Page Speed Optimization Tips

Websites are important identities for businesses, and to have the right kind of digital enablement in the businesses, the responsiveness of the websites must be managed effectively. 

In the current scenario, for the website traffic both in terms of mobile browsers and by the system browsers, it is paramount that the page speed optimization is managed effectively.

If a website page speeds are not good, the visitors to the site could move away to the other websites.

Or in the other dimension, the issue of page speeds influences the reputation of the business.

Some of the recent studies on website page speeds refer that on average a user shall wait for 0.1 to 10 seconds before losing focus on a webpage.

If the websites take longer than that, they could lose the attention of the users, and probably the users shall close their browsers too.

From a SEO ranking perspective, the website page speeds must be good, thus leading to lower bounce rates, and the page speeds support better navigation within the website too.

In the absence of good page speeds, the issues are about how the brands and businesses could lose their reputation among their customer bases.

To understand the need for page speed optimization, one needs to focus on the aspects that influence the webpages page optimization.

  • Application of CSS and JavaScript usage in the websites
  • Poor performance of the servers used for shared resources hosting
  • Webpages having numerous large images can reduce page speeds.
  • The web page speeds shall be low if the sites do not rely on the browser cache
  • Hotlinking of images and other resources from slow servers
  • Slow network connections

The above factors refer to the fact that various aspects could be impacting the performance issues for a website in terms of its web page speeds.

Thus, when page speed optimization is pursued, there is a distinct set of elements that need to be assessed and accordingly, the necessary speed optimization can be performed.

Some of the key aspects that define the website performance metrics are available in the public domain, and if the users can review them and make decisions accordingly for improvements to the areas wherein the gaps are evident, it can help in improving the website page speeds.

Scope to Improve the Page Speed Test 


To understand the performance of the basis of the website the speed relative measures, some of the key metrics to account for in the process of analysis are the Largest Contentful Paint, Cumulative Layout Shift, and First Input Delay

These metrics are defined as Core Web Vitals by Google, understanding page speed performance in line with the above-mentioned factors can help in better process outcomes. 

Some of the Best Practices to Speed Up the Website

As discussed in the above lines, many factors influence the loading factors of the webpages, which is technically influencing the page speeds.

Some of the key areas to focus in common to improve page speed optimization are

1. Reducing the HTTP requests

HTTP requests are an integral part of the web browser to fetch different parts of the page, like the scripts, stylesheets, and images from the web server.

Every request depending on the HTTP/1.1 is bound to have more overheads in establishing the connection between the browser and the remote web server.

Also, the issues of limitations in parallel network requests can hamper the performance of the websites towards their page speeds.

To avoid such factors, it is important to remove the JavaScript files, stylesheets, fonts, etc., and any kind of unnecessary plugins in CMS to improve the page speeds.

Post the elimination of such factors, the next process is to work on speed optimization by compressing the CSS and JavaScript files.

Optimized websites can perform CSS and JavaScript with a request for each, in quick and effective ways.

In the other dimension, moving from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP2 is the other potential aspect to help in Page speed optimization.

HTTP2 has numerous advantages and depends on the hosting providers to switch to HTTP2.

Effectively deploying the HTTP2, can help in page speed optimization, due to avoidance of the overhead of multiple requests.

2. Image Size Optimization 

It is recommended to avoid the application of heavy graphics and work on the compression of images.

If the users rely on high-resolution images on the websites, the chances of page speed reduction are possible.

Websites in general rely on 2X or 3X resolution. However, if the website users do not choose hi-definition or if they use poor bandwidth, then it can impact the page speeds. Hence, it is important to focus on image size optimization.

Choosing the right size images as JPEG or PNG for simpler graphics can be helpful in page speed optimization.

Online image optimizers do wonders to help you save space, compress images and change file type without having to worry about the quality of your photos.

TinyPng Image Optimizer Tools

Use these free image compressors, such as JPEG Optimizer, Tiny PNG,, Ezgif and to speed up your website.

3. Content Delivery Network 

Choosing the appropriate kind of CDNs will help in page speed optimization wherein the CSS, images, fonts, and JavaScript for the visitors.

Choosing the right CDN solutions to monitor the performance of CDNs and working on the systems can help in dealing with the Page speed optimization process.

In addition to the above-mentioned critical elements some of the other key aspects to focus on are

  • To improve page speeds, one should work on a mobile-first code process, as most users rely on their smartphone devices to visit websites.
  • Minimizing time for the first bytes is the other feasible option to improve the Page speed optimization process.
  • Choosing the right kind of service plans from the service providers, and working on VPS hosting kind of options can help in improving the Page speed optimization conditions
  • Implementing the Gzip Compression is the other key step resourceful in handling the Page speed optimization process
  • Asynchronous loading of the JavaScript in the website also can help to an extent in dealing with the page speed optimization process.
  • Using the website cache for the respective browsers is the other key solution for improving page speed optimization.

Applying the above methods and solutions can ease the need for handling the requirements.

For assistance in dealing with page speed optimization for a business website, please reach out to the Exabytes Singapore team to experience a fast and powerful NVMe Web hosting plan.

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