Leadership Story Stuart Chng - A Great Leader in Real Estate & Business

In this digital transformation journey series, we have Stuart Chng, the co-founder of Navis Living Group to share with us his success story.

From his humble beginnings to the challenges he faced on the road to success, we learnt that a career in the real estate industry is one filled with boundless opportunities.

With 15 years of experience in the real estate industry, Stuart is known for his ability in coaching and mentoring thousands of agents in the industry and currently leading more than a 1800 agents in his group.

Tell us more about your brand story.

I came into the property industry as a 23-year-old as a result of having to solve my mum’s financial and housing woes.

Quickly, and through my own family’s painful journey, I realized how a professional real estate agent can greatly influence and impact the lives of many people for the better through good judgement and sound advice.

This has kept me inspired through the years as a raison d’etre.

Eventually, I reached a bottleneck — there were only so many people I could help alone.

Hence, I started building a team whom I could mentor and influence directly who could then do what I believe in on a larger scale — which eventually led me to meet my other four partners and the founding of Navis Living Group.

Please share with us the most memorable challenge when you first started, and how you overcame it.

Having been a new real estate agent before, I know how it feels to be lost and directionless.

The lack of guidance and a proper mentorship has been the torment of many real estate agents.

Even for some experienced agents, without a good leader guiding the team and providing good frameworks for problem-solving and property wealth planning, they will face challenging scenarios that will occur repeatedly and struggle to solve them with wisdom and conviction.

Eventually, through my own journey, I developed a sales, marketing, advisory and branding system that helps agents and leaders achieve optimum and lasting results.

Who is your primary audience, and how do you reach them?

Real estate agents and proactive property investors and upgraders.

Through different means such as my blog, word-of-mouth, social media presence, referrals, educational content, etc.

Leadership Story - Stuart Chng - A Great Leader in Real Estate & Business - Navis Living Group Website

What motivated you to create a website?

To spread our team culture and scout those with a similar mindset to join us.

In today’s digital age, depending on only word-of-mouth and traditional media wouldn’t be enough.

To help agents that are in need, we first have to share our knowledge and insights as widely as possible and that was the reason that prompted me to start a website and a blog.

Through our online channels, real estate agents and investors will get value and get to know us better even without meeting us first. This creates value for society and at the same time, people get to know us from a safe distance without feeling obligated to work with us.

> Visit Navis Living Group Website

What has been the most exciting part of the journey after digitizing your business?

The most exciting part would be the passive influx of leads daily and recognition from the industry as one of the top property investment blogs in Singapore.

It is also meaningful to know that my work is appreciated by many readers, can transcend borders between real estate agencies and investors around the world and provide them with clarity and answers which they are seeking.

What are the 4 things that you wish you would have known earlier when starting your business?

1. Building a strong foundation for people to excel in and a safe environment for them to thrive
2. Building a powerful online presence that resonates with your target audience
3. Seeking progress over perfection
4. Focusing on providing value widely without fear of not getting back anything in return

Please share your positive experience with Exabytes.

Exabytes provided us with our group’s and my key domains – www.NavisLivingGroup.com, www.PropertyWealthPlanning.sg and www.StuartChng.com.

Dealing with them was always smooth and thanks to them, we could set up our business’s websites in a short time. All troubleshooting or enquiries are quickly resolved professionally too.

Share Your Success Story with Exabytes

The success of Exabytes is built on the success of the clients it serves. “Success” can mean different things to different people.

What we hope to achieve through these stories that make up “OurStartupJourney” is to inspire aspiring entrepreneurs, business owners, and individuals to pursue their big ideas despite obstacles and challenges.

If you wish to share how you have contributed to the betterment of others online, get in touch with us.

Related article: Importance of Website Domain Towards Real Estate Agents

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