Linux VPS Server Security Tips

Linux VPS server is a virtual private server (VPS) with control optimization which gives webmasters and system administrators full root access or admin access.

Most web hosting service providers offer a VPS server with Linux operating system.

Most Linux VPS servers are cost-effective and hence considered a cheap hosting plan for someone looking for an affordable service.

The dedicated resources which come along with a VPS server hosting plan helps create a smooth and reliable user experience on websites and applications hosted on it.

How to Secure VPS?

A VPS server is one of the safest virtual environments for businesses to use and is a platform which is less prone to malware and virus attacks. 

It is of primary importance for businesses first protect their VPS server.

For this, extensive research about the web hosting company is required to choose the right provider like Exabytes which prioritizes security and transparency with Linux server.

How to Secure VPS with These 12 Linux Server VPS Security Tips 

Server data centre

1. SSH Port 

Attackers typically scan a VPS server with open ports such as 22 and make use of remote access to the SSH port to attack.

It is mandatory to change the SSH default port through Linux server and install it with port 22 to get remote access to the server. 

2. Updated Software

Configure the operating system and keep checking what regular updates notification come regularly and implement them.

Organizations need to keep updating cPanel or Plesk to minimize the threats or malicious attacks on the OS. 

3. Disable IPv6

Disable IPv6

According to various research, IPv6 is often used by hackers in VPS server to send malware and threats and leave a protocol in the server’s operating system to exploit any security vulnerabilities or loopholes.

To avoid this, a webmaster controller must regularly update their Linux server and disable IPv6 as a network service. 

4. Disable Root logins

A secure VPS server would allow root logins only for very limited number of users and from specific locations only.

Every Linux server has root as a username, and hackers use the opportunity to crack the password to gain access via the root user.

Therefore, disabling the root logins can add a higher level of security for a secure Linux VPS server hosting.

For those who ask “how to secure VPS” – this is a possible answer. 

5. Disk Partitioning 

Operating system files of the Linux server are always in running mode and should be away from user files, third-party programs and tmp files.

An experienced system administrator would always create a logical partitioning of the VPS server disk space to minimize the threat of losing files. 

6. Server Protection 

Businesses choose VPS server hosting to experience the benefits of securing their system from external attack.

Ensuring that a Linux VPS has updated systems software, OS version and anti-virus goes a long way in keeping the server protected at all times.

Doing so is a also a VPS server management best practice. 

7. Linux OS Patching

If the Linux server operating system remains unpatched for a long time in the VPS server, there is a high chance of the data within the VPS server being compromised.

Every webmaster an system administrator should perform periodic VPS server OS patching as part of their regular maintenance to avoid any unpleasant security issues.

8. Server Logs Monitoring 

VPS server security requires constant monitoring of server logs like the login information, failed uploads, threats, authentication failures, files sent and received, time-specific work and more detailed information. 

Linux servers are under continuous scrutiny of the host administrators to ensure that the website is effectively running with zero compromises. 

9. Strong Password policy 

A strong password to protect Linux VPS server hosting should use at least 8 or more characters with a combination of a minimum of one numeric, one special, one uppercase and one lowercase character.

Businesses should also invest to protect the website and services hosted on a VPS server by creating a strong password policy.

It also acts like a security layer in preventing brute-force attacks. 

10. Disable Unused Ports

A Linux server has several network ports open on them to enable installation and configuration of custom software to be used.

When a large number of ports are left open and unused, they act like an open invitation to hackers to exploit vulnerabilities and hack a VPS server.

Therefore, a system administrator must shut down all unused ports on a virtual private server. 

11. Firewall Configuration 

Firewall Website

It is extremely important to secure a VPS server from external attacks given that they could be used to host customer software and mission critical applications.

A properly configured firewall on the network layer and a software firewall within the virtual private server itself acts as a security layer and helps fight against DDos or distributed denial of service attacks.

A firewall is a gatekeeper that setups the hosting plans through the Linux server and secures the VPS. 

12. Content Management System (CMS)

A CMS enables VPS server administration to publish, update and collaborate on digital content.

Round Up

It is in the best interest of a business to constantly update the website content. This is a practice which helps ensure a virtual private server does not have vulnerabilities.

Exabytes Singapore dominates the South East Asia industry with the deployment of safe and secure VPS server.

Get cheap Linux VPS hosting for a faster and more secure experience.

Contact us today!

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Basic Information

What is a Linux server?

Linux server is a server which runs an operating system developed for personal computers using the Linux Kernel. A linux vps server hosting allows for full root access which enables download and install of any application, software and package as may be needed. 

Its wide use in the market considering its control is the reason for growing demand for VPS server.

What is VPS?

A virtual Private Server or vps server is a virtual machine allotted by the service provider and comes with amazing benefits of being cost-effective, reliable, scalable, and secure.

There are two kinds of vps server offered by web hosting providers.

  • Managed VPS plans for Linux vps server hosting with the providers being responsible for maintenance of shared hosting accounts.
  • Unmanaged VPS server with a command-line interface for use at the business end server users.
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