management of this infrastructure, that doesn’t mean that the responsibility for data asset protection and accountability goes away.

Most cloud service companies follow best security practices and take steps to keep their servers safe by default. But organisations need to make their own considerations when it comes to protecting data, apps, and processes that run in the cloud.

As the digital world changes, the risks to security have become more sophisticated. Because organisations don’t always know who is accessing and moving their data, these threats specifically target cloud computing companies.

Without taking steps to improve their cloud security, organisations can face significant governance and compliance risks when handling client information, no matter where it is stored.

No matter how big or small your business is, cloud security should be a big topic of discussion. Cloud infrastructure security helps with almost every part of modern computing in all businesses and in many different fields.

But successful cloud usage depends on taking the right steps to protect against cyberattacks in the modern world.

No matter if your business uses a public, private, or hybrid cloud, you need cloud security solutions and best practices to make sure your business stays up and running.

The Challenges of Cloud Security  

virtual server cloud

1. Access Management 

Companies need to make sure unauthorized parties cannot access that data. This can be done in a number of ways, such as with cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) tools, monitoring, and identity and access management (DLP) solutions.

2. Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS attacks)

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are meant to flood a web server or other important system with so much traffic that it can’t react to real requests.

Cloud computing is built on sharing and distributing computing resources and uses different kinds of virtualization technologies. This makes DDoS harder to spot and stop because it is difficult to determine what is going on.

For example, new types of DDoS attacks involve attackers overwhelming virtualization resources like hypervisors, taking over virtualization management systems to create new vulnerable VMs, and taking over migration and backup systems to make copies of production systems that aren’t needed.

3. Unsecured APIs 

APIs are the most popular way to run and connect cloud systems.

APIs can be used by employees inside a company and by people outside of it, through mobile or web apps. APIs can give out many different kinds of data, including private data that attackers might find useful.

Because APIs are open to the public and have clear instructions for how they work, they are a great target for hackers.

4. Compliance Violations

As rules and regulations get stricter around the world, organisations must follow a growing number of safety standards. If you move to the cloud, you may not be meeting your legal requirements.

Most regulations and compliance standards require businesses to know where their data is, who can access it, and how it is managed and processed.

This can be hard to do in a cloud setting. Other rules say that cloud service providers need to be certified for the appropriate compliance standard.

Types of Cloud Security Solutions

laptop monitoring

1# Identity and access management (IAM)

Identity and access management (IAM) is a set of tools and services that help businesses make sure that all users who try to access both on-premises and cloud-based services follow the rules set by policy.

IAM’s main job is to give each user a digital identity so that they can be constantly tracked and limited when needed during all data interactions.

2# Business continuity and disaster recovery

Even though organisations have security measures in place for their on-premise and cloud-based infrastructures, data breaches and outages can still happen.

Enterprises must be able to respond quickly to newly found security holes or major system outages. Disaster recovery options are an important part of cloud security.

They give businesses the tools, services, and protocols they need to quickly recover lost data and get back to business as usual.

3# Security information and event management (SIEM)

Security information and event management (SIEM) is a complete security orchestration solution that automates threat monitoring, detection, and response in cloud-based environments.

SIEM technology uses technologies that are powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to correlate log data across multiple platforms and digital assets.

This lets IT teams successfully apply their network security measures and respond quickly to any possible threats.

4# Data loss prevention (DLP)

Data loss prevention (DLP) services provide a set of tools and services that are meant to keep controlled cloud data safe.

DLP solutions use a mix of remediation alerts, data encryption, and other preventive measures to protect all data that is stored or in motion.

All in all  

One of the best ways to overcome security issues in cloud computing is to make sure cloud security is strong and allow zero-trust cloud network security control across logically separated networks and micro-segments.

Install business-critical apps and tools in logically separate parts of the cloud provider’s network. Use subnets to micro-segment workloads from each other, with granular security policies at subnet gateways.

In hybrid architectures, use dedicated WAN links and static, user-defined routing settings to control access to virtual devices, virtual networks, and their gateways, as well as public IP addresses.

In short, to keep private information safe in the cloud, you need cloud security. By putting in place strong security measures, organisations can make sure that their data in the cloud is private.

To make sure cloud technology is safe and secure, it’s important to choose a cloud service provider you can trust and keep up with the latest best practices for cloud security.

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