cPanel Security Features

cPanel Security Features

A WordPress website is one of the most common occurrences in the web hosting world.

Finding a wp online setup is very easy, a wp online login is a simple and easy website management mechanism too.

Having said that, a WordPress website is also one of the most severely attacked CMS. 

The WordPress premium features make it attractive for small businesses in Singapore and digital business owners to set it up.

Exabytes Singapore makes it even more effortless by providing cheap webhosting with cPanel control panel and WordPress cPanel.

Exabytes offers some of the most competitive cPanel hosting price in Singapore.

When one asks what is cPanel hosting, the answer is a Linux hosting plan with cPanel control panel.

When one compares different web hosting services, cPanel hosting price is the most reasonable hosting platform and web hosting plan one could get.

Along with it being cheap web hosting, it also has some of the best web hosting security features.

A cPanel login for a WordPress website comes with eleven (11) distinct and recommended cPanel security features and settings. These are:

  • Hotlink Protection
  • IP Blocker
  • Leech Protection
  • ModSecurity®
  • API Token Management
  • Security Policy
  • SSH Access
  • SSL/TLS Status
  • Two-Factor Authentication for cPanel

cPanel Dashboard

In this blog – Exabytes explains three of the most important, interesting and complex features.

These would be available in every WordPress cPanel website.

Be it cheap cPanel hosting, or a cPanel hosting price which is promotional or free web hosting with cPanel control panel– all of them would have these.

Hotlink Protection

A WordPress cPanel allows users to link a file which is hosted on another website name and then host it on their own cPanel hosting account.

This is also called “inline linking”. Whenever a hotlink is created, the bandwidth of the WordPress cPanel account hosting the original file is consumed.

It results in a loss of bandwidth for the host. 

A cPanel login comes with hotlink protection which helps avoid such configurations.

To enable hotlink protection, the following steps would be helpful.

  • Login to your WordPress cPanel account and navigate to hotlink protection as below.

cPanel Hotlink Protection

Once there, the next steps would be: 

  • Click on “Enable”. A new interface will open and display the Allowed referrers and Protected extension lists.
  • Click the “Go back” button.
  • List all the links and URLS you want to allow in the URLs to allow access menu.
  • If there are any specific file extensions or file types to be restricted, add those to the “Block direct access for the following extensions” box.
  • For example, to block all .jpg images, add .jpg to the Block direct access for the following extensions text box.
  • When you block these file types, others cannot hotlink to those types of files from your website regardless of any other settings.
  • To allow visitors access to specific content through the URL, select the Allow direct requests checkbox. For example, if you enable this setting, a visitor could enter as a URL to access the example.jpg file.
  • To redirect requests for certain content, enter the URL to which you want to redirect your visitor in the Redirect the request to the following URL text box.
  • Click Submit.


Sometimes also called as Modsec, this is an open-source web application firewall.

ModSecurity is one of the most widely used WordPress cPanel security features within a cpanel login

A ModSecurity engine scans all incoming and outgoing web server / web application access requests to a WordPress cPanel website name.

The engine decides how to handle requests based on the rules configured within the Modsec engine. The list of actions taken could be drop, redirect, pass, execute and much more.

Working with Modsec is easy. All one has to do is login to cPanel control panel and then navigate to the security section and click on ModSecurity.

cPanel Modsecurity

After reaching this screen, there are different options to work with as below.

  • Enable for all domains – To enable ModSecurity for all of your domains, click Enable.
  • Disable for all domains – To disable ModSecurity for all of your domains, click Disable. A confirmation message will appear. Click Disable All to disable ModSecurity.

API Token Management

Application programing interface also known as API is one of the most important programing tools used in modern coding.

It allows two computers or two programs to interact with each other and perform or complete their respective actions.

In WordPress cPanel, there are multiple configurations and settings one can put in to protect API token management.

While cheap web hosting with cPanel is a reality, just because it is cheap, it does not compromise on security.

Be it free web hosting with cPanel control panel or a heavily discounted cPanel hosting price – security features remain same across all cPanel logins.

It is easy to operate API Token Management – all one has to do is login to the WordPress cpanel account and then look for 

cPanel Mange API Tokens

The most important roles within API token management are: –

  • Create an API Token – One just has to click “Create” and enter a unique name in the “API Token Name” text box.
  • An API token name can only contain up to 50 characters.
  • You can only enter letters (a – z and A – Z), numbers (0 – 9), dashes ( – ), and underscores ( _ )
  • Manage an API Token – This option allows users to manage any existing api tokens in the WordPress cPanel account. There is a “manage” button which can be clicked to get a list of all APIs in the system which can be worked on.
  • Revoke a Token – There are two steps to revoke an existing token in a WordPress cPanel account.
  • Click Revoke. A confirmation message will appear.
  • Click Yes, Revoke the Token to revoke the token.
  • Rename Token – To change the name of a token
  • Enter the new name in the text box “New API Token Name”. 
  • Follow it up by clicking on “Update”

Exabytes Singapore offers a wide range of hosting plans – especially cPanel Web Hosting.

The feature list includes High Speed cPanel Web Hosting platform and a free domain for lifetime with our WordPress cPanel hosting plans.

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