Artificial Intelligence (AI) Utilised in Cyber Security

Enterprise information systems attack very wider and more massive, and there is a need for businesses to focus on new age cyber security systems for the prevention of any kind of cyber security risks emerging in the domain.

Analyzing and improving the cyber security systems for emerging conditions is a reality, and with the current scale of cyber security attacks happening, handling the risk assessments, and patterns is a challenge at human-scale assessment.

The unprecedented challenge of cyber security is currently being assessed using artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions.

Machine learning solutions have an impact in terms of cyber security patterns assessment for breaches, and how prevention systems can predict the cyber security practices to prevent information systems security breaches.

The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning models has become an impeccable need for information security practices, as the scope of assessment becomes much easier and quicker.

Quickly analyzing the events and identifying the distinct kind of threats like malware challenges, identifying risk behaviors, and anomaly detections in the system’s network can be helpful for the administration teams to prevent cyber security attacks.

The process of using artificial intelligence and machine learning models in cyber security is still in the preliminary stages, the three core areas wherein the role of artificial intelligence systems, in general, is regarded are

Assisted Intelligence process wherein the artificial intelligence systems are used to assist in the tasks, execution of the decisions, and labeling, by processing and leveraging the data collection.

Augmented Intelligence is the other critical function of artificial intelligence, resourceful in replacing human intervention in the decision process.

Augmented artificial intelligence systems are about synthesizing existing information with new data flow into the systems to craft new solutions.

Autonomous intelligence is the other spectrum of artificial intelligence and machine learning, wherein the systems handle the identification of intrusions, malware-attacks, or other kinds of cyber security breaches, and execute the predefined actions for the scenario, without human intervention.

Related: AI-based Cyber Security Solutions from Acronis

With the speed with which cyber security threats are growing every day, businesses need to ensure there are quality systems and practices in place to detect cyber security breaches in a quick turnaround time and address the nature of attacks.

In the fast-paced detection and analysis of cyber security issues, the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning models can be significant.

In line with its components, when used in the right proposition artificial intelligence systems can be highly effective in the identification of cyber security issues.

Artificial intelligence programs turn more intelligent for decision making, basis the data assessment, and learnings of the machine learning classifiers adapted in the artificial intelligence system.

In certain instances, artificial intelligence and machine learning models implement predictive analytic concepts, by working on the self-evaluation and necessary adjustments to its classification and decision-making model, without any human intervention, or support.

The big advantage of using artificial intelligence and machine learning in cyber security is its iterative and adaptive capabilities.

Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security

artificial intelligence

The cyber security attack models are changing fast, and the breach scenarios to change rapidly.

To catch pace with the attackers, and to have the right kind of cyber security threat prevention measures, the artificial intelligence system’s adaptive quality can be a potential solution.

Implementation of automated threat detection systems is a reality with the usage of artificial intelligence and machine learning programs for cyber security.

Some of the key reasons why artificial intelligence is seen as an effective utilization are

  • Continual learning is the scope, as artificial intelligence adapts the deep learning models for gaining insights into the network behavior and identifying specific kinds of cyber security attack patterns.
  • Data handling is the other key area wherein artificial intelligence systems can be resourceful setup for cyber security. In the conventional screening process, assimilating and reviewing scores of data feed from systems needs time and effort. But in the machine learning models, once the classifiers are trained, they calibrate the data, identify the patterns, and execute the decision labels.
  • Avoiding redundancy – In cyber security threats, once a source and the pattern are identified, the process of defending such cyber security threats can be easier. However, screening the systems regularly for traces of any such cyber security threat can be time-consuming and redundant with human intervention.

But for a machine learning system application, such a screening process can be simpler and more effective

Integration of artificial intelligence and cyber security systems can result in significant outcomes for various processes like

  • IT asset inventory
  • Effectiveness in controls
  • Explanation

Digital cyber security applications can be highly resourceful for the security process, provided there is enormous volumes of data are processed to make critical cyber security decisions by artificial intelligence and machine learning-based systems.

Areas of cyber security, wherein AI systems can be more resourceful for cyber security are

  • New threat detection – while some of the hacking patterns remain consistent, certain dynamic patterns are evolving more often, and the machine learning models can be superior in detecting such patterns and alerting the admin teams for cyber security alerts.
  • Bot Attacks Detection – Bot attack detection is possible when the cyber security systems can detect the bot users in the network or the infected devices attacking the network.

In both cases, more than the human intervention model, the role of artificial intelligence systems in early detection can be a reality. Also, the self-evaluation and learning process from the applications can be resourceful for mapping any bot attack patterns and alerting the cyber security teams about emerging challenges.

The other such scope of cyber security issues wherein the artificial intelligence and machine learning models can be resourceful are breach prediction, endpoint security, and data loss prevention aspects.

Setting up a personalized cyber security solution powered by AI is complex but choosing artificial intelligence-based cyber security systems like Acronis cyber-protect can be highly resourceful for businesses in securing their systems.

To know more about Acronis cyber protection, contact our customer support team at Exabytes Singapore.

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